

  Chapter 148 Wealthy and Powerful (First Update!)

  Several people nodded when they heard this.

  Since they guessed Su Yun's identity, they have already dug out all his information.

  Protect the Little Medical Fairy to enter the top five, enter the inner courtyard, and go to the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower for training. Please take good care of it, Elder Su.

  This information is impossible to hide in their territory.

  Another day passed.

  Su Qian raised his eyebrows, the blue veins on his forehead jumped, stood up, and took a long breath.

  "Let's go, let's go and take care of the best student of this year.

  Don't let him die of exhaustion."

  Hearing this, several people nodded seriously.

  In the warm attic, Su Yun was still lying on the bed holding the Little Medical Fairy.

  Little Medical Fairy looked at the two hands placed on her body and below her body, front and back, with a hint of helplessness and joy flashing across her pretty face, and she gently touched Su Yun's lips.

  Then she gently took both hands away.

  Brother is really something, he played all day yesterday, and his hands are still not honest at night.

  Little Medical Fairy got up quietly, for fear of waking Su Yun.

  Then she straightened her thin and messy clothes, combed her hair, washed up, and was about to prepare breakfast for Su Yun, but found that Su Yun had already stood up.

  Little Medical Fairy's ethereal and crisp voice like a lark rang out.

  "Brother, sleep a little longer, breakfast is not ready yet."

  Strange, why did he get up so early today.

  Su Yun frowned.

  "No need.


  Brother seems to have forgotten something."

  An awkward smile flashed across Su Yun's face, and he sensed a familiar breath outside the attic.

  He asked the Little Medical Fairy to help him get dressed, and then he took the Little Medical Fairy's hand and went outside the attic.

  Su Yun looked at the few people with some confusion.

  After the system scanning function was turned on, he found out the identities of the three people except Su Qian.

  The two elders of Canaan Academy who were at the peak of the Fighting Emperor level, and the Fire Elder of the Alchemy Department.

  An awkward smile flashed across Su Yun's face.

  "Great Elder, I'm sorry, I accidentally forgot about this yesterday."

  Su Qian smiled.

  "Haha, it's okay, judging from your appearance, you should have rested well yesterday.

  It's just that young people still need to be restrained."

  Su Yun smiled embarrassedly.

  The little doctor beside him lowered her beautiful eyes, and her red cheeks seemed to be dripping with blood.

  Su Qian stopped teasing the young man.

  "Would you like to invite us in to sit down?"

  Su Yun hurriedly invited Su Qian and the others to enter the living room.

  After they sat down, the little doctor took out the spiritual tea from her ring and was about to make tea, but was stopped by Su Qian.

  "No, girl, sit down too. Our academy is not a force outside, so there is no need to play tricks."

  Hearing this, the little doctor sat down next to Su Yun obediently.

  At this time, the golden-robed elder exclaimed.

  "Hey, little girl, you have become a fighting spirit too?

  The last time I saw you at the inner courtyard selection, you seemed to be only a two-star great fighting master. You

  are really amazing."

  At this time, the others turned their eyes to look at Xiao Yixian with some surprise.

  "Elder, you are too honorable."

  Xiao Yixian replied lightly.

  Several people did not hold on to this topic, but looked at Su Yun at the same time.

  Su Yun's scalp was numb.

  "Excuse me, elders, what is the matter with you coming here today?"

  Su Qian smiled and started to get to the point.

  "Is your second name Zhang Xiaofan?"

  Su Yun was shocked when he heard this, and a trace of surprise flashed across his face.   

  Discovered? ?

  "Don't be nervous, we are just here to ask questions this time, hehe."

  Su Qian comforted Su Yun, and several others also spoke up.

  "Yes, we are just here to confirm your identity."

  "Our Canaan Academy is quite open. As long as you don't do anything that harms the academy, we won't care about your identity."

  "Hehe, don't worry, it's just these two old men who want you to make medicine. It's okay."

  Several people opened their mouths and told the whole story to Su Yun, who was confused.

  As time passed, Su Yun also understood, and his heart gradually calmed down.

  So that's it.

  The biggest problem is Hai Bodong.

  Indeed, the strong men at the level of Fighting Emperor are the top in this Northwest Continent, and there are only a few Fighting Emperors with the Ice attribute.

  He came from Wutan City, which is in the territory of the Gama Empire.

  His relationship with Hai Bodong has long been exposed to the Canaan Academy, and it is clear that he has another identity after a check.

  Still not cautious enough...

  Su Yun warned himself.

  But it is indeed unlucky that he encountered two veterans at the peak of Fighting Emperor who are about to reach the end of their lives.

  Otherwise, they would not be exposed.

  Su Yun looked at the two old men who always had a kind face.

  There was a faint flash of enlightenment in his heart.

  When Xiao Yan first came to Canaan Academy, these two had appeared, but when Han Feng invaded, they disappeared and did not appear.

  I am afraid they went to the death retreat.

  Or, they have passed away...

  Seeing Su Yun's gaze, the two old men's faces flashed with kind smiles. They

  looked like two harmless old men.

  No one would have thought that these two old men were the powerful Douhuang masters.

  Su Yun also smiled at the two old men.

  "I can indeed refine this Po Zong Dan.

  I just don't know how many medicinal materials the academy has prepared for the two elders.

  I dare not guarantee the success rate."

  Su Yun gave a shot of prevention to several people.

  Of course, this sentence was humble.

  But with the only two medicinal materials left in his hand, it is indeed difficult to refine two pills.

  Su Qian smiled slightly, as if he had expected it, and took out thirty jade boxes from the ring.

  "Don't worry about the medicinal materials. If they are not enough, we can collect more with the financial resources of the academy."

  Su Yun looked at the thirty jade boxes on the table, and his heart was shocked.

  Is this the foundation of Canaan Academy?

  "It seems that the academy has put a lot of effort in the past two months."

  Su Yun swallowed his saliva and put the thirty jade boxes into the system space.

  Su Qian shook his head.

  "No, these medicinal materials were not collected in these two months.

  Thirty sets of medicinal materials for the sixth-grade peak elixir are impossible even with the foundation of our Canaan Academy.

  The academy has been collecting these medicinal materials in the past few years.

  Originally, we planned to ask the medicine king Han Feng in the Black Horn Region to refine them, but because of various reasons, we didn't reach an agreement."

  Speaking of this, Su Qian looked at Su Yun deeply.

  "If that's right, Su Yun, you also have a strange fire."

  Su Yun did not deny it. Perhaps outsiders could not see the details and did not know the conditions for refining sixth-grade elixirs.

  But Elder Huo, as a fifth-grade top pharmacist, could not be unaware of this.

  "Well, I do have a strange fire."

  As he spoke, Su Yun stretched out his right hand, and a cyan flame appeared in his hand. With the emergence of the cyan flame, the temperature around him immediately rose a little.

  Elder Huo hurried forward, looked around, and looked at the cyan flame in Su Yun's hand, with heat and envy in his eyes.