

  Chapter 122 Heading to Canaan Academy (Second update!)

  Not to mention the freshmen who have just entered.

  Riding on the flying monsters raised by Canaan Academy can save a lot of time.

  It only takes one month to arrive.

  Because there is not much space on the back of the flying monster, the two of them squeezed together with other students.

  However, because the old students have seen how powerful Su Yun is, basically no one is willing to get close. Even the freshmen

  vaguely noticed that there was something different about the two of them, and in the end Ruolin sat next to the two of them.

  The little medical fairy was held in Su Yun's arms, and next to Su Yun was instructor Ruolin.

  The girl's soft three thousand black hair fluttered in the wind, gently hitting Su Yun's face.

  Ruolin looked at the two loving people and was a little curious, and couldn't help asking.

  "Have you known each other since childhood?"

  Su Yun was stunned. He didn't expect Ruolin to talk to him, and asked such a question.

  But then he felt relieved.

  Most of the instructors of Canaan Academy are students who graduated from the inner courtyard. They didn't want to leave Canaan Academy, but they were not strong enough to stay in the inner courtyard for a position, so they stayed in the outer courtyard and became instructors.

  This was the case with Xiao Yu in the original novel.

  Of course, with Ruolin's cultivation, it is also possible that she just graduated from the outer courtyard.

  Su Yun was not very clear about this point.

  In other words, this instructor Ruolin is actually only in her twenties now, in the prime of her life, and quite interested in love.

  Su Yun was thinking about how to start talking when the little medical fairy in his arms spoke.

  "Yes, my brother and I have known each other since we were young. We are childhood sweethearts, and I am his fiancée."

  The ethereal voice of the little medical fairy sounded, and she slightly adjusted her position in Su Yun's arms. Her beautiful eyes stared at Ruolin closely, with a little vigilance.


  A trace of surprise flashed across Ruolin's face. Children nowadays are really amazing. Is it a child marriage?

  It's really strange. Isn't it said that young people are unwilling to get married now, and the population of the mainland is growing negatively?

  Ruolin looked at the little medical fairy in Su Yun's arms and met her vigilant eyes.

  I suddenly felt a little amused.

  This little girl really keeps a close eye on her good brother.

  Su Yun put one hand on Xiao Yixian's earlobe and rubbed it gently, and put another hand on her lower abdomen and slowly made circles.

  Xiao Yixian's face immediately showed a faint blush.

  Now that Teacher Ruolin was beside him, he couldn't speak to comfort her, and could only use this method.

  Xiao Yixian slowly closed her beautiful eyes, enjoying the numbness brought by her sweetheart.

  Su Yun turned his head and smiled at Ruolin.

  "Please forgive me, teacher, this girl is a little clingy to me."

  Ruolin showed a gentle smile on her face.

  She was not willing to argue with her baby.

  "It's okay, this is good. To be honest, the teacher is quite jealous of you."

  During the one-month flight, the three of them basically started chatting whenever they had time.

  Talking about everything.

  Ruolin's relationship with the two of them quickly became closer, and Xiao Yixian didn't have any thoughts of being wary of Ruolin.

  This girl actually has a good personality and temper, but she becomes very sensitive and easily gets angry when it comes to things related to Su Yun.

  At other times, she is still a quiet and kind girl.

  During this month, Su Yun and Little Medical Fairy also made an agreement with Ruolin.

  They agreed to join her class, and in return, they hoped that Ruolin could make things easier for them and not attend some unnecessary classes.

  Ruolin naturally agreed.

  In her opinion, with Su Yun's ability, the teachers in the outer courtyard really couldn't teach him anything.

  As for Little Medical Fairy, it depends on her own wishes.

  So sometimes, it is very beneficial to build a good relationship with the tutor.

  Su Yun did not intend to spend too much energy in the outer courtyard. After all, the most important things in Canaan Academy are in the mysterious inner courtyard.

  The next day, there were only three days left before arriving at Canaan Academy.

  Little Medical Fairy looked at the flying monster that was carrying them forward and felt a little sad.   

  "Brother, I miss Xiaolan a little."

  Su Yun hugged Xiao Yixian's arms tightly and whispered in her ear to comfort her.

  "Don't worry, Xiaolan is staying in the Mittel family and is safe. When we go back later, we can go to see her again."

  Xiao Yixian nodded, took Su Yun's big hand on her waist, and clasped her two slender hands together.

  Ruolin's mouth twitched slightly.

  This month, she didn't know how much dog food she had been fed.

  Su Yun sensed Ruolin's speechless eyes and felt a little interesting in his heart.

  In his previous life, when he was in college, there were four people in a dormitory.

  Only one of the freshmen had a girlfriend.

  Only one of the sophomores didn't have a girlfriend. It

  was jokingly called one to three, and it became three to one!

  Only he didn't have a girlfriend! (True story!)

  The most outrageous thing is that there is a guy who brings his girlfriend back to the dormitory every day and draws the curtains on the bed.

  He makes a "hehehe" sound.

  I am so annoyed watching them show their love every day!

  I never thought that in this strange world, he would become the person I used to hate the most.

  It is true that things change over time, don't despise the poor young!

  For a moment, Su Yun was touched a lot.

  He couldn't help but turn Xiao Yixian's head over and sucked it.

  Xiao Yixian was a little confused, not knowing what happened to her brother, so suddenly, but she still sucked back reflexively.

  Ruolin: "..." I wonder

  what the shadow area is in the heart of the single dog at this time.

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian flirted for a while, not caring about the dog's life or death.

  After the intimacy, Su Yun came back to his senses and looked at Ruolin with eyes full of apology.

  "I'm sorry, Teacher Ruolin, we forgot you were still here."

  Ruolin took a deep breath and showed a gentle smile on her face.

  Just when she was about to say that she didn't mind, the little doctor in Su Yun's arms spoke.

  "Yes, I'm sorry, teacher.

  We all forgot that you don't have a boyfriend yet."

  What a couple!

  For the next two days, Ruolin never spoke a word to the two of them.

  Two days later. They

  were getting closer and closer to Canaan Academy. In another day, they wouldn't be killed like dogs.

  Ruolin was a little excited and finally cheered up.

  At this time, seeing Ruolin's reaction, Su Yun was happy and asked.

  "Teacher Ruolin, when is the inner courtyard selection?"

  Hearing this, Ruolin, who originally didn't want to pay attention to the two of them, looked at Su Yun.

  After all, it was a serious question, and as a teacher, she couldn't really be angry with her students.

  "According to custom, it will be half a year later. With your strength, it will be easy to enter.

  But Xian'er may have to wait until next year."

  While answering, Ruolin looked at the little medical fairy who was sleeping soundly in Su Yun's arms.

  How envious she is to have such a good brother who dotes on her.

  Su Yun took out a coat from the system space and put it on the little medical fairy.

  Now she is only a fighter.

  The wind in the sky is very strong.


  The little medical fairy turned slightly, smacked her lips, and changed her position in Su Yun's arms.

  Do I have to wait another year?

  No, I don't have to.
