

134 Thousands of Elders (Second update!)

  Ruolin was a little amused, looking at the little medical fairy in Su Yun's arms, a strong envy flashed through her heart.

  Su Yun exchanged a few polite words with Ruolin, thanked her for taking care of her during this period, and then took the little medical fairy away.

  Back in the dormitory, the little medical fairy was busy in the kitchen to celebrate passing the selection today.

  Su Yun was thinking about entering the library in three days.

  Su Yun licked his lips.

  There are a lot of good things in there.

  It doesn't matter if there are martial arts and fighting skills, it's better to have them, but it doesn't matter if there are none.

  But other natural treasures made him quite greedy.

  Among them are sixth-level magic cores and various precious medicinal materials, but I don't know if they can be recycled using the system's recycling function.

  It was because he was unsure about this that he took the trouble to get Little Medical Fairy into the top five.

  Su Yun shook his head. This was not something he could decide. Just let nature take its course.

  Little Medical Fairy fiddled in the kitchen for a long time. After serving the last dish, she untied her apron and put it aside.

  A smile flashed across Su Yun's face. Although this audition was insignificant to him and not a big deal, since Little Medical Fairy was happy, let her be.

  Three days later, the five people were taken to a hidden room by Hu Qian.

  Hu Qian casually patted a wall a few times. A noise came from behind the wall, and then a dark passage appeared in front of them.

  They followed Hu Qian in.

  At the end of the road is a huge pavilion. On an ancient plaque are three large characters: Book Pavilion.

  Hu Qian clasped his fists towards the empty pavilion and spoke loudly.

  "The top five of this year's inner court selection competition have been brought in. Please open the door, elders."

  Just as Hu Qian's voice fell, two gray-robed elders suddenly appeared at the door of the library.

  Su Yun's pupils shrank, and he subconsciously used the system's scanning function.

  The two elders Qianbai!

  These two are the guardians of Canaan Academy, Bailie and Qianmu, two top Dou Zong masters!

  Su Yun's heart beat faster unconsciously.

  Before he went to Zhongzhou, these two were probably the two most powerful people he could meet.

  Yao Lao doesn't count, after all, he is only a spirit body, and his strength is only one tenth of what it was.

  Su Yun looked at the figures of Qian Baier Lao, and a trace of envy flashed through his heart.

  With such strength, even in Zhongzhou, as long as the eight ancient clans are not defeated, as long as the one palace and one tower, the two sects and three valleys, and the four square pavilions are not offended, the whole world can be visited!

  The other students also looked at Qian Baier Lao in shock.

  Xiao Yixian subconsciously held Su Yun's hand tightly.

  After the evil poison body was opened, Xiao Yixian's cultivation level improved rapidly. Maybe in a few years she will surpass Su Yun, but now, she is still a little girl who depends on her brother.

  Qian Baier Lao raised his head slightly and looked at the students of this year.


  One of the elders looked at Su Yun with a bit of surprise.

  "A 14-year-old fighting spirit, with such talent, it seems that a great talent has emerged this year."

  The other elder's eyes were also attracted, and he looked at Su Yun with surprise.

  Su Yun laughed dryly and bowed to the two elders.

  "Thank you for your honor."

  "Young people, it's good to be humble, but it's not good if you lose your sharpness so quickly."

  Perhaps it was Su Yun's talent that made the two look at him differently, and they exchanged a few words.

  Then the two stretched out two old hands from their gray robes and opened the space lock of the library.

  This space lock was left by Mang Tianchi, the founder of Canaan Academy.

  The Dou Zong strongmen were already able to use the power of space to open the space lock.

  Two invisible waves came out from the two elders Qian Bai and touched the folds of space here, and then an invisible door appeared in front of everyone.

  After opening the space lock, the two elders Qian Bai withdrew their hands and said to the few people.

  "Go in."

  Hu Qian smiled at the two elders.

  "Thank you, two elders."   

  The two elders nodded slightly and sat cross-legged on the ground.

  Hu Qian was not surprised.

  These two people in Canaan Academy have incredibly high seniority scores. Although he is also old, he is just a junior in the eyes of these two people.

  Hu Qian turned his head and faced Su Yun and others, and warned them.

  "You can go in now.

  Remember, after entering, you cannot force the things inside. If it is not yours, you can't take it away.

  Everything inside has been added with an energy layer.

  If you are strong enough, you can reach in and take the things away.

  If not, just give up.

  In addition, you can only take one thing away, understand?"

  The five people nodded.

  "This door will only be open for one hour. Be careful to manage your time. After one hour, you must come out regardless of whether you have got anything or not."

  Hu Qian continued.

  Then, the five people immediately walked into the door.

  After the five people entered, the door behind them closed.

  After walking forward for about five minutes, the group entered a spacious room.

  At this time, a sound of breaking through the air came and attacked the five people.

  An object surrounded by an energy ball was getting closer and closer, and everyone's face changed.

  Su Yun saw this scene, narrowed his eyes, aimed at the opportunity, and stretched out his hand to grab the energy ball.

  Several people immediately turned their eyes to him, and Su Yun's hand was surrounded by fighting spirit, and he caught the energy ball steadily, and then his other hand tentatively reached into it.

  A jade box appeared in Su Yun's hand.

  Su Yun opened it and looked at it slightly, quite surprised.

  Inside was a seventh-order beast fire.

  For the alchemist, it was very attractive.

  After all, exotic fires were rare, and the grade of the seventh-order beast fire was not low, which could provide considerable help to the alchemist when refining pills.

  Su Yun's hand flashed a little, and his palm loosened. The jade box in his hand seemed to be attracted by something, and immediately turned into a beam of light, wrapped in an energy ball, and flew around.

  Su Yun calculated the distance, and when the beam was about to leave 50 meters around him, he immediately recited in his heart.

  "System, recycle the things in that beam of light!"

  "Ding, recyclable items detected, recycling successful!"

  Su Yun heard this and immediately immersed his mind into the system space. The jade box just now was lying quietly inside.

  Seeing this, a hint of obscure heat flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  Tsk, this time, they are going back to their old ways!

  The other three saw the action just now, looked at each other, and a hint of heat flashed in their eyes.

  There were more and more light balls in the room, and beams of different colors flew inside the room, making a whooshing sound of breaking wind.

  Seeing this, the three people immediately separated and began to look for the things they wanted.

  Su Yun's mind returned to the outside world, looking at the energy balls covering the sky in the room, and the heat in his heart intensified.

  Little Doctor Fairy held Su Yun's arm and couldn't help asking.

  "Brother, should we start looking too?"

  Su Yun grinned.

  "Of course, Xian'er, let's look separately."

  Little Doctor Fairy nodded. It would be more efficient to look separately.