

  Chapter 123 A talent so high that it makes people suspicious (the third update!)

  Want to pass the inner courtyard selection.

  As long as you enter the top 50 in the competition, you will be qualified to enter the inner courtyard.

  In terms of the level of outer courtyard students, it is actually enough to have the strength of a high-level fighter.

  Of course, if the two great fighters unfortunately meet each other in the first few rounds of competition.

  That's really nothing to say.

  Judging from the speed of Xiao Yixian's cultivation, it is not a problem to become a great fighter in half a year.

  Su Yun carefully calculated the time and looked into the distance.

  As time passed, there was only one year left before Xiao Yan was broken off and the plot officially began!

  He had also played Doupo several times. The things he had read in the past were about to happen, and the curtain was gradually rising. He had some feelings.

  But that was it. He didn't care about Xiao Yan's future achievements.

  He just wondered how many times he could cut this leek.

  Some things can't be taken casually.

  For example, the first transformation of the Three Mysterious Transformations of Tianhuo, God knows when it will appear on the booth of the Gama Empire.

  When he was still in the Jiama Empire, he also went there to look for it.

  But he just couldn't find it.

  What a headache.

  If it follows the original timeline, it will have to wait four years later.

  Su Yun took a deep breath and took care of the present.

  A day passed, and the group finally arrived at the outer courtyard of Canaan Academy.

  The group jumped off the flying monster and arranged accommodation under the arrangement of Ruolin.

  This is not like the university in the previous life. The dormitories in Canaan College are one person per room.

  However, Xiao Yixian blushed and asked if two people could share a room. Then, a strange light flashed in Ruolin's eyes, but she nodded in the end.

  Canaan's management of accommodation is very relaxed and there are no requirements. Even if you cause a death, it doesn't matter as long as the child is taken care of.

  Then in the following time, the two began another round of cohabitation.

  Su Yun did not plan to participate in those so-called courses. After all, they had no effect on him, and with Ruolin's backdoor, it would not have any impact.

  Xiao Yixian was different. This girl really wanted to participate in practical courses.

  Su Yun also agreed to this. Up to now, this girl has never participated in a serious battle.

  It is not enough to just have fighting spirit.

  Su Yun picked out a few fighting skills from his memory and gave them to the little medical fairy.

  He himself planned to stay in the room and practice well.

  Su Yun planned to ignore worldly affairs and practice hard, but Canaan Academy exploded because of him.

  In a room full of bookshelves, several old men sat around a table to discuss matters.

  An old man sitting in the first seat, holding a document, touched his pale beard.

  "Tsk, nearly fourteen years old, a five-star fighting spirit, a monster from nowhere.

  In comparison, this fifteen-year-old seven-star fighter seems sparse and ordinary."

  Several old men around looked at each other.

  One of the old men couldn't help but speak.

  "This, is it possible that this person lied about his age?"

  The old man in the first seat was named Hu Qian, the vice president of the outer courtyard, and a fighting emperor at the peak of his strength!

  Hu Qian frowned and thought carefully for a moment.

  "Well... it's unlikely. Ruolin has been tested with secret methods and there is no problem.

  But it is not ruled out that this person has other means to hide Ruolin."

  The others also began to discuss.

  They couldn't help but pay attention to this matter.

  Compared to a nearly fourteen-year-old fighting spirit, they would rather believe that someone has used some means to hide Ruolin.

  And if it is the latter, then they have to be careful. Canaan Academy is a big and powerful school, and it is common to attract covetous things.

  If there is any problem because of this person, it is their dereliction of duty.

  However, several old men discussed for a long time, but they couldn't discuss anything.

  Finally, Hu Qian spoke.

  "Well, the world is full of wonders. The talented people of the Central Plains can also reach such a level.

  If we are suspicious of others just because of their talent, it is not appropriate.

  If it gets out, others will think that our Canaan Academy has never seen the world and does not know talented people.

  But we must be careful about false age reporting. I will go there in person tomorrow and test him again."   

  After hearing this, several people nodded.

  They thought this plan was feasible. If this person was so capable that he could even deceive the top warriors of the Douhuang realm, then their Canaan Academy would accept him.

  So on the second day of school, Ruolin knocked on the door of the two.

  The Little Medical Fairy opened the door and looked at Ruolin with a puzzled look.

  "Teacher Ruolin."


  Ruolin always had a gentle smile on her face.

  "Please call Su Yun out. The teacher has something to talk to him about."


  The Little Medical Fairy nodded and called Su Yun out.

  Su Yun greeted Ruolin.

  Ruolin nodded and got straight to business.

  Tsk, this girl, what's that look?

  "Come with me. The vice-president has something to talk to you about."

  Su Yun understood, told the Little Medical Fairy, and left with Ruolin.

  As the two were walking on the road, Su Yun asked.

  "Teacher, I wonder what the vice-dean wants to talk to me about?"

  Ruolin shook her head.

  "I don't know either, he just asked me to take you there.

  But I guess it has something to do with your cultivation.

  You must know that your talent is really extraordinary."

  The corner of Su Yun's mouth twitched.

  I didn't expect that being gifted would cause such troubles.

  But Su Yun didn't say anything. This is how it is in the northwest mainland.

  He also gradually understood.

  If he were the protagonist of a fan fiction, he should have gotten the script of the all-powerful Long Aotian!

  After a while, the two came to the door of a room.

  Ruolin stopped, turned around and said to Su Yun.

  "Go ahead, I'll wait for you here."

  Su Yun nodded, walked forward and knocked on the door.

  A deep and old voice sounded.

  "Come in."

  Su Yun pushed the door open and closed it, and an old figure came into view.

  Su Yun used the system's scanning function to scan.

  He nodded secretly.

  The person in front of him was the vice-dean of the External College of Canaan Academy, the top fighting emperor Hu Gan.

  Su Yun took the initiative to speak.

  "Vice Dean."

  A kind smile appeared on Hu Gan's old face like a dead tree. He looked at Su Yun in front of him and was secretly surprised.

  Such a fluctuation of fighting spirit is indeed a five-star fighting spirit.

  Hu Gan's eyes fell on Su Yun's face that was too young.

  If what the information says is true, we at Canaan Academy might have really hit the jackpot this time.

  "Your name is Su Yun?"


  Hu Qian and Su Yun exchanged a few polite words and got down to business.

  "The main reason I asked you to come here this time is to confirm your age. I believe that with your talent, you have encountered this kind of situation before."

  Su Yun rolled his eyes implicitly.

  Really not, I used to use a pseudonym.

  Although I thought so in my heart, I still nodded.

  "Well, the vice-dean can do whatever he wants. I'm used to it."

  Hu Qian smiled and nodded. Just based on Su Yun's attitude, he almost understood that they really hit the jackpot this time!
