

  Chapter 197 Yun Yun wakes up (first update!)

  However, the Gate of Life and Death is the burial place of the successive leaders of the Yunlan Sect, and it can greatly enhance the strength of the young leader. If one has an average relationship with Yun Yun, he may not be able to enter.

  The life-saving grace should be enough, but it is better to be safe.

  It is just a few pills, which is nothing to him.

  He is very curious about the Gate of Life and Death.

  Xiao Yan was able to break through from a great fighter to the peak of the fighting king in three years, largely because of the huge energy brought by refining and swallowing the Meteoric Heart Flame.

  In other words, the opportunities in the Gate of Life and Death can even be compared with the Meteoric Heart Flame?

  Thinking of this, Su Yun's eyes lit up. Thinking of this, this transaction is worth it.

  With this thought, Su Yun put away his thoughts and stuffed Yun Yun's hand into the quilt.

  Then he took the little medical fairy away.

  Now she is still in a coma, so there is no rush to treat her.

  That night, the two fell asleep in each other's arms.

  The next day.

  Yun Yun slowly opened her beautiful eyes, and a flash of pain passed across her beautiful face.

  Where am I?

  Yun Yun looked around, looking at this unfamiliar environment, a little confused.

  The memories before the coma gradually emerged.

  The battle with the Amethyst Winged Lion King... the fighting spirit was sealed... and then I was saved?

  Yes, I was saved. It was two very young monsters who had the cultivation level of the Fighting King, but both had the fighting power of the Fighting Emperor.

  It's just that the boy seemed familiar, as if I've seen him somewhere before.

  Yun Yun supported the bed with her delicate hands and gradually stood up. The quilt slid down to her thighs, and a cool feeling came over her.

  Yun Yun was startled and looked down subconsciously.

  There was a bandage wrapped around her chest, and her body was naked. Her fair body was completely exposed to the air.

  Yun Yun's face instantly turned red, and she felt a burning sensation.

  She looked towards the room again, and then breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, no one was there.

  Unexpectedly, the door was pushed open at this time. Yun Yun was startled and looked at the figure standing at the door.

  It was a... girl.

  The Little Medical Fairy and Yun Yun stared at each other, and the atmosphere was very awkward.

  Yun Yun's body tensed up, but she heaved a sigh of relief in her heart. Fortunately, it was this girl.

  Yun Yun recognized Xiao Yixian, the girl who protected her before.

  Xiao Yixian stared at Yun Yun's chest, feeling very uncomfortable.

  Yun Yun also noticed Xiao Yixian's gaze and seemed to understand something.

  "Xian'er, is she awake?"

  At this time, a young man's clean voice sounded from outside the door.

  "Ah, brother, don't come over, go away."

  Xiao Yixian turned around and hurriedly pushed Su Yun.

  Yun Yun's eyes also flashed with panic, and she hurriedly lay down, pulled up the quilt, and covered her beautiful body exposed, leaving only her head exposed.

  Su Yun looked at Xiao Yixian's reaction, his face was startled, and he guessed something, so he took a few steps back.

  "Okay, okay."

  Su Yun grabbed Xiao Yixian's jade hand that was pushing him, and nodded with a smile.

  Xiao Yixian pouted.

  "Don't peek."

  "Don't worry."

  Su Yun gently pinched Xiao Yixian's delicate and fair face, and said with a smile.

  Xiao Yixian then turned around, entered the room, and locked the door. Su Yun

  shrugged in place.

  After Xiao Yixian entered the room, he walked to the bed and sat down, patting the sheets gently, his voice gentle.

  "Don't worry, I've locked the door, he won't come in."

  Yun Yun nodded with a slight blush on her face.

  "Thank you for saving me."   

  "You're welcome. We just happened to be there."

  Xiao Yixian said with a smile.

  This was of course a lie. It was her brother, the big liar, who told her to say this.

  "By the way, your fighting spirit is sealed now, so you probably can't use the storage ring. I can only let you wear my brother's clothes.

  My clothes probably won't fit you. They'll be a little smaller.

  You have injuries on your body now. Well, if you wear my clothes, it won't be good for the injuries."

  Xiao Yixian took out a set of clothes from the storage ring and put them on the bed.

  Generally, higher-level storage rings can plant soul marks. If other people want to use the storage ring, they must erase the soul mark on the storage ring.

  So Xiao Yixian couldn't help Yunyun take out her clothes, and for various considerations, she could only let Yunyun wear Su Yun's clothes.

  "It's okay. I'm fine now. I thought I was going to die in the Monster Mountain Range."

  Little Medical Fairy smiled and stood up.

  "I'll keep watch outside the door for you after I go out. Change your clothes and come out.

  You've been unconscious for a day. Your fighting spirit is sealed and you can't use it to maintain your body's functions. We just prepared some food. Let's eat together."

  Yun Yun showed a trace of gratitude on her face.

  "Thank you."

  Little Medical Fairy walked out of the room and closed the door.

  Seeing this, Yun Yun lifted the quilt. Except for the bandage on her chest, her perfect body completely emerged in the room.

  Her body was as white as ivory, tender and beautiful, with curves and curves. There was no fat on her belly, and her long legs were very tight.

  If she were to put it on a man's waist, it would probably break him.

  Yun Yun put on her clothes. Although Su Yun was only sixteen years old, she had developed very fast under the nourishment of Dou Qi. Yun Yun put on Su Yun's clothes, and they fit her just right.

  This was her first time wearing men's clothes. Yun Yun's cheeks were hot as she thought of this.

  Then she sighed again. This was already a very good situation.

  Otherwise, even if she was rescued, she would lose all her Dou Qi. If she were to be replaced by a malicious person, not to mention being seen naked by a girl, wearing men's clothes, I'm afraid her innocence would be exposed.

  Yun Yun walked to the door and pushed it open. The girl called Xian'er was indeed guarding the door.

  Little Medical Fairy noticed the movement behind her and turned to look.

  "Let's go. My brother is waiting in the living room."

  Yun Yun tapped her chin and followed Little Medical Fairy to the living room.

  At the same time, a trace of curiosity flashed through her mind.

  Judging from the title, they should be a pair of siblings.

  And both of them are fighting kings. How come I have never heard of such a monster before?

  The figure of the young man emerged in Yun Yun's mind, and his handsome face gradually appeared.

  Thinking of the scene where Su Yun beat back the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King with one punch and let herself escape from the lion's mouth, a strange feeling and good impression flashed through her mind.

  The hero saving the beauty is very cliché, but also very classic.

  Yun Yun followed the Little Doctor Fairy to the living room. The handsome boy was sitting on a chair, obviously waiting for a long time.

  The Little Doctor Fairy pulled Yun Yun to sit down.

  Su Yun smiled at Yun Yun.


  Yun Yun looked at Su Yun's clean face, and the strange feeling in her heart gradually became stronger, and she was a little absent-minded.


  Su Yun coughed lightly, and didn't understand what was wrong with Yun Yun.

  "Sorry, I'm rude."

  Yun Yun quickly came back to his senses, feeling his face burning, and apologized.

  What's the matter? We have only met twice and have known each other for a short time, but I actually showed such a rude side.

  The Little Doctor Fairy gently supported her cheeks with her two small hands, and I don't know what she was thinking.
