


  Chapter 135 Great Harvest (3rd update!)

  After Su Yun and Xiao Yixian separated, they quickly approached the place where the energy groups were dense.

  "System, recycle the things in this light group!"

  "Ding, recyclable items detected, recycling successful!"


  "System, recycle the things in that light group!"

  "Ding, recyclable items detected, recycling successful!"


  "Ding, ding, ding..."

  The mechanical sound of the system kept ringing in Su Yun's mind, sounding like the sound of nature.

  The corners of Su Yun's mouth kept rising.

  Just as Su Yun was constantly harvesting, Xiao Yixian picked and chose, took one light group, and then another, and was not very satisfied with any of them.

  Xiao Yixian's delicate face showed some distress, and her two slender hands subconsciously hugged her side.

  The delicate figure staggered slightly, and then realized that Su Yun was not around.

  The little hand gently supported her cheek, and she felt even more distressed.

  Suddenly, a rather bright gray-green light ball, emitting a good energy fluctuation, passed quickly over the head of the little medical fairy.

  The little medical fairy was startled, and then she reacted, circulated the fighting spirit in her body, and immediately ran in the direction of the light ball.

  With such fluctuations, the things inside must be extraordinary, and if the sense is good, it is very likely to be a poisonous item!

  The little medical fairy took exquisite steps and displayed her fighting skills, but the light ball was so fast that the little medical fairy could not catch up for a while.

  At this time, an elegant figure appeared in the direction where the light ball was flying, and the figure swept into the sky and grabbed the light ball in his hand.

  The Little Medical Fairy who was chasing after him frowned and looked at the elegant figure.

  The man also looked over subconsciously, and his body was shocked when he saw the Little Medical Fairy who exuded an ethereal aura.

  The man was Lin Xiuya.

  Lin Xiuya looked at the gray-green ball of light in his hand and realized what was going on.

  In his mind, the harmless face of Su Yun suddenly popped up, and he shuddered with fear.

  With a handsome smile on his face, he looked at the Little Medical Fairy and stretched out his hand holding the ball of light.

  "Here you go."

  The Little Medical Fairy glanced at the gray-green ball of light in Lin Xiuya's hand, and thought that if he let go of the light ball, it would fly away, and he had to catch it with his hands. He

  immediately turned around and left without looking back.

  Well, compared to these so-called treasures, my brother's mood is indeed more important.

  If she knew that she had physical contact with another man, she would definitely explode with jealousy. Even if she didn't say it

  , she would definitely feel uncomfortable for a long time. Although her brother wouldn't know as long as Xian'er didn't say it, Xian'er had to be a good girl.

  Lin Xiuya, who was standing in the same place, looked at the little medical fairy who ran away immediately, and his mouth twitched. He

  couldn't help but touch his handsome face. Was it that scary?

  In the past three days, he made a special trip to the alchemy department to restore his face to its original state.

  Lin Xiuya shook his head and looked at the ball of light in his hand again. It

  's better not to mess with that girl, otherwise you don't know when she will be beaten to death.

  With such fluctuations, the things inside must be extraordinary.

  Lin Xiuya reached inside with his other hand, and a huge force suddenly erupted, shaking his palm so that the tiger's mouth cracked.

  Lin Xiuya immediately let go of the thing and let it go.

  Looking at his palm dripping with blood, he smiled bitterly.

  He saved someone from a disaster. What a bad luck.

  On the other side, Su Yun was having a great time doing his old job. A graceful figure with an ethereal temperament ran towards Su Yun.


  Hearing the voice of the Little Medical Fairy, Su Yun turned around and looked at the Little Medical Fairy running towards him. Su Yun subconsciously held her in his arms.

  "Did you get something suitable?"

  Su Yun stopped the recovery process and asked with concern.

  The Little Medical Fairy shook her head slightly.


  Su Yun gently rubbed the Little Medical Fairy's delicate jade hands.   

  "It's okay, I'll go with you to look for it."


  The little medical fairy stood on tiptoe and gently touched Su Yun's lips.

  Then the two held hands, carefully looked at the strange energy ball in the air, and began to choose.

  Su Yun accompanied the little medical fairy, while continuing to quietly collect the items in the ball of light.

  With his current spiritual power, it was easy to do two things at the same time.

  "Brother, you haven't chosen yet?"

  The little medical fairy looked up, looked at Su Yun's handsome face, and asked.

  "Not yet."

  Su Yun had a smile on his face.

  "Then let me pick first."

  "It's okay. Tell me when you see something suitable.

  You can't use some of your current strength, and the recoil force may even hurt you."

  Xiao Yixian listened to Su Yun's thoughtful words, and was happy and had a sweet smile on her face.

  "I'll listen to you."

  In the following time, Su Yun accompanied Xiao Yixian to slowly choose, while frantically putting the good things in the energy ball into the system space. After

  an hour, both of them had a volume of earth-level fighting skills in their hands.

  The other three also picked their own things and gained something.

  The three were a little puzzled.

  Some of these light balls were still empty, wasting a lot of time.

  Lin Xiuya looked at the Xuan-level intermediate fighting skills in his hand and said nothing.

  My luck is really bad today.

  Seven out of the ten light balls I got were empty. After choosing for a long time, only this fighting skill has wind attribute, which is suitable for me.

  It's better than nothing.

  Lin Xiuya comforted himself in this way.

  After the five people walked out of the door, the second elder Qianbai secretly used a secret method to sense the breath of the five people.

  When he found that no one had secretly taken extra things, he nodded slightly.

  In the past, it was common for students to secretly put things into the storage ring, but since the rules have been set, there are naturally ways to monitor it. They

  are just a few great fighters, and the strongest is only a fighting spirit. It is impossible to hide it from the top strong men of the Fighting Sect.

  Hu Qian saw the five people coming out, nodded, thanked the second elder Qianbai again, and left with the five people.

  Su Yun felt a little guilty. He glanced at the two elders calmly, but pretended nothing happened.

  He gently rubbed the jade hand of Little Medical Fairy, and followed Hu Qian out of the library.

  After returning, because he had gained a lot today, Su Yun stretched and said to Little Medical Fairy.

  "Xian'er, let's make something good today."

  There is nothing good to visit in the outer courtyard, so it would be nice to try the big meal made by Little Medical Fairy.

  Little Medical Fairy was a little confused when she heard it, but she didn't say anything. She just thought that her brother was very happy to get the earth-level fighting skills.


  She listened to Su Yun in everything, as always.

  After the two had a delicious meal, they fell asleep in each other's arms.

  "Brother... don't touch there, Xian'er is so itchy."

  "Okay, okay."

  "Well, brother is bad, this is more itchy, brother clearly knows which part of Xian'er's body is more sensitive, but you just bully Xian'er!"


  Two days later, the top 50 of the inner courtyard selection competition were summoned by Hu Qian.

  Today is the day to go to the inner courtyard!