

  Chapter 131 The last round (second update!)

  Afterwards, the rosy lips lightly touched Su Yun's ears, and the moist hot air was gently exhaled from the little mouth.

  A hint of playfulness flashed across the delicate little face of the little medical fairy, and she whispered in Su Yun's ear.

  "Are you jealous?"

  Su Yun had a blank expression.


  My brother just said one thing and meant another.

  The little medical fairy snuggled in Su Yun's arms, her two little hands gently wrapped around Su Yun's waist, whispering sweet words between the two of them.

  She wouldn't believe that she wasn't jealous or anything.

  The last time they celebrated Qing Lin, the three of them went to visit the imperial capital together.

  I just asked the owner of the roadside stall a few more questions about the price of jewelry, and my brother's face, which was always calm and composed, was dark as hell. The

  ethereal and crisp voice of the Little Medical Fairy was like a spring that soothes and cleanses Su Yun's heart.

  After a while, Su Yun's expressionless face finally changed.

  "If you meet Lin Xiuya, remember to be careful.

  The level of his martial arts and fighting skills is not low, and his wind-attribute fighting spirit is quite exquisite.

  His speed is the best among his peers, and he can also fight against opponents of higher levels. Your poison skills may not work."

  Hearing Su Yun speak, the Little Medical Fairy smiled sweetly and said obediently.

  "Xian'er understands. If we really encounter it, I will definitely be careful."

  Su Yun nodded and put his hands on the little medical fairy's slender waist.

  It's very thin. Holding it in his arms and rubbing it in his hands is an extreme enjoyment.

  At this time, a voice rang out from the referee's seat.

  "Chen Jiu from the first class of Xuanjie will play against Su Yun from the second class of Huangjie."

  Su Yun was slightly startled when he heard it, and he perked up a little .

  It's finally my turn.

  The little medical fairy also got up from Su Yun's arms, combed Su Yun's wrinkled clothes, and made a cheering gesture.

  "Come on, brother."

  Looking at the smiling little medical fairy, Su Yun also smiled.

  It's impossible for the students from the outer courtyard to be his opponent.

  When Su Yun arrived at the venue, the student named Chen Jiu looked at Su Yun as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

  At the same time, he showed an expression that he wanted to say something but stopped.

  Su Yun's face was calm, and he looked at his opponent slightly to show respect.

  Surprisingly, when Su Yun saw Chen Jiu's face, his face was stunned.

  Isn't this the student who helped him pass the message in the law enforcement team?

  On the referee's bench, the elder saw that both parties were ready and shouted.


  As the elder's voice rang, Chen Jiu's fighting spirit surged, his muscles instantly tensed, and he entered a fighting state.

  Su Yun had a slight smile on his face. He had been sitting there for a whole day. Su Yun stretched his muscles slightly and smiled at Chen Jiu in front of him.

  "Shall we fight?"

  Chen Jiu heard this, a bitter smile appeared on his face.

  "We are both students of the same academy. Please show some mercy for the sake of the previous message delivery."

  Su Yun smiled and nodded.

  He had been reliable in delivering messages for him before, and had never missed the time. It would not hurt to give him some face.

  Chen Jiu was a one-star master fighter. If he had not met Su Yun or met some other master fighters on the way, it would be easy for him to enter the inner courtyard.

  But now, he has to wait another year.

  In the stands, everyone's eyes were focused on Su Yun.

  As the only fighting spirit among the students in the outer courtyard, naturally everyone was curious about him.

  Lin Xiuya stood with a burly young man.

  "Is this person Su Yun? He is

  a freshman who just came in this year, but he has the ability of fighting spirits. It's really exaggerated."

  This burly young man is named Yan Hao. He uses a black iron hammer and is also a talented person who will be famous on the future strong list.   

  Lin Xiuya looked at Su Yun, who was not very impressive, and frowned.

  "You can't tell his true strength from this.

  I heard that he hasn't even attended a class in the six months since he entered the school.

  No one has ever seen him fight."

  Yan Hao curled his lips when he heard this.

  "After the competition today, why don't you go and try it with him?"

  Lin Xiuya's face flashed with a black line.

  "Why don't you go yourself?"

  Yan Hao laughed.

  "Of course you haven't thought your life is long enough yet."

  "Haha, me too."

  Just as the two were talking.

  In the field, Su Yun practiced a few moves with Chen Jiu, then waved a strong fighting spirit and pushed him out of the field.

  The referee saw this scene and nodded slightly.

  "Su Yun, wins!"

  Seeing this, Su Yun nodded to Chen Jiu outside the field and left the field.

  The first round of competition was basically unimportant. Afterwards, Xiao Yixian encountered a high-level fighter and defeated him easily, so the first round of selection was over.

  At night, Su Yun rarely had time for training. He put one hand around Xiao Yixian's slender waist and one hand on Xiao Xiao's hips. He slept soundly with the soft jade in his arms.

  After a few days and rounds of competition, the top ten of the inner courtyard selection were selected, and today the top five would be decided!

  Among these ten people, Su Yun and Xiao Yixian were naturally among them.

  In the square, ten people stood at a distance. The elder on the referee's seat saw that everyone was present, nodded, and announced the rules of the competition.

  "This round of competition will be in a defending mode."

  As he said that, he took out a bamboo stick bucket from the table.

  "Wait, each of you come up and draw lots. There are two kinds of bamboo sticks, five red and five white. Those with red sticks go up to defend the arena, and those with white sticks go up to attack the arena.

  Those who are knocked down can also challenge others."

  After the elder explained the rules clearly, he asked ten people to come forward and draw lots.

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian both drew white sticks.

  The five people who drew red sticks stepped out one by one.

  Su Yun used the system's scanning function to see the information of everyone except himself and Xiao Yixian.

  Lin Xiuya, Yan Hao, Lin Yan, and Liu Qing are all well-known people.

  When Xiao Yan enters the inner courtyard in the future, they will all be top fighters on the strong list.

  But that's all in the future, and now they are only at the level of great fighters.

  Lin Xiuya and Yan Hao both drew red sticks.

  Seeing Su Yun looking at them, they

  all felt a little scalp-tingling. They had seen all of Su Yun's previous rounds of competition.

  Although he did not try his best in every competition, he pushed his opponents out of the field very easily, making it impossible to tell his specific cultivation

  level. But the people present knew very well that such strength was definitely not something that a master fighter could achieve.

  Several people were not sure of Su Yun's specific level, but they all knew it.

  This person is definitely a powerful fighting spirit!

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes and thought about how to fight.

  Such rules naturally did not matter to him. With his strength, he could fight however he wanted. Even if everyone present came together, he could defeat them all.

  But the Little Medical Fairy was different.

  It is true that her strength is among the top ten.

  But what if someone challenges her right after she starts fighting?

  Who can bear it if they come one by one?

  The rules just now don't say that she can't challenge someone after just finishing a fight.