

  Chapter 147 Identity Exposed (3rd update!)

  Su Yun nodded and smiled.

  "Then I'll leave it to Elder Su."

  Elder Su Yun also nodded.

  This kid is really good at handling things.

  At this time, a strong breath rose and burst from the attic.

  The two people sensed this fluctuation and looked towards the attic.

  Su Yun's face was happy.

  The breakthrough was successful!

  Elder Su's face flashed with emotion.

  "This girl's talent is also incredible. Although I don't know why she didn't enter the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower, this kind of cultivation speed is already very shocking."

  Elder Su touched his gray beard.

  "Boy Su, I'll leave first and won't disturb you two young lovers."

  "Elder Su, take care."

  After Elder Su left, Su Yun waited quietly outside the door.

  In a moment, the little medical fairy opened the door, saw Su Yun outside the door, and a flash of surprise flashed across her face, and immediately threw herself into Su Yun's arms.


  Su Yun smiled, picked up Xiao Yixian by the waist, walked into the attic and into the room.

  The two of them lay on the bed, Xiao Yixian hugged Su Yun's face and kissed him directly.

  The familiar warm touch came, Su Yun's heart was moved, and he began to respond.

  After a while.

  Xiao Yixian's face was full of flushes, and her body seemed to have lost its strength, weak and boneless, soft, as if telling Su Yun that he could do whatever he wanted. A

  short separation is better than a new marriage.

  Although the length is short, they have not seen each other for five months.

  Xiao Yixian twisted her body in Su Yun's arms, as if looking for a more comfortable posture.

  Su Yun slapped her small buttocks with attractive curves.

  Still twisting, he was very angry just after coming out of the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower.

  After all, the place is rich in fire attribute energy. Although the Qinglian Earth Core Fire can be immune to fire poison, the hot breath.

  It still has a great impact on him, after all, he has been there for so long. After this provocation, he can't suppress it.


  The blush on Xiao Yixian's face became even more intense.

  Her fair face swelled up like a little pufferfish.

  She was about to say something coquettish, but then she felt the touch from below and understood what was going on.

  She lowered her pretty face slightly and quickly got up from Su Yun.

  Su Yun's face was also a little unnatural.

  But this was not something he could control. It was

  normal for young people to be hot-tempered.

  Su Yun coughed lightly and changed the subject.

  "Xian'er, your cultivation speed seems to have increased again."

  Xiao Yixian heard this. She slightly combed her messy black hair.

  "Yes, it seems to be because of the technique.

  Since the technique evolved to the low level of the earth rank, my speed of refining poison has become much faster, and the speed of increasing the source of the evil poison body is also faster."

  Xiao Yixian replied.

  Su Yun nodded and understood the situation.

  The technique evolved from the high level of the mysterious rank to the low level of the earth rank, and it was normal for the cultivation speed to accelerate again.

  In five months, he was promoted from a two-star great Dou Shi to a Dou Ling strongman.

  At this speed... I'm afraid it won't take a year to become a Dou Wang.

  After all, the evil poison body has no bottleneck.

  In this way, Xiao Yixian will really catch up with me.

  In a year, even with the help of the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower, I'm afraid I can only improve my strength by a few stars.

  Su Yun pulled Xiao Yixian into his arms again and gently stroked her soft black hair.

  The girl who once hugged his thigh and begged for shelter has grown up.

  Xiao Yixian closed her beautiful eyes slightly and let her lover do what he wanted.

  That night, Su Yun and Xiao Yixian fell asleep in each other's arms.   

  The girl's body is very soft, like a piece of cotton candy, or like warm jade, with a gentle body temperature, and it feels very comfortable in the arms.

  Su Yun's evil big hands can't be controlled at all.

  "Well... Brother, remember to be gentle, Xian'er's body can't bear such a strong force..."

  The next day, Su Yun just got up.

  Huh, after high-intensity training, it really takes a little relaxation.

  Xiao Yixian still prepared breakfast early, waiting for Su Yun to sleep until he wakes up naturally.

  Su Yun sat on the bed and looked at Xiao Yixian.

  "Xian'er, I want to eat imported breakfast."

  Xiao Yixian was a little confused and sat next to Su Yun. Her small buttocks were slightly pressed out of the arc by the weight of her body.

  "Imported breakfast?"

  "Yes, imported breakfast is delicious."

  Su Yun whispered in Xiao Yixian's ear.

  After a while, Xiao Yixian blushed.

  "Really, do you really want it?"

  "Of course."

  Su Yun looked at Xiao Yixian's pretty face, which was flushed, and a trace of joy flashed in his heart.

  This coy look is really never boring.

  Xiao Yixian stuck out her tongue and licked the tempting lips.

  She has done so many embarrassing things with her brother, but she has never tried imported food.

  Xiao Yixian felt shy and eager to try.

  Although she blushed every time, she gradually relaxed a little.


  Xiao Yixian said coquettishly.

  After Su Yun washed up, she sat on the bed. Xiao Yixian spread her straight and slender legs, exuding the breath of youth, and sat on Su Yun, holding a small bowl of porridge in her left hand and a spoon in her right hand.

  Su Yun put a mouthful of porridge in his mouth. Seeing this, Su Yun went up and gently held the tempting lips, carefully and slowly prying them open.

  "Hmm... um..."

  On the other side, in Su Qian's office.

  "When will that kid come?"

  Elder Huo sat on the chair and rubbed his temples.

  In the room, Su Qian, Elder Huo, and the two elders were waiting here.

  Since they knew that Su Yun had come out of the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower yesterday, they have been waiting until now.

  "Su Yun wouldn't have forgotten about this, right?"

  The golden robe elder sighed.

  "Why don't we go now?"

  The gray robe elder asked.

  As early as two months ago, the people sent to the Jia Ma Empire to inquire about the news had returned.

  A sixth-grade alchemist Zhang Xiaofan appeared in the imperial capital, and this matter was easily found out.

  In addition to Hai Bodong's clue, they were basically certain that Su Yun was that Zhang Xiaofan.

  The news that Su Yun had refined the Po Zong Dan for Jia Xingtian had already spread in the imperial capital, so the two elders were boiling.

  After getting the news, they immediately rushed from the outer courtyard and found Su Qian to explain the matter. Su Qian also knew about this and was shocked. They

  immediately went to the small attic to find Su Yun, but were told that Su Yun had been in seclusion for a long time.

  So they stayed in the inner courtyard and waited for him to come out.

  Then a month later, the kid came out to receive the fire energy and went back in, which made them jump with anger.

  That's why they sent people to the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower to wait for Su Yun to come out.

  After that, Elder Huo also wanted to meet this young sixth-grade alchemist, who also came from the Alchemy Department until now.

  Su Qian coughed lightly.

  "Let's wait. Judging from the performance of the young couple before, they are very loving. They are probably

  still sick of each other now. If we disturb their good times, it will be troublesome."