

  Chapter 124 Letter from Hai Bodong (First update!)

  After some testing, Hu Qian looked at Su Yun with hot eyes.

  Su Yun felt a little numb on his scalp and coughed lightly as a reminder.

  Hu Qian slightly retracted his gaze and realized that he had lost his composure.

  "Well, as an apology, this bottle of Qi Yuan Dan is for you."

  The expression on Hu Qian's face soon returned to normal, and then he took out a bottle of pills from the ring.

  Su Yun was stunned, and then he accepted the pills without hesitation.

  This Qi Yuan Dan is a fourth-grade pill, which has a significant effect on the recovery of Dou Ling's fighting spirit.

  It was obviously prepared in advance.

  Hu Qian's work is really flawless, no wonder he can become the vice-president of the outer courtyard.

  If he remembers correctly, in addition to Hu Qian, there are two elders at the peak of Dou Huang in the outer courtyard.

  In addition, Wu Tianlang from the law enforcement team also has the cultivation level of the peak of the Fighting Emperor.

  From this, we can also see how terrible the foundation of Canaan Academy is, it is simply terrifying!

  The lineup of this outer courtyard can sweep across the entire Jiama Empire!

  Hu Qian encouraged Su Yun a few more words and let Su Yun leave.

  Looking at Su Yun's leaving back, Hu Qian smiled.

  This child's age is similar to Hu Jia.

  I wonder if they can be brought together.

  As if he thought of something again, a trace of headache flashed across Hu Qian's face.

  Tsk, come to think of it, this child seems to have come with a girl.

  And with Hu Jia's temper...

  Well, let it be.

  Su Yun walked out the door, and Ruolin was waiting nervously at the door.

  Seeing Su Yun walk out safely, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Sure enough, I knew I didn't see the wrong person."

  Ruolin's face was full of warm smiles, and she patted Su Yun's shoulder.

  Su Yun also smiled.

  Good guys, these two people all thought I lied about my age, right?

  The two chatted for a few words and then separated. Su Yun returned to the dormitory and opened the door. The little medical fairy was swallowing a dose of poison and was refining it.

  Amid the surging of Qi, he successfully broke through!

  Eight-star fighter!

  Su Yun's face showed some black lines. He

  was really offended. It was so easy to break through. How could he, who still had to sit in meditation to refine the fighting spirit, feel embarrassed.

  After Xiao Yixian successfully broke through, she opened her eyes and saw Su Yun at the door, with a flash of joy on her face.

  Su Yun understood and stepped forward to hold her in her arms.

  Xiao Yixian held Su Yun's face and was about to kiss her. Su Yun stepped back and looked at Xiao Yixian with some suspicion.

  "Xian'er, there is no poison left in your mouth."

  Xiao Yixian's face puffed up, and she pulled Su Yun's head over with a little force with her delicate hands, and kissed her without saying anything. After

  a long time, their lips parted.

  Xiao Yixian then lay paralyzed in Su Yun's arms and explained.

  "Of course not, every time Xian'er finishes practicing, the poison in her body will be absorbed cleanly."

  Su Yun heard this and nodded.

  He was just joking. The poison that Xiao Yixian swallowed now actually had little effect on him.

  After the two of them were intimate, they began to practice and work hard for the future together.

  Su Yun sat down cross-legged, watching Xiao Yixian swallowing the poison in small sips.

  At her current speed of practice, in a few years, he would probably have to be a gigolo for a long time, right?

  Shocked, the rich woman is right next to me!


  Two months later, the Haibodongtuo law enforcement team in Heping Town sent a message, hoping to meet in Heping Town in three days.   

  After listening to the message, Su Yun nodded, took out a bottle of Qi-recovering pills from the system space, and handed it to the student who delivered the message. The student who

  delivered the message was delighted. Originally, the Douhuang strongman in Heping Town had given him some benefits, but he didn't expect to get another one.

  Su Yun patted the student on the shoulder.

  "Thank you, junior brother. I will trouble you in the future."

  Hearing this, the student patted his chest vigorously.

  "Senior Su, what are you talking about?

  We are all students of the academy, and it should be so."

  During this period of time, the story of Su Yun, a Douling-level student, had already spread in the outer courtyard.

  Although he entered the school a few years earlier than Su Yun, he didn't dare to mix up the title of senior and junior in front of a Douling.

  Su Yun smiled and nodded, and let him go.

  A considerable number of the Canaan Academy's law enforcement team are students who come to train themselves.

  They often go in and out of Heping Town and the academy, so it is very convenient to send messages.

  It is still necessary to build good relationships, and sometimes Hai Bodong goes to the Black Horn Region to do things, but Qinglin is alone in Heping Town. At

  this time, I have to ask friends in the law enforcement team to take good care

  of him. After all, because of the special nature of the law enforcement team, they have the right to arrest people directly.

  For these students, elixirs are naturally very attractive, and Su Yun happens to have the most elixirs. In

  the two months since entering Canaan Academy, everything has been smooth.

  With Ruolin's care, Su Yun and Xiao Yixian often do not attend those courses, and nothing has happened.

  In the first month after they came in, other instructors would come to pry them into their classes from time to time.

  However, they were all politely rejected by Su Yun and Xiao Yixian.

  Hai Bodong also asked the students of the law enforcement team to send messages to report the situation from time to time.

  The only flaw is that Xiao Yixian seems to be entangled by a woman and is being pursued madly.

  Yes, it is a woman.

  This woman is Hu Qian

  's granddaughter, Hu Jia. The female pupil who was obsessed with Xiao Xun'er in the original book.

  Su Yun was also a little helpless about this.

  After all, this woman is Hu Qian's granddaughter, and he can't do anything.

  In fact, if you think about it, it's a good thing.

  In the past, after Xiao Yixian participated in practical courses, she often told him how many male students were staring at her.

  Every time, he would hold Su Yun and explain in a clever way, fearing that Su Yun would be angry and misunderstand.

  It was during a practical class that Hu Jia set his sights on Xiao Yixian.

  Hu Jia was attracted by Xiao Yixian's ethereal temperament and took the initiative to challenge her, hoping to attract her attention and sharpen mirrors with her.

  Then, he was beaten up by Xiao Yixian on the ring, with bruises all over his face.

  This, in turn, made Hu Jia pursue Xiao Yixian crazily.

  It is said that the news of this matter also reached Hu Qian, making him furious.

  Su Yun couldn't help laughing when he thought of this.

  Hu Qian had also approached him several times, saying openly and secretly that he had a granddaughter who was close to his age and wanted the two to communicate and so on.

  But after the news of Hu Jia's pursuit of Xiao Yixian reached him, he never mentioned it again.

  It was also because Hu Jia announced that she wanted to pursue Xiao Yixian and warned other students not to get close to her that other people's eyes were much more cautious.

  Otherwise, if he really waited for him to take action, hehe...

  Su Yun returned to the dormitory, and Xiao Yixian was still in training.

  Su Yun felt the aura of Xiao Yixian and his eyebrows jumped.

  In just two months, this girl has gone from an eight-star fighter to a three-star fighter!