


  Chapter 132 Elder Fire (3rd update!)

  After pondering for a while, Su Yun's eyes lit up and he thought of a good idea. He

  immediately whispered in Little Medical Fairy's ear.

  After listening, Little Medical Fairy showed a happy look on her face and said sweetly.

  "Thank you, brother."

  After the two made up their minds, Su Yun looked at the five people in front of him again, intending to pick a lucky one.

  Seeing Su Yun's eyes coming from the opposite side again.

  The five people's foreheads were sweating.

  Although they didn't know what Su Yun and Little Medical Fairy said.

  But just based on this look, they could understand that he was going to pick on the unlucky one!

  Su Yun touched his chin, and finally his eyes were on Lin Xiuya.

  It's you, who made you so handsome.

  In his previous life, after he went to college, he had free disposal of living expenses, so he started to eat and drink excessively, and his figure gradually became out of shape. After

  entering society, he had no time to take care of himself.

  So after traveling through time, although he was not extremely handsome,

  at least he had a delicate face and a well-proportioned figure, neither fat nor thin. Even if he practiced those physical training and fighting skills, he did not become a big tyrant.

  He was still very satisfied with his current appearance.

  But compared with a frivolous monster like Lin Xiuya, he had to admit that there was still a certain gap in the toughness value.

  Over the past few years, the little medical fairy has also grown up and become more and more beautiful.

  The two of them are like a pair of perfect match when they are together, and they are quite compatible.

  Su Yun is quite content with this. The most handsome man in the world is unrealistic and not easy to resonate with.

  The other challengers who drew white tickets were still undecided and were lingering in place.

  Su Yun saw this and stepped out first.

  The elder on the referee's bench saw this and signaled to Su Yun.

  "Who do you want to challenge?"

  The five defenders were shocked when they heard this and prayed in their hearts that they would not be chosen.

  Su Yun heard this and slowly walked in front of Lin Xiuya.

  Lin Xiuya looked at the figure getting closer and closer and felt like crying.

  Beside Lin Xiuya, his friend Yan Hao looked at Lin Xiuya with a gloating look, while the other three defenders breathed a sigh of relief.

  Lin Xiuya felt Yan Hao's gaze and glared at him fiercely.

  "Elder, I will choose this student."

  The elder nodded while standing on the referee's bench.

  "Others, please leave the field."

  Only Su Yun and Lin Xiuya were left on the field.

  Feeling Su Yun's increasingly hostile gaze, Lin Xiuya forced a smile on his face.


  Brother Su, please go easy on me later."

  Su Yun looked at Lin Xiuya's frivolous face and his elegant and easy-going temperament.

  He also laughed.

  "Brother Lin, don't worry, it's just a competition.

  Just treat it as a competition. At most, it's just some physical pain. We monks can't be afraid of this, right?"

  Hearing this, Lin Xiuya was relieved and expressed his gratitude to Su Yun.

  "Thank you, brother Su."

  He was not afraid of physical pain.

  Losing to Su Yun was inevitable, and he was mentally prepared. He was worried that Su Yun would injure him internally, and he would not be able to fully exert his strength, and he would not be able to compete for the top five in the future.

  Now that he got Su Yun's answer, he felt relieved.

  He had never thought about giving up.

  Lin Xiuya was just a young and energetic youth at this time, so he naturally didn't want to give up directly to a boy who was so much younger than him. It would be embarrassing


  After the elder asked the two to get ready, he shouted to start.

  Lin Xiuya immediately stirred up the fighting spirit in his body, and a set of green fighting spirit armor appeared on his body.   

  Fighting spirit turns into armor!

  Then the wind-attributed fighting spirit condensed under his feet, and his figure disappeared from the spot and circled in the middle of the field.

  Su Yun watched this scene quietly. If he used the speed advantage of the wind attribute to deal with me, wouldn't he lose so badly?

  It's a good idea, but unfortunately, it's useless.

  Su Yun grinned on his harmless face, and the hot fighting spirit filled the whole field, and the momentum spread out.

  Seven Star Fighting Spirit!

  The stands were dark and the noisy students were suddenly silent. They all took a breath of cool air, contributing to the intensification of the greenhouse effect of the Fighting Spirit Continent.

  On the other side, Hu Qian and the three old men also looked surprised.

  Hu Qian stroked his graying beard.

  "Seven-star Fighting Spirit, with this level of cultivation, he will be listed on the Strongest List once he enters the Inner Court."

  The other three elders were two elders from the Outer Court, one in a gold robe and the other in a gray robe.

  As for the other, it was Elder Huo from the Alchemy Department, a fifth-grade peak alchemist, on par with Fa Ma of the Gama Empire.

  Elder Huo nodded.

  "More than that, at this age, he has such a level of cultivation, so his talent must be extremely terrifying. With the help of the Tianfen Qi Training Tower, he will probably reach the peak of Fighting Spirit in just a few months. He

  will be able to impact the top ten of the Strongest List immediately."

  The other two elders also nodded.

  The gray-robed elder couldn't help but speak.

  "Old Huo, take a quick look, is he an alchemist?"

  Elder Huo's dry face twitched.

  "You are probably getting old and confused. I am not a god, how can I tell?

  How can I tell based on the fluctuations of fighting spirit?"

  The gray-robed elder couldn't help but defend himself.

  "I am just anxious."

  Hu Qian comforted him at this time.

  "Okay, okay.

  Don't get so angry.

  Old Huo, you should also understand. You know the situation of the two elders. Whether Su Yun is a sixth-grade pharmacist is particularly important. You might as well take a closer look."

  Elder Huo sighed when he heard this.

  "Okay, stop trying to persuade me.

  You two, don't hold out such high hopes.

  Even if Su Yun is a sixth-grade pharmacist, he may not be able to refine the Po Zong Dan.

  You must know that Po Zong Dan is a sixth-grade top-level elixir.

  If an ordinary sixth-grade pharmacist were to refine it, the success rate would probably be less than 10%.

  Although Su Yun's cultivation is good, he is only at the Dou Ling level.

  You must know that in order to support the refining of a sixth-grade elixir, one must at least have the Dou Wang level."

  Although Elder Huo did not say it explicitly, the three of them understood the meaning of his words.

  The old man in the golden robe showed reluctance.

  "Are there no exceptions?"


  Of course there are. If a fighting spirit possesses a strange fire, it is not impossible for him to become a sixth-grade pharmacist.

  However, there are only twenty-three kinds of strange fire on the strange fire list, and the probability is close to zero.

  And you know how most of us pharmacists have cultivated our skills.

  Su Yun has a solid fighting spirit and a solid foundation. He doesn't look like a medicine jar at all."

  Elder Huo smiled bitterly and analyzed everything clearly.

  He didn't want Su Yun to be a sixth-grade pharmacist.

  The two elders have had a relationship with him for many years, and he doesn't want to see them fall.

  It's just that the facts are in front of them, which makes people sigh.

  After hearing this, the three of them also understood the situation thoroughly.

  Somewhat uninterested.

  On the other side, inside the field, Su Yun looked at Lin Xiuya who was circling around him and smiled coldly.