

  Chapter 196: Gate of Life and Death (3rd update!)

  There was no emotion in Xiao Yixian's beautiful gray-purple eyes.

  With her current cultivation, she has activated the Evil Poison Body, and combined with the Earth-level martial arts, her strength has completely reached the Douhuang level.

  The strength of these two fifth-level monsters, one at the initial Douwang level, and the other at the intermediate Douwang level, and they don't know how to attack together, so they can't be her opponents.

  The poison spreads in the two beasts. This is the poison power after the Evil Poison Body is activated. They can't resist for long.

  Xiao Yixian fought with the two beasts for a while. Under the invasion of the poison, the two beasts were already quite weak, and their strength could not be exerted for more than 30%.

  Xiao Yixian once again made a gray-green poisonous handprint, and after a palm, the two beasts died suddenly.

  As for Su Yun's battle with the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King, it ended not long ago. The power of a move of Flowing Flame Dragon Slash is already very sufficient.

  Seeing that the battle here has also ended, Su Yun flew over.

  Yun Yun in Xiao Yixian's arms has fainted.

  Xiao Yixian carefully looked at Yun Yun in her arms.

  She had a curvy figure and a beautiful face. She was extremely graceful and elegant, which could not be covered by plain clothes. Perhaps because her strength was sealed and she was seriously injured, a trace of weakness flashed across her face.

  Such a contrast aroused the man's desire to protect her.

  At this time, Su Yun spoke.

  "Xian'er, you take her back first. I'll go to the cave of the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King. There are some good things there."

  Xiao Yixian nodded.

  "Be careful."


  After Xiao Yixian left with Yun Yun, Su Yun came to the cave of the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King. With a wave of the setting sun, the terrifying green sword energy slashed out, and the demon beast guards in front of the cave were slashed by Su Yun with a crushing force.

  Entering the cave, a small beast ran out and grinned at Su Yun.

  This is a small Purple Crystal Winged Master King.

  Su Yun had no intention of showing mercy. He slashed with a sword, and the lion's head was separated. Su Yun put it into the system space.

  He hadn't eaten braised lion's head for a long time.

  He could control the things in the system space to be in a static state. Counting the purple crystal winged lion king a few years ago, well, the whole family should enter the stomach neatly.

  Su Yun's soul power came out of his body and he easily found the purple spirit crystal. Then he searched for it and took away the companion purple crystal source.

  Then he left the cave and flew back home.

  After a while, in Wutan City, Su Yun returned home.

  Xiao Yixian came to meet Su Yun after seeing Su Yun coming back.

  "I treated her wound and applied some medicine, but she is still in a coma and has not woken up."

  Xiao Yixian explained to Su Yun.

  Su Yun nodded and was about to go and see, but was stopped by Xiao Yixian.

  The two looked at each other, Xiao Yixian stood on tiptoe, and a pair of lotus arms were wrapped around Su Yun's neck. The pair of beautiful eyes looked at Su Yun like this, and the meaning of what she wanted to express was self-evident.

  Su Yun immediately leaned down.

  Yun Yun was not in danger of life now, so Xiao Yixian's mood was more important.

  A quarter of an hour later.

  "Let's go."

  Xiao Yixian took Su Yun's hand and came to a room.

  This room was originally the room Xiao Yixian lived in when she was a child.

  After returning, the two lived in the same room, but they still cleaned the place, which was just right for Yun Yun to recuperate.

  Yun Yun was lying quietly on the bed, covered with a thin quilt.

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian walked forward.

  "Her injuries are quite serious. If she hadn't had soft armor protecting her body, the claw of the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King would probably have torn her to pieces."   

  Su Yun nodded, and just as he was about to lift the quilt and pull out Yun Yun's hand to check the seal in her body, the faint voice of Xiao Yixian beside him rang in his ears.

  "She's not wearing any clothes now~"

  Su Yun's hands froze, and he smiled awkwardly.

  "Xian'er, you didn't put clothes on her."

  "What to wear? She's wrapped in bandages, and putting on clothes will touch the wound."

  Xiao Yixian put her hands on her waist, and her ten slender fingers pressed a soft depression on her lower abdomen. She pouted and looked at Su Yun.

  "Brother, you don't want to see it, do you?"

  "Ahem, of course not.

  Xian'er, can you help me pull her arm out?"


  Xiao Yixian did not refuse. She was kind by nature and hoped that Yun Yun's injury would heal quickly.

  Xiao Yixian's little hand reached into the quilt and pulled out a jade-like arm that looked like solidified fat.

  "Touch it."

  Su Yun's face was dark, and then he put one hand on the back of Xiao Yixian's head, pulled her head in front of him, and kissed her forehead.

  Xiao Yixian smiled.

  Su Yun grabbed Yun Yun's jade hand, and a warm touch came, like hot water of moderate temperature, and as soft as a sponge.

  The soul force stretched out, and a trace of fighting spirit also entered Yun Yun's body along the jade arm, sensing the situation inside her body.

  Perhaps it was the butterfly effect caused by his coming to this world. Yun Yun's injuries this time were more serious than the original timeline.

  In addition to the external injuries on the chest and the purple crystal seal, she also suffered serious internal injuries.

  In Su Yun's opinion, it might be that the body of the husband of the purple crystal winged lion king disappeared before, or the death of the fifth-level fierce wind tiger was found to be done by humans.

  Let it be more angry with humans, hehe, who knows.

  With his current alchemy skills, it is not difficult to solve these problems for Yun Yun, but he has no such idea.

  He contacted Yun Yun only because he needed a person with great luck to upgrade the system.

  Of course, part of the reason was that he was quite curious about Yun Yun, a character in the original novel. However

  , when he said this, Su Yun's heart moved, and his eyes fell on Yun Yun, his eyes narrowed into a slit.

  The Gate of Life and Death is quite magical. If possible, he wants to go and see it.

  This thing can only be entered by the successive leaders of the Yunlan Sect.

  After the three-year agreement, Nalan Yanran entered it, and in just three years, her cultivation level was raised to the peak level of Dou Wang.

  You know, before Nalan Yanran entered the Gate of Life and Death, she was only a two-star Dou Master.

  Such a span is not low.

  The Gate of Life and Death cannot be entered by others, but it does not mean that he cannot.

  Using the function of the system space, a similar effect of space jump can be achieved, which is completely possible.

  Perhaps he can first determine the location of the Gate of Life and Death with the help of Yun Yun, and then find a way to sneak in...

  He does not reject these sneaky things.

  Just like before, the Canaan Academy's library was almost emptied.

  If Su Qian hadn't helped him resist Zhang Ritian later, he wouldn't have chosen to befriend Canaan College.

  He has never been a good person.

  It's enough to take care of the people around him.
