


  Chapter 198 Two Options (Second Update!)

  Su Yun smiled and didn't care.

  He just thought Yun Yun had just woken up and was still a little dazed.

  "I'm Zhang Xiaofan, and this is the Little Medical Fairy."

  Su Yun introduced Yun Yun.

  "Zhang Xiaofan...

  Zhang Xiaofan! You are the sixth-grade pharmacist, Master Zhang!"

  Yun Yun covered her lips lightly and looked at Su Yun in disbelief.

  No wonder she felt that the young man was quite familiar before, it turned out to be the Master Zhang who was famous in the Jiama Empire.

  Su Yun nodded.

  "Yes, it's me.

  If I'm not mistaken, you should be the leader of the Yunlan Sect, Yun Yun."

  Yun Yun nodded lightly.

  Her identity is not difficult to guess.

  In the Jiama Empire, the only female wind-attributed Douhuang strongman is Yun Yun.

  "I've heard of you for a long time, but I've never met Master Yun before."

  Su Yun smiled politely.

  Yun Yun waved his hand quickly.

  "Master Zhang, you're joking. The status of a sixth-grade pharmacist is much higher than my status as the master of the Yunlan Sect."

  This is indeed the case. Sixth-grade pharmacists are very rare in the Northwest Continent. The status of the master of the Yunlan Sect is indeed remarkable in the Jiama Empire, but outside the Jiama Empire, he basically has no power.

  "Eat first, and I'll help you solve the problem in your body later."

  Su Yun moved his chopsticks and said with a smile.

  Yun Yun also nodded slightly, and the gratitude in his heart became even stronger, and the strange feeling in his heart rose again.

  Yun Yun couldn't help but feel curious about Su Yun. Pharmacists are generally not known for their fighting power.

  But this Master Zhang was so strong that he could fight against the sixth-level monster Purple Crystal Wing Master King with his Fighting King cultivation. This made Yun Yun think more highly of Su Yun.

  And his sister was also very strong. The strength she showed at that time was not inferior to that of herself in her prime, and even better.

  Speaking of which, there was no news before that Master Zhang had such a sister.

  Yun Yun chewed the delicious meal gently. Since her cultivation gradually improved, she had not eaten ordinary meals for a long time. It felt unexpectedly good.

  After breakfast, Xiao Yixian was going to clean up the dishes. Yun Yun hurriedly got up and was about to help, but Xiao Yixian smiled, gently pressed Yun Yun's shoulders, and asked her to sit down.

  Su Yun saw this and smiled.

  "Master Yun, you don't have to be so polite. I'm afraid Master Yun is mostly practicing in the sect, haha."

  Yun Yun heard this and a blush appeared on both sides of her cheeks.

  After Su Yun said this, Yun Yun remembered that she had never touched women, and in the past, she probably only made things worse.

  "Also, you can just call me Yun Yun. Calling me Master Yun is too distant."

  Yun Yun said, tucking her hair behind her ears.

  But as soon as she said this, Yun Yun felt a little regretful. Would he think she was too casual?

  A little nervousness and expectation flashed through her mind.

  Su Yun was startled when he heard this, and then smiled and nodded.

  This was exactly what he wanted. The closer the relationship between the two, the greater the possibility that he would find the location of the Gate of Life and Death through Yun Yun.

  "Yun Yun."

  "Xiao Fan."

  Yun Yun felt a flash of joy and excitement. This was the first time she had such feelings for a man in all these years.

  Then Su Yun talked to Yun Yun about her injuries.

  "Yun Yun, what are your plans for your injuries?"

  Su Yun asked.   

  Yun Yun pondered for a while and said,

  "I wonder if Xiao Fan has any good ideas?

  The external injuries are not a big deal, but the internal injuries and the seals are superimposed. I'm afraid I can't recover in a short time by myself."

  Su Yun agreed.

  It is true that Yun Yun's current situation is much worse than before, and it can even be said that it is very tricky.

  The key is that Yun Yun suffered a serious internal injury this time.

  The purple crystal seal sealed Yun Yun's fighting spirit, which also resulted in her inability to circulate fighting spirit and refine higher-level internal injury medicine.

  If the seal is impacted first, the huge fluctuation will inevitably trigger Yun Yun's internal injuries and make them worse.

  Faced with this dilemma, the safest way is to use low-level internal injury medicine, which is mild and weak, and Yun Yun's body can absorb it without deliberately using Dou Qi to refine it.

  Pills contain medicinal power, and high-level pills are too powerful. If there is no Dou Qi to guide them, not only will they not have any therapeutic effect, but they may even have a counter-effect.

  After all, pills are not life essences, they only have pure vitality and therapeutic effects.

  Of course, this method is quite slow. According to Su Yun's estimate, it will probably take two or three months.

  But it is not bad. If the pills are not used for assistance, it will take at least a year and a half for Yun Yun to heal himself.

  Without the assistance of Dou Qi or the use of pills, internal injuries are indeed difficult to treat.

  Su Yun analyzed the situation carefully with Yun Yun.

  Yun Yun frowned and couldn't help asking.

  "Xiao Fan, is there any other way?"

  She couldn't help but be anxious. As the leader of Yun Lan Sect, she couldn't leave Yun Lan Sect for too long.

  Her teacher is now in seclusion, and she is the only fighting force of Yun Lan Sect. If

  she doesn't go back for a long time, it's hard to guarantee that other forces won't have ideas.

  Especially the royal family of the Jiama Empire, the two forces have been at odds for a long time.

  Although she has no ill feelings towards the royal family, and during her tenure as the leader, she tried not to conflict with the royal family, but she also valued the sect that raised her more.

  Jia Xingtian is a fighting emperor at the peak of cultivation. She and her teacher are not here, and with the army of the Kingdom of Heaven, Yun Lan Sect may not be a match.

  Su Yun's handsome face flashed with a smile.

  "Of course, I have two ways."

  Yun Yun's eyes lit up when she heard that, and she felt hopeful. At the same time, the boy's confident smile made her like him even more.

  "First, I have a recipe for a sixth-grade pill, the Evil Breaking Pill.

  This kind of pill is specifically for dealing with seals. I can refine it, and after you swallow it, I will infuse your body with strange fire to help you refine the medicinal power and break the seal.

  With my precise control of fire and fighting spirit, your internal injuries will not be affected during this process.

  Second, I will refine some pills for you to treat internal injuries, and then prepare them according to the method to dissolve the medicinal power.

  After your injuries are healed, you can naturally break the purple crystal seal in your body by yourself."

  Su Yun talked freely with a gentle smile on his face.

  Yun Yun's eyes flashed with a trace of shock.

  "Strange fire! Xiaofan, do you still have a strange fire?"

  Su Yun smiled and nodded, stretched out his right hand, and a green flame rose from his palm. The terrifying flame instantly made the temperature in the room soar.

  Yun Yun looked at Su Yun with strange colors in his eyes.

  Strange fire is so precious and rare that there are only 23 kinds on the strange fire list.

  Even if there are some similar strange fires in the world, the number is definitely very rare.

  Alchemists who have strange fires are much rarer than sixth-grade alchemists.

   There is another chapter in the evening