

  Chapter 119: A clichéd slap in the face (second update!)

  Tomorrow, Hai Bodong and Qing Lin will leave for the Black Horn Region, and they will leave at the same time.

  The only difference is that they plan to go to Wutan City.

  Since they plan to join Canaan College in their original appearance, they naturally cannot let people suspect that there is a connection between the vest and the real body.

  The entrance selection of Canaan College will inevitably expose their cultivation.

  If it is in the imperial capital, it will inevitably cause an uproar and attract the attention of all major forces.

  The possibility of exposure is very high.

  After all, such a young Douling is easy to associate with Zhang Xiaofan, who is also young and extraordinary.

  And in Wutan City, there are not so many concerns.

  Although it will cause a stir on the day of enrollment, it will stop soon.

  After all, in such a small place, a 13 or 14-year-old Douling appeared,

  and others would only think it was a rumor. After a few months, it will just be a topic of conversation after dinner.

  It is unlikely to be associated with Zhang Xiaofan's vest.

  After all, in this imperial capital, only Fa Ma knows his true strength.

  Because of Zi Yunyi, other people thought he was a Dou Wang.

  He had never made a move in the capital. When he met Gu He, he had no Dou Qi in his body. He had no breath and could not sense anything. At

  other times, he also used the Xuanying Jue to hide the fluctuations of his breath, so that others could not see his strength.

  Su Yun looked at the little medical fairy in front of him and licked his dry lips.

  Two big hands held her delicate cheeks and slowly approached.

  When two people are alone, they will inevitably do some intimate things.

  After a while, the little medical fairy was weak all over and lay in Su Yun's arms.

  In the past, he walked alone silently, but now there are three more people to accompany him. It's good to walk on this thorny road.

  His story may not sound so passionate, but it's not bad to climb to the top with his lover step by step.

  The next day.

  The four set out according to the plan they had discussed, and strived for the collective of the four people and their own future.

  The departure of the four was very hidden and did not alarm anyone.

  After Su Yun and the little medical fairy returned to Wutan City, they came to the original house and took good care of it.

  While practicing, they enjoyed the hard-earned world of two.

  But happy days are always short-lived. More than a month later, the Canaan College enrollment team arrived!

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian arrived at the venue early in the morning to wait.

  Su Yun held Xiao Yixian's hand and looked at the team coming in front of him, feeling a little touched.

  The identity of a student is a bit far away for him.

  In a trance, he has been in this world for more than ten years.

  There are also many people waiting near the venue. When they see the enrollment team coming, noisy voices sound from the crowd.

  However, there are troops here to maintain order, and there is no riot.

  After waiting for a while, after the enrollment team arranged the venue, a person in charge of arranging the queue shouted.

  "Come here to line up!"

  The crowd immediately rioted and rushed towards the man frantically.

  Su Yun took Xiao Yixian with him, and his figure flashed. He did not use any fighting skills, but pure speed, and he came to the man in an instant.

  The man was startled when he saw the two people in front of him, and he looked like he had seen a ghost.

  He was a student who joined Canaan College the year before, responsible for helping the tutor with enrollment.

  At the age of nineteen, he already has the cultivation of a four-star fighter. This talent is considered a genius in the Jiama Empire.

  This person took a closer look and found that Su Yun and Xiao Yixian were extremely young. He couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian remained silent and did not react to this person's actions.

  The shocking thing is still at the back door, and it's just now.

  After a while, the team was arranged, and this person spoke to the two.

  "Let's go, follow me to the test."   

  He brought the two to a tent.

  This so-called test was just to touch a crystal ball, and it would light up if there was an eighth level of fighting spirit.

  The two naturally passed it successfully.

  Then they were taken to another tent.

  Perhaps it was because he was frightened by Su Yun's speed just now.

  The stupid rule that Xiao Yan encountered in the original book, that freshmen had to bask in the sun for half an hour, did not happen.

  In this tent, there were some students from Canaan College and a young and beautiful tutor.

  Su Yun used the system's scanning function to scan and understood the identity of this person.

  It was the tutor Ruolin in the original book.

  This woman had a tactful smile on her face. In the mist, she looked at Su Yun and Xiao Yixian gently, like a touch of clear water, with a kind of Jiangnan woman's charm.

  Su Yun looked carefully.

  Well, it's very suitable for giving birth to a child.

  At this time, an inappropriate voice sounded.

  "Hey, Chen Kun, why did you bring them in so quickly."

  The owner of the voice was a young student, and there was obvious dissatisfaction in his tone.

  Su Yun slightly turned sideways.

  Tsk, did this cliché plot of suppressing freshmen still happen?

  Ruolin looked at the two with some surprise in her eyes.

  Although this rule is cliché, it is actually quite popular in Canaan College.

  After all, everyone who can pass the test is a genius from various places, and they are more or less arrogant. If they are not suppressed a little at the beginning, it will be difficult to teach them in the future. There is

  nothing that can be done about it. In fact, most schools in the previous life were like this. When they first started school, all requirements would be very strict to give students a head start and correct the atmosphere.

  Therefore, all instructors acquiesced to this kind of thing, and Ruolin was no exception.

  The student named Chen Kun who brought Su Yun and Xiao Yixian here curled his lips.

  "Since you are interested, then you can do it."

  As he said, Chen Kun nodded to Ruolin, moved his head outward, and indicated that he would go out to greet the new students.

  Ruolin nodded slightly.

  After receiving the order, Chen Kun went out on his own, not caring about the student who just spoke.

  The student who just spoke was a little annoyed and looked at Su Yun and the others.

  "Hey, you two..."

  Su Yun sighed, waved his arm slightly, the fighting spirit in his body surged, controlled the strength, and pushed the man out of the tent.


  Su Yun's move was very measured. After all, he was here to enroll, so he still had to show some mercy.

  It's not good to kill someone over a disagreement.

  Although if it was in the wilderness, he would have been dead.

  Outside the tent, Zhang Kun looked at the man who fell to the ground and groaned in pain, and his head shrank.

  Fortunately, I was smart, hehe.

  Inside the tent, Su Yun apologized to Ruolin with a hypocritical apology on his face.

  "Teacher, I'm sorry, I couldn't help but attack just now."

  The other students looked at Su Yun in shock.

  Ruolin also looked incredible.

  Although the fighting spirit fluctuations were not obvious just now, Ruolin did not see Su Yun's specific strength.

  But based on Su Yun's move just now, Ruolin understood that this person's strength is no less than mine!

   The third update will be in the evening.