

(Third Update!)

  Chapter 120 Ruolin's shock (3rd update!)

  Ruolin's beautiful eyes were filled with a little shock, and then she looked at Su Yun carefully.

  After a while, she was sure that this was a young man of thirteen or fourteen years old.

  Ruolin suppressed the shock in her heart, with a gentle smile on her face, and said softly.

  "You are students who are here to register, come and register."

  Su Yun nodded, holding the hand of the little medical fairy and came to Ruolin.


  "Su Yun."


  "Five-star fighting spirit."

  Hearing this, Ruolin was shocked again.

  Even though she had prepared herself mentally, she was still frightened by this cultivation.

  Ruolin couldn't help but look up again and look at Su Yun's young face.

  A little helplessness flashed across the boy's handsome face.

  Su Yun slightly let go of his breath.

  Ruolin sensed it carefully and her eyes widened.

  His aura was surging and powerful, and he was indeed a powerful warrior!

  "I want to use a secret method to estimate your age now, is that okay?"

  Ruolin's voice was very gentle, and a flash of excitement flashed through her heart.

  You must know that the promotion of the tutor level of Canaan Academy is linked to the students they bring out.

  Ruolin is now a yellow-level tutor.

  If Su Yun's age meets the enrollment requirements of Canaan Academy and she is accepted by her, then she will definitely be promoted to a mysterious-level tutor this year!

  Su Yun nodded gently when he heard this.

  Seeing this, Ruolin was delighted, and seemed to have thought of something, and explained a few words to Su Yun gently.

  "I hope you don't mind. I'm sure you know that it's incredible for someone of this age to be a powerful fighting spirit warrior."

  Su Yun smiled.

  Although Ruolin's strength and qualifications are not high, she is a good teacher who cares about the students' mood.

  He likes this because such a tutor is easier to talk to.

  There are still some courses in the outer courtyard of Canaan College, but they are useless to him.

  If he stays in Ruolin's class and lets her turn a blind eye, it shouldn't be a problem.

  "It's okay, the teacher will test it."

  Ruolin smiled.

  She didn't expect Su Yun to be so amiable.

  Generally speaking, a gifted young man is arrogant and thinks everything is his.

  Not to mention a young man who is already a powerful spirit fighter at a young age.

  With extraordinary talent and gentle attitude, which teacher doesn't like such a student.

  Ruolin looked at the little medical fairy beside her.

  Oh, there is another loving childhood sweetheart.

  "This classmate, please move aside first."

  Ruolin said gently.

  The little medical fairy reluctantly let go of her hand and stepped aside obediently.

  But the resentful little eyes stayed on Ruolin's plump figure.

  The little medical fairy subconsciously looked at herself, and she wanted to cry but couldn't. You

  can't have your cake and eat it too.

  There is still a big difference between the young girl and the mature Sister Yu...

  Ruolin formed an exquisite hand seal with her hand, and a light blue fighting spirit enveloped Su Yun.

  After a while, Ruolin released her handprint, and the fighting spirit on Su Yun disappeared.

  An irrepressible joy flashed across Ruolin's soft face.

  That's right, the terrifying young man in front of her is only nearly fourteen years old!

  Ruolin looked at Su Yun as if she was looking at a secret treasure, which was quite intriguing.

  The little doctor fairy at the side hurried forward, trotted to Su Yun's side, took Su Yun's arm, and squeezed five slender fingers into the gap of Su Yun's big hand, interlocking their fingers.

  What a loving couple.

  Ruolin coughed lightly, retracted her reluctant gaze, but a hint of envy flashed in her eyes.

  Su Yun touched the little doctor fairy's cheek.

  This girl is quite jealous.

  But he didn't mind.

  Isn't that what lovers should do? This shows that his fairy loves him very much and can't leave him.   

  He had no intention of opening a harem.

  There are many beauties in this continent, but that doesn't mean he has to be a stud.

  Three thousand rivers, but only one scoop; three thousand prosperous cities, but only one person can enjoy all the joys and sorrows.

  Ruolin spoke up at this time and looked at the little girl who was still jealous.

  "Classmate, please register your information, okay?"

  Su Yun coaxed softly.

  "Let's go, register, and I'll sit with you."

  The little doctor's original discomfort was smoothed out by Su Yun's words, and she nodded obediently. She

  walked forward with Su Yun.

  Ruolin breathed a sigh of relief.

  If she missed a student because of her gaze just now, it would be a lot of fun.

  "Little friend, what's your name?"

  "Mu Lingxian."




  "Seven-star fighter."

  As she spoke, a hint of arrogance flashed across Little Medical Fairy's face, and she looked at Su Yun.

  Stop praising me.

  Seeing this, Su Yun scratched Little Medical Fairy's nose.

  This girl's cultivation speed is really terrifying.

  As long as there are enough poisons, her cultivation will rise rapidly.

  Now it has only been two months since Little Medical Fairy broke through to Fighter...

  This thing called the Evil Poison Body is simply unreasonable.

  There is no need to talk about bottlenecks and foundations.

  Ruolin looked at Little Medical Fairy with surprise.

  However, with Su Yun's even more outrageous cultivation in front of her, Ruolin did not react as much as she did just now.

  I just felt even more delighted.

  This wave of Xuanji instructors must be stable.

  Ruolin did not test Xiao Yixian's age, but just said to the loving couple with a smile.

  "Go and sit down. After we finish enrolling students, we will take you to Canaan College."

  Su Yun nodded to Ruolin, thanked her, and sat beside Xiao Yixian, whispering in her ears.

  The students waiting in the tent couldn't help but look at the two people in the corner.

  But most of them were looking at Xiao Yixian instead of Su Yun.

  Because most of the students here are male students.

  Xiao Yixian is now like a green flower bud, and has begun to quietly show her unique charm.

  It is normal to attract some attention.

  Su Yun let Xiao Yixian sit inside, turned his head to look at those students, with a dangerous light flashing in his eyes.

  In the past, Xiao Yixian was always jealous, but his possessiveness is not low at all.

  If someone dared to touch Xiao Yixian, his attitude would be much more intense than this girl.

  Seeing Su Yun's eyes, those male students turned their heads away quickly.

  If Su Yun's cultivation was similar to theirs, they would still have the confidence to compete.

  But the reality is that the gap between them and Su Yun is like the difference between heaven and earth.

  They also gave up the idea.

  Seeing that they all turned their heads away, Su Yun snorted coldly and looked at Xiao Yixian.

  Xiao Yixian's face flashed with joy, and her little hands grabbed Su Yun's arms.

  Su Yun grabbed one and said viciously.

  "You can't get too close to other boys in the academy, right?"

  Xiao Yixian was secretly delighted, but looked embarrassed.

  "Since you've begged me so much, I'll agree with reluctance."

  Su Yun was a little amused and tapped her forehead.

  This girl.
