


  Chapter 84: Reunion after a long separation, goodbye little medical fairy (third update!)

  "Okay, we should go."

  Su Yun rolled his eyes. This old guy started to float just after he recovered his strength.

  Hai Bodong nodded, put his hands behind his back, raised his head and chest, with a deep expression.

  "I am a person who sees things through to the end. In this case, let's go."

  Hai Bodong walked towards Su Yun and Qing Lin, wanting to take them one in each hand and fly.

  Su Yun rolled his eyes again, hugged Qing Lin, spread his purple cloud wings behind him, and flew out of the window.

  Hai Bodong was shocked again.

  Fighting Qi turns into wings!

  No, that's not right, it's a flying fighting skill!

  Hai Bodong smacked his tongue. Tsk, whose general is this monster?

  Hai Bodong shook his head, and his fighting spirit turned into wings. A pair of fighting spirit wings condensed from icy fighting spirit appeared behind him. He flashed and followed Su Yun.

  He had no intention of breaking his promise. After all, he still had an Emperor Pill hanging on him.

  So, the big cake was still necessary.

  Halfway through the flight, Hai Bodong's face suddenly changed.

  "No, why do I only have the strength of a two-star Emperor?"

  He had the strength of a five-star Emperor in his prime. He

  was still in the inn before, and he was too excited to notice it. Now that he has calmed down, he discovered the problem.

  In front of Hai Bodong, Su Yun showed a gloating smile on his face.

  "How dare you say that? Those herbs are from who knows how long ago, and the preservation method is not professional at all. Many herbs have lost their medicinal properties.

  How good can the medicinal pills made from them be?"

  Hai Bodong's face froze.

  Family members know their own business.

  He spent decades collecting these herbs, and he is not an alchemist. He knows very little about the preservation of herbs. It is normal for them to lose their medicinal properties.

  "Old Hai, I know a fifth-grade pill called Fuling Purple Pill, which is specially used to restore the strength that has declined due to the seal.

  Are you interested?" Hai Bodong

  said lightly with a blank expression.

  "How many years?"

  "Five years."


  Seeing Hai Bodong agreed so straightforwardly, Su Yun was a little surprised.

  So happy?

  However, Su Yun did not think so much, and just thought that Hai Bodong was eager to recover his strength.

  Hai Bodong looked at Su Yun's back with deep eyes.

  In his opinion, this person had already taken everything he had in his hands.

  But he was still willing to fulfill his promise, return to the store, and complete the transaction with him. He was a trustworthy person.

  Before, when Su Yun was refining the elixir, he talked to the little girl and thought that Su Yun took her in because she felt sorry for her. He was a kind person.

  In three or four months, he was able to break through from a one-star fighting spirit to a five-star fighting spirit, which was a full four-star improvement in strength. He was extremely talented.

  And he was also a sixth-grade pharmacist...

  In short, he was worth following!

  Hai Bodong believed in his own vision very much, and he would not change his mind easily.

  Because of this damn seal, he has wasted decades of his life. It is totally a dream for him to break through to a higher level by himself!

  He decided to place a bet!

  Bet on Su Yun, betting that when Su Yun rises, he will help him! He

  is already a sixth-grade pharmacist at such an age. What about ten years later, twenty years later?


  Returning to Wutan City, Su Yun let out a long sigh.

  I'm back!

  The figure of the little medical fairy appeared in Su Yun's mind and did not dissipate for a long time.

  I haven't seen her for such a long time. How is that girl now?

  After Su Yun settled Hai Bodong and Qing Lin at home, he asked them to take care of them a little and then left.

  After Su Yun left, veins popped up on Hai Bodong's head.

  Damn it, this kid is not a human being. He actually asked a powerful Douhuang warrior to clean the house for him?!

  Qinglin looked at the huge house with great energy. He turned around and looked at Hai Bodong, and was about to pull him to clean together.

  Seeing his face was ashen, he showed a timid expression on his little face.   

  "Master Hai, why don't you take a rest in the yard? I can do it alone."

  Hai Bodong looked at the little girl in front of him, sighed in his heart, and waved his hands.

  He couldn't bear to let such a little girl clean the whole house by herself.

  "No need."

  Said Hai Bodong, he walked towards the house.

  I was so angry! When will I, Hai Bodong, be free from constraints? !

  On the other side, Su Yun changed into the image of Han Li before and came to the door of Luo Qianchen's house.

  He knocked on the door, and soon, a woman with a beautiful heart opened the door.

  Su Yun was stunned.

  "Master Han Li."

  The woman looked respectful and greeted Su Yun.

  "Is this the home of President Luo Qianchen?"

  Su Yun saw that she recognized his vest, so he asked.

  "Yes, Master, I am your disciple. My name is Luo Qianyun, and I have met you before."

  The woman said.

  Su Yun thought about it for a while and then he remembered.

  When he was refining the Qi Gathering Powder before, he invited Luo Qianchen to watch the ceremony, and he did meet him at that time.

  Su Yun couldn't help but think of Foklan and Otto.

  These three old guys must have some kind of friendship, and their disciples are all such young and beautiful women.

  At this time, Xiao Yixian ran out of the room.

  She is Su Yun's closest person, so she naturally knows who Han Li is.

  "Uncle Han."

  Xiao Yixian's face was full of excitement, and there was a faint flash of tears in the corners of her eyes.

  Xian'er is much more beautiful.

  Su Yun was also a little excited in his heart, but he didn't show it, and nodded to Xiao Yixian.

  Although he took out a parchment scroll from the system space and said to Luo Qianyun.

  "When President Luo comes back, give the things to him, and I will take Xian'er away."

  On this parchment scroll, there are some very simple methods to improve soul power.

  He extracted it from the most basic part of the soul divination.

  Luo Qianchen could never break through the realm of the fourth-grade pharmacist before, just because of this soul power.

  Xiao Yixian packed her luggage and left with Su Yun.

  In an empty corner, Su Yun took off the mask on her face and changed back into her usual clothes.

  Just when she was about to speak, Xiao Yixian held Su Yun's cheek with a pair of slender jade hands and stood on tiptoe.

  A soft touch came from the lips, with a hint of the girl's body temperature, and the warm body fragrance sank into Su Yun's perception.

  Su Yun widened his eyes and put his hands on the willow-like waist of the little doctor fairy.


  For a long time.

  The little doctor fairy's face was flushed, and the sound of rapid breathing sounded, and the whole person collapsed in Su Yun's arms.


  Su Yun leaned against the wall and moved the little doctor fairy's position to make her more comfortable in his arms.

  "Brother, what do you think our relationship is now?"

  Su Yun was stunned and pondered for a while.

  "Brother and sister?"

  Upon hearing this, the little doctor fairy immediately stood up from Su Yun's arms, puffed up her cheeks, and shouted coquettishly.

  "Say it again!

  Would siblings do such things?"

  After saying this, the little doctor's voice became noticeably softer.

  Su Yun smiled in his heart. After not seeing her for more than half a year, Xian'er has become much braver.