

  Chapter 125 Hu Jia (Second update!)

  What a terrifying speed!

  The Evil Poison Body is naturally cultivated. Once the restrictions on the poison body's outbreak are eliminated, with the support of sufficient poison, the cultivation level will simply rise in a straight line.

  The bottlenecks that ordinary fighters encounter are no different from decorations for the Evil Poison Body and have no effect at all.

  Now there are only four months left before the inner court selection.

  But with the current improvement in Xiao Yixian's cultivation level, it is easy to break through to the Grand Fighter in four months.

  Su Yun's scalp was numb.

  Once this girl's cultivation level breaks through to the Grand Fighter, she will only be one major realm away from him!

  After all, his current cultivation level is only Fighting Spirit. The more he

  thought about it, the more terrifying it was.

  Su Yun shook his head and dared not think about it anymore.

  It has been a while since he swallowed the Azure Lotus Earth Core Fire last time.

  Not long after he came to Canaan Academy, his cultivation finally made another breakthrough and reached the level of six-star fighting spirit.

  He was not surprised at this speed, but compared with the Little Medical Fairy, it was no different from the speed of a turtle.

  After swallowing the Azure Lotus Earth Core Fire, he increased his strength by four stars at once. For a period of time afterwards, he could not swallow pills and use external forces to improve his cultivation.

  He did not waste three years in exchange for a very solid foundation, so he still had to take it easy.

  This is also one of the reasons why he came to Canaan Academy.

  Because of the effect of the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower, it essentially makes the fighting spirit more condensed and concentrated, accelerates the speed of one's own cultivation, and even has the effect of strengthening the foundation.

  It is not like swallowing the spiritual treasures of heaven and earth, which improves the cultivation through external forces.

  It allows him to not worry about the foundation problem, quickly break through to the Fighting King level, and go a distance.

  Su Yun waited quietly. After a while, the Little Medical Fairy finished refining the poison, exited the state of cultivation, looked at Su Yun, and there was always joy in her eyes, as if she would never get tired of it.

  Feeling the breath of the Little Medical Fairy, she became stronger.

  Su Yun's mouth twitched, and he stepped forward to hug the Little Medical Fairy in his arms.

  Stroke her cheek.

  "Hai Lao sent a message, and we will meet in Heping Town in three days. Do you want to go too, Xian'er?"

  Hearing this, the Little Medical Fairy nodded.

  "Yes, I haven't seen Qinglin for a long time. I miss her."

  Su Yun stroked Xiao Yixian's cheek. Xiao Yixian closed her eyes, her face full of enjoyment, and rubbed her hands from time to time, just like a little cat.

  Su Yun nodded, went out with Xiao Yixian, and talked to Teacher Ruolin about the situation.

  After all, they were leaving the academy this time, so it was better to inform Ruolin.

  After the two explained the situation to Ruolin, a flash of surprise flashed across Ruolin's gentle face.

  "Do you know anyone else in Heping Town?

  I know, just go ahead."

  The two nodded to Ruolin, and then held hands and planned to go back to practice.

  On the way, they met an unexpected person.

  This person is none other than Hu Jia, who has been pestering Xiao Yixian during this period.

  She is dressed in red, has a hot body, and exudes a sturdy temperament.

  Undoubtedly, she is a rare beauty, but it's a pity that she has female pupils.

  Su Yun felt a little sorry.

  Hu Jia looked at Su Yun with anger in her eyes.

  "Are you Xian'er's fiancé?"

  Su Yun nodded and said openly.

  "Yes, it's me."   

  Hu Jia crossed her arms, her face full of disdain.

  "Name a price and leave Xian'er."

  Su Yun was stunned when he heard this, and he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

  Xiao Yixian also held her forehead and sighed.

  In fact, she didn't have any ill feelings towards Hu Jia.

  Although this woman pursued her relentlessly, she didn't do anything out of line, and she also helped her to block many male students.

  It saved her a lot of trouble.

  At this time, an arm was placed on her smooth shoulders and turned her around.

  Xiao Yixian was stunned and looked up at Su Yun.

  Su Yun's pretty cheeks got closer and closer, and Xiao Yixian immediately understood what her sweetheart wanted to do.

  Slowly closing her eyes, tiptoeing, she went to meet him.

  As for how Hu Jia would react, that was not something she wanted to consider.

  To her, nothing was more important than her brother.

  Hu Jia looked at the two people kissing in front of her, and her face instantly turned red and she was furious, her mind full of thoughts that she was being cheated on. She

  immediately rushed up, trying to separate the two people.

  At this time, a red shield exuded a scorching temperature, blocking Hu Jia outside.

  Xuanji advanced fighting skills, flame shield.

  Hu Jia used both hands to frantically knock on the fiery red shield, her eyes fixed on the two people in the shield, two lines of tears flowed from her eyes, and her face was full of green light.

  Xian'er, my Xian'er...

  After a long while, their lips parted.

  Xiao Yixian's breathing became a little rapid, and a feeling of suffocation came to her heart. She gave Su Yun a charming look.

  My brother has such a bad taste that he deliberately kissed her for so long in front of Hu Jia that Xian'er was almost out of breath.

  Su Yun looked at the blushing face of the little medical fairy, licked his dry lips, and leaned down again.

  After a while, the little medical fairy's legs became a little soft, and a pair of snow-white jade hands were wrapped around Su Yun's neck.

  Seeing this, Su Yun put one hand from the little medical fairy's back to her chest, and supported the little medical fairy's small hips with the other hand. With force, his fingers pressed out an arc and sank slightly into it. He

  picked up the little medical fairy in a princess hug, dissipated the flame cover, and walked back to the dormitory without caring about Hu Jia who was sitting paralyzed on the ground. The

  little medical fairy in his arms tapped Su Yun's chest gently with her little hand.

  "Brother is so mean.

  We kissed for so long outside that I am completely exhausted."

  Little Medical Fairy's face was full of blush as she scolded her lover coquettishly. However, after such a long deep kiss, her voice sounded weak and lingering, just like a kitten acting coquettishly.

  Su Yun chuckled and lowered his head to gently tap Little Medical Fairy's forehead.

  Three days later, Su Yun brought Little Medical Fairy to a big tree in Heping Town.

  This big tree is the famous Dead Spirit Tree in the Black Horn Region.

  A long time ago, some strong men in the Black Horn Region who attempted to provoke Canaan Academy came here to show off their power.

  Now Canaan Academy is still standing, and the final result is naturally self-evident.

  After the battle, the corpses of two fighting kings and one fighting emperor were hung on this dead spirit tree, and in a particularly conspicuous place.

  Since then, basically no one dared to come here, which is why Su Yun asked Hai Bodong to bring Qing Lin here.

  Hai Bodong was waiting here early, and when he saw the two figures, he immediately waved.
