

  Chapter 199 Breaking the Seal (3rd update!)

  The honorary elder of their Yunlan Sect, Dan Wang Gu He, has a lifelong wish to obtain a kind of strange fire, but he has been searching for it in vain and has not obtained it so far.

  "What do you think, which method do you plan to choose?"

  Su Yun's words made Yun Yun come back to her senses and think carefully.

  The principles of these two methods are the same.

  The difference is whether to solve the seal first or the internal injuries first.

  If you choose to treat the internal injuries first, it will take a little longer.

  Because it takes a long time to heal the internal injuries, and after the internal injuries are healed, she still needs to break the seal herself.

  In this way, it will take a few more days.

  As for using the Breaking Evil Pill, as long as the pill is refined and then the medicinal power is refined, one's cultivation will be restored.

  At that time, with the help of fighting spirit, it will be faster to recover the internal injuries.

  Yun Yun pondered for a moment and decided to choose the first method.

  She has deep feelings for the Yunlan Sect, not to mention that Yanran needs the purple spirit crystal to quickly improve her cultivation.

  I heard that Xiao Yan of the Xiao family has recovered his talent and even reached a higher level. He

  has been promoted to a fighter some time ago. At this speed, if there is no help from the purple spirit crystal, Yanran may not be Xiao Yan's opponent when the three-year agreement comes.

  Now there is only more than a year left before the three-year agreement.

  When the cultivation level is not high, with enough resources, the improvement is very obvious. Maybe in one or two months, there will be some progress. I

  must go back quickly.

  Thinking of this, Yun Yun's heart moved and looked at Su Yun.

  "Xiao Fan, I have another thing to ask you."

  "Oh, just tell me."

  "I want you to help me get a treasure called Purple Spirit Crystal from the cave of the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King."

  Yun Yun said.

  Yun Yun had fainted before the battle between Su Yun and Xiao Yixian ended, so he didn't know that Su Yun had killed the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King.

  "You are talking about this?"

  Su Yun took out a purple crystal block from the system space and placed it on the table.

  Yun Yun's eyes widened when he saw this.

  "Purple Spirit Crystal! Xiaofan, could it be..."

  Su Yun nodded, with no intention of hiding it.

  "After we rescued you that day, I killed the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King, searched its cave, and found this thing."

  Yun Yun was shocked by Su Yun's fighting power again, and gently covered her lips with her slender jade hand.

  In her opinion, even if Su Yun's fighting power is strong and can compete with the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King, it is unlikely to kill it.

  Moreover, Su Yun in front of her did not have any injuries on his body, so his fighting power is probably not as simple as a beginner fighting emperor.

  Xiaofan's real fighting power should be far better than mine.

  This thought flashed through Yun Yun's mind, and her opinion of Su Yun rose again.

  "Do you want this thing?"

  Su Yun asked.

  Yun Yun nodded.

  "I can exchange other treasures with you.

  Speaking of which, I haven't paid you for treating me yet."

  Su Yun took the purple spirit crystal back to the system space.

  "There's no rush. Let's heal your injuries first."



  The next day, Su Yun successfully refined the Evil-Breaking Pill and called Yun Yun to the room.

  The two sat cross-legged, and Su Yun took out the Evil-Breaking Pill from the system space and handed it to Yun Yun.

  "After you swallow the Evil-Breaking Pill, immediately stretch out your hands and raise them horizontally. I will put my palms together with yours, and inject the strange fire into your body to help you refine the medicinal power."   


  This whole process does not require taking off clothes or anything like that, after all, the medicinal power is being refined in the body.

  Of course, for the poison pill method like the Little Medical Immortal's, one still has to be naked, after all, the whole body has to be covered with strange fire.

  Thinking of this, Su Yun had a flash of thought in his mind.

  In addition to allowing its owner to control the evil poison body, the poison pill method can also further stimulate the potential of the evil poison body.

  In the original timeline, the Little Medical Immortal used the poison pill method to leap from the Dou Zong to the Dou Zun.

  This thing cannot be given up.

  Moreover, the Bodhi body saliva is also related to the great opportunity for the future of Zhongzhou, and the ancient Bodhi tree must also be obtained.

  With this thought, Su Yun came back to his senses.

  After the two of them prepared a little, Yun Yun swallowed the Breaking Evil Pill and immediately raised her hands.

  Su Yun did the same, and the two of them faced each other with their palms.

  Yun Yun's heart was stirred.

  Yes, even if it was just palms facing each other, it made Yun Yun slightly distracted.

  With her identity and strength, she hadn't had physical contact with a man for many years.

  In such a situation, how could her heart, which had never been shaken by anyone, remain calm.

  Not to mention, Su Yun in front of her was her savior.

  A blazing flame came from the meridians in the palm of her hand, which made Yun Yun calm down slightly and put away her thoughts.

  The blazing flames in Su Yun's body entered Yun Yun's body, quickly enveloping the huge medicinal power of the Po'e Pill and gradually refining it.

  In this process, Yun Yun's body inevitably began to heat up. After a while, she was covered in sweat, her clothes stuck to her body, and her curvy and exquisite figure was revealed, as if she was seducing him with a wet body.

  Coupled with her elegant and noble temperament, the extreme contrast made people feel dry mouth and a burning sensation in their lower abdomen.

  Su Yun's attention was all focused on Yun Yun's body.

  The human body is so fragile that once an external force enters it, it will be seriously injured or even die if it loses control, and the Douhuang strongman is no exception.

  What's more, Yun Yun's body is still filled with the strange fire injected by Su Yun.

  After a while, the medicinal power of the Breaking Evil Pill in Yun Yun's body was completely refined, and a fighting emperor-level aura emerged from Yun Yun's body.

  Su Yun withdrew the Green Lotus Heart Fire from Yun Yun's body, and the two opened their eyes at the same time.

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows when he saw the scene in front of him.

  Yun Yun's beautiful curves appeared in front of Su Yun, as if tempting him to explore deeper.

  Yun Yun felt the aura in his body, and a trace of joy passed over his face.

  He looked at Su Yun and was about to thank him, but he saw Su Yun's strange eyes, and was stunned in his heart. Then he thought of something and quickly looked at himself.

  A blush flashed across Yun Yun's face, and this situation made her a little overwhelmed.

  Seeing this, Su Yun coughed lightly, then stood up, opened the door, and walked out of the room.

  Little Medical Fairy was standing at the door, watching Su Yun walk out, and couldn't help asking.

  "Did it succeed?"

  Su Yun nodded.

  "I'll step aside for a while, you take her to take a bath."

  Then Su Yun left immediately.

  A trace of suspicion flashed across Little Medical Fairy's face, and she entered the room with doubts. She also saw Yun Yun's appearance, puffed up her cheeks, but didn't say anything.

  This kind of thing cannot be avoided, and Su Yun is not to blame.

  Little Medical Fairy went up, came to Yun Yun, took her hand, and said gently.

  "Let's go, I'll take you to the bathroom."

  "Sorry for the trouble."

  The blush on Yun Yun's face did not dissipate, and she followed Little Medical Fairy to the bathroom.

  This time, it was really embarrassing.