

  Chapter 200 Spirit Realm (First Update!)

  After a while, Yun Yun came out of the bathroom.

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian were waiting in the living room.

  Yun Yun had changed back into her own clothes, a plain dress, and her dignified and elegant temperament was clearly visible.

  "Xiao Fan, Miss Xian'er, thank you for this time."

  Yun Yun thanked again.

  After a few people exchanged pleasantries, Yun Yun spoke again.

  "Xiao Fan, the purple spirit crystal..."

  Su Yun heard this and took the purple spirit crystal out of the system space.

  Although this thing is rare, it is of no great use to him. Su Yun handed the purple spirit crystal to Yun Yun.

  Yun Yun took it and looked at the purple spirit crystal in his hand, with joy flashing in his eyes.

  "Xiao Fan, what kind of reward do you want?"

  Yun Yun looked at Su Yun with a slightly evasive look.

  Su Yun pondered for a while and said.

  "Do you have any magic cores?"

  It would be unreasonable to say that he didn't want anything. The relationship between him and Yun Yun was not that good.

  Yun Yun heard this and took out two fifth-level magic cores from the ring.

  "These are all I have.

  These two fifth-level magic cores are not enough to offset this favor."

  Su Yun accepted the two fifth-level magic cores.

  "It doesn't matter."

  Yun Yun looked at Su Yun seriously.

  "No, if you need help in the future, just come to Yunlan Sect to find me."

  Su Yun smiled and said, "I want you to do this ."


  Yun Yun smiled. Not to mention the life-saving grace, even the value of the broken evil pill could not be worth only two fifth-level magic cores.

  "Now that I'm done with this, I'll go back first."

  Yun Yun said goodbye to the two.

  She did not intend to heal her internal injuries before leaving. After her fighting spirit was restored, she could also use the storage ring. As a fighting emperor, she naturally had some pills to treat her internal injuries, so she didn't need to bother Su Yun anymore.

  Su Yun nodded and did not try to stop her.

  Then Yun Yun left the house, her fighting spirit turned into wings, and flew into the air. But halfway through, she looked back at the inconspicuous house, her eyes full of complexity.

  In the bathroom, her conversation with the little medical fairy was still fresh in her mind.

  "Miss Xian'er, does your brother have someone he likes?"

  "Well... I'm an orphan that my brother has taken in since I was a child."

  "You, aren't you siblings?"



  After Yun Yun left, Xiao Yixian immediately rushed over, blocked Su Yun's lips, and started biting them wildly.

  "Well... well..."

  After a while, the two separated, and Xiao Yixian pulled Su Yun's hand without saying anything and went to the bathroom.

  Su Yun let her pull him.

  At this time, it's better to go along with her wishes. It's good to come. When she vents, it's over.

  When your girlfriend is in a bad mood, talk to her about the reason. Well, even if he has never been in love, he knows that this behavior is not advisable.

  Xiao Yixian filled the bathtub with water, then pulled Su Yun in, and then went in himself.

  The clothes of both of them were soon soaked. The figure of the little medical fairy was not as voluptuous as Yun Yun's, but it was also well-proportioned, like a green fruit.

  Su Yun held the little medical fairy in his arms. He knew that this kind of jealous feeling could not be suppressed or controlled.

  Unless the little medical fairy no longer liked him.

  You asked your girlfriend to control her emotions and not be jealous?

  If you say such a thing, then you are sick. It's like your girlfriend doesn't come home at night, and when she comes back in the morning, she asks you to stop meddling in other people's business. It's just as fucked up

  . The two of them stayed in the water for a long, long time.

  The strong discomfort in the little medical fairy's heart gradually dissipated.   

  The blue shirt was as thin as silk and wet, clinging tightly to the delicate figure of Little Medical Fairy. The clothes gradually became transparent, allowing people to vaguely see the scenery inside.

  Little Medical Fairy's face suddenly turned red, she was acting weird again.

  Little Medical Fairy scolded in a low voice.


  The voice was weak and soft, like a kitten acting coquettishly.

  Su Yun looked at Little Medical Fairy in his arms, hooked her chin, and gently tucked the wet blue hair behind Little Medical Fairy's ear.

  Little Medical Fairy's face was full of shame, the water kept surging on her body, penetrating through her clothes and stimulating her body. Little Medical Fairy's heartbeat gradually accelerated.

  "Xian'er, this time we'll stay in the water like this. You wear clothes and help me, okay?" Upon hearing this

  , Xiao Yixian twisted and turned in Su Yun's arms, unable to hide the shyness on her face.


  Upon hearing this, Su Yun was overjoyed, and then he said with some greed.

  "Eat it, okay?"

  Xiao Yixian sank her head directly into the water, making a gurgling sound, and bubbles kept floating on the surface.

  Under Su Yun's soft and hard persuasion, Xiao Yixian finally agreed.



  Xiao Yixian's throat was quite uncomfortable, and a trace of pain flashed across her little face.

  Su Yun looked at Xiao Yixian's appearance, and a guilty look emerged in his heart.

  "Xian'er, I'm sorry."

  "There's nothing to be sorry about."

  Xiao Yixian coughed lightly and snuggled in Su Yun's arms.

  "It'll be fine after a few more experiences."

  Su Yun also specially refined some liquid medicine for Xiao Yixian and asked her to take it, which made Xiao Yixian much better.

  Another two months passed, and Su Yun and Xiao Yixian were not at home, but in a valley.

  "The energy of heaven and earth here is quite rich, and there are quite a lot of medicinal herbs growing here."

  Su Yun looked carefully, and a flash of enlightenment flashed through his mind.

  This is probably the valley that appeared in the original book. In the original timeline, Xiao Yixian's calamity poison body was opened here.

  Xiao Yixian's eyes flashed with joy, and she had a special love for this valley.

  "This place is very suitable for seclusion."

  The Little Medical Fairy said to Su Yun with a smile.

  Su Yun nodded. It was true. The environment and atmosphere here were very good and quite quiet.

  Of course, you need to have enough strength. After all, this place is located in the Monster Mountain Range. If some monsters find this place, they may die here if they are not strong enough.

  Suddenly, Su Yun's heart moved, and the soul wavered throughout his body.


  Su Yun was ecstatic. It was an opportunity to break through.

  Has he finally received the treatment of the protagonist?

  His soul power has reached the perfect state of the mortal realm since he took the Seven Illusions Green Spirit Saliva.

  Three years have passed since then, and even with the help of the Soul Technique, his soul power has been stuck here, without any progress.

  Of course, over the years, he has been absorbing spiritual energy, and his soul is full of spirituality, but he has been slow to take that step and reach the spiritual realm.

  And now, with the emergence of this opportunity, he may have a chance to reach the spiritual realm!

  "Xian'er, protect me!"

  Su Yun said to the little medical fairy solemnly.

  The little medical fairy was stunned, and then his expression changed.


  Su Yun sat down cross-legged on the ground and practiced the Soul Technique.

  The soul power immediately became active.

  Su Yun clearly felt that the spirituality of this world was quite sufficient, and strands of spiritual energy were floating in the air.