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  Chapter 83 The return of the strong men from the peak competition (Second update!)

  "You don't have to be so polite, Hai Lao. It will be the same when you come back in three years."

  Su Yun's leisurely voice rang in his ears.

  Hai Bodong sighed. Feelings aside, he didn't want to go back to this damn place.

  He shuddered at the thought of the years when he was sealed by Medusa.

  Because Hai Bodong only has the strength of a fighting spirit now and can't transform his fighting spirit into wings, the three of them rode on a flying monster to return to the Jiama Empire.

  If they relied on their feet, it would probably take a long time to go back.

  A few days later, Su Yun and the other two came to Black Rock City.

  In fact, they wanted to fly directly back to Wutan City.

  But Wutan City did not have a service point for flying monsters.

  They could only go to Black Rock City and walk back.

  After arriving at Black Rock City, Haibodong was obviously impatient.

  "Little brother, this place is fine, it's already far away from the Tagore Desert."

  Seeing Haibodong's look, Su Yun pondered for a while and it was not impossible.

  Black Rock City is not far from Utan City, and Queen Medusa's glass ball should not be able to sense it.

  It's also good to refine the Edan here.

  Haibodong has recovered his fighting emperor cultivation, so the three of them don't have to walk back to Utan City, they can just fly back directly. It's

  more convenient.

  However, speaking of the glass ball.

  Su Yun licked his dry lips.

  That thing can sense the strange fire within a certain range, and I must find a way to snatch it over in the future!

  With this thought, Su Yun nodded.


  Seeing Su Yun nod, Haibodong was overjoyed.

  The three of them found an inn and booked the whole inn.

  Of course, the gold coins must have come from Hai Bodong.

  Su Yun took out the medicine cauldron from the system space and looked at Hai Bodong.

  "Elder Hai, there are other medicinal materials

  in the recipe." Upon hearing this, Hai Bodong quickly took out the recipe and medicinal materials of the Po'e Pill from his ring.

  Hai Bodong handed all these things to Su Yun.

  "This pill is called Po'e Pill. It has the effect of breaking the seal and can even form a certain resistance in the body."

  Hai Bodong introduced it to Su Yun.

  Su Yun nodded. Needless to say, he also knew that this thing had been described in a lot of words.

  Su Yun immersed himself in it with his soul power, sensing the details such as the heat and the amount of medicinal materials recorded in the recipe.

  After a while, Su Yun wrote down the contents one by one and directly put them into the system space, with no intention of returning them to Hai Bodong.

  This action made Hai Bodong's eyes twitch, but there was nothing he could do.

  This is the rule of the pharmacist. Once the pill formula is handed over to the pharmacist, don't expect him to spit it out.

  Su Yun adjusted his state and did not start immediately.

  After all, it was the first time to refine a sixth-grade pill.

  According to common sense, to refine a sixth-grade pill, the cultivation level of a fighting spirit is not enough, at least it must reach the level of a fighting king.

  But who made him possess the strange fire now?

  Just like Xiao Yan, who refined the fifth-grade Dragon Power Pill with the cultivation level of a great fighter.

  He is now a five-star fighting spirit, and the "Burning Cold Art" has evolved into a low-level earth-level technique. After training his body with the strange fire, the capacity of his dantian has expanded a lot.

  Just adding up these conditions, the fighting spirit in his body is comparable to that of an ordinary eight-star fighting spirit.

  With the blessing of the strange fire, he can use the fighting spirit's cultivation to refine the sixth-grade elixir.

  The strange fire thing has many wonderful advantages that make people salivate.

  In addition to training the body with the strange fire, it reduces the cultivation requirements for refining elixirs, increases the success rate of refining elixirs, and allows people to fight across levels, etc. There are many benefits.

  After Su Yun adjusted his state, the fighting spirit in his body circulated, and he mobilized the green lotus earth core fire from the soul in the dantian and began to refine.

  Hai Bodong, who was standing by, looked at the green flame in Su Yun's hand and a hint of shock flashed through his heart.   

  Such a terrifying temperature, is this the strange fire?

  Hai Bodong looked solemn, the strange fire is indeed a spiritual creature of heaven and earth, this terrifying temperature, I am afraid that even if he is in his prime, he will be extremely headache if he is hit.


  a five-star fighting spirit!!

  Hai Bodong's eyebrows jumped wildly, feeling a bit incredible.

  Before, because of the Phantom Jue, Su Yun's aura was hidden in his body, not a trace of it was exposed, and he had not noticed it.

  Now that Su Yun started to refine the medicine, the fighting spirit waves emerged, and he realized that in just three or four months, this kid's cultivation has increased by four stars!

  Where did this monster come from?

  Just when Hai Bodong was in chaos.

  Su Yun's expression was solemn, his soul power emanating from his body. He controlled the temperature precisely, and his control of fighting spirit was also very exquisite. Every bit of it was used on the point, without any waste.

  The cyan flame quickly refined the herbs. Su Yun had never experienced this speed before.

  All he could say was that it was indeed a strange fire.

  Whether it was the flame condensed from his own fighting spirit, or the purple fire refined from the body of the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King.

  Not to mention catching up with this refining speed, I'm afraid he couldn't even reach 30% of it.

  Su Yun's heart flashed with a trace of amazement, and he felt more and more that the suffering of refining the strange fire was worth it.

  After half a day, all the herbs were refined and formed a thick liquid medicine in the medicine cauldron.

  The soul power is concentrated inside the medicine cauldron. Now it is the last step to form the pill.

  Su Yun's face is slightly sweaty, and his mind is highly concentrated.

  At this time, a scent of pills floats out from the medicine cauldron.

  Hai Bodong, who is standing by, smells it and a look of joy flashes across his face.

  It's almost successful.

  As for Qing Lin, he has fallen asleep on the table.

  Another half a minute passed, and the pill took shape, emitting a purple light into the sky.

  The vision of pill formation!

  Holding the sixth-grade Po Evil Pill in his hand, Su Yun's face flashed a smile.

  He took out some pills to restore fighting spirit from the system space and swallowed them into his stomach.

  How much time did it take to become a sixth-grade alchemist from a fourth-grade alchemist?

  It should have been only about three years.

  But it was still because of insufficient cultivation.

  All I can say is that the recycling function of the system is too buggy. As long as

  the cultivation is sufficient, the level of medicine refining can be achieved in one step.

  I don't know how much time he saved.

  Su Yun handed the Po'er Pill to Hai Bodong, who was already impatient.

  The phenomenon of pill formation should have attracted the attention of many people.

  It is better to let him refine the pill and leave.

  Although not everyone understands what the purple light just now means, the two old guys, Foklan and Otto, must know it clearly.

  Hai Bodong held the Po'er Pill in both hands, looked at it carefully for a while, and couldn't suppress the enthusiasm in his heart, so he swallowed it into his stomach. He

  sat down with his legs crossed and began to refine the medicinal power. Half an hour later.

  A strong and huge breath swept the entire inn.

  Qinglin, who was sleeping soundly, was awakened.

  Qinglin rubbed her eyes and yawned cutely.

  She slept so comfortably.

  At this time, a big hand was stroking her little head.

  Qinglin looked back and found that she was in the arms of the young master.

  Qinglin lowered her head timidly, and a blush flashed across her cute little face.


  Haibodong felt the surging fighting spirit in his body and couldn't help but roar to the sky.

  "From now on, I, Haibodong, will be unrestrained!"
