

  A pleasant surprise appeared in Su Yun's heart.

  God really helps me.

  This valley is really a treasure land.

  It would be even more perfect if there were some immortal herbs.

  Su Yun circulated the soul spell, and his soul constantly captured spiritual energy and refined it. After a while, a strong soul wave swept out. In

  a place in the Warcraft Mountains, Xiao Yan was at a waterfall, following the guidance of Yao Lao, waving the Xuanzhong ruler and constantly tempering.

  Yao Lao looked at Xiao Yan's hard training, and a trace of relief flashed across his illusory face.

  Although this kid is only a fighter now, his soul power is strong and his talent is also good. He has a promising future.

  Suddenly, Yao Lao's face changed, and he flew into the air and looked in one direction. That was the valley where Su Yun and Xiao Yixian were.

  The soul power of the spiritual realm!

  Yao Lao's expression was solemn, and the boy who fought with the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King before appeared in his mind.

  Most likely it was him.

  With his eyes, it was not difficult to see that this soul fluctuation was emitted by its owner when he broke through the soul of the spiritual realm.

  In this northwest continent, there are very few seventh-grade alchemists, not to mention the soul power of the perfect mortal realm. It is so coincidental that he broke through the spiritual realm today.

  However, I am afraid that he can't stay in this Warcraft Mountain Range any longer.

  The soul power of the boy has broken through to the spiritual realm. With that kind of soul strength, within a certain range, he might be sensed if he is not careful.

  Yao Lao shook his head and said to Xiao Yan over there.

  "Xiao Yanzi, there is no need to practice. Pack up your things and we will leave the Warcraft Mountain Range immediately."

  Xiao Yan stopped practicing, put down the Xuanzhong ruler, and looked at Yao Lao with some doubts.

  "What's wrong, teacher?"

  "Well, you pack up first, we will talk while walking."

  Yao Lao waved his hand, and couldn't help comparing Xiao Yan and the boy in his heart.

  Suddenly, I felt that Xiao Yan's qualifications were not very good.


  Su Yun slowly opened his eyes, and the soul power came out of his body, aiming at the leisurely white clouds in the sky, and his mind moved.

  The white cloud was torn apart without any sign, as if an invisible big hand was fiddling with it in the dark.

  The soul power of the spiritual realm, even if only the soul power is used, can already compete with the Douhuang strongman.

  A smile flashed across Su Yun's face.

  He now only has the cultivation of a six-star Douwang. If his soul power is still at the perfect level of the mortal realm.

  I'm afraid he must improve his cultivation to the peak level of the Douwang, so that he can refine the seventh-grade elixir with the help of the earth-level exercises.

  This is still with the help of the Qinglian Earth Core Fire.

  If there is no help from the strange fire, I'm afraid he must improve his Douqi cultivation to the Douhuang level like an ordinary alchemist before he can refine it.

  But now it's different. With the soul power of the spiritual realm, with his current cultivation, he can refine the seventh-grade elixir. When

  the soul power is strong to a certain extent, you don't even need Douqi cultivation to refine elixirs.

  Don't you see that Yao Lao's soul power is at the perfect level of the spiritual realm, and he can refine the sixth-grade elixir with only the soul body.

  Of course, the bone spirit cold fire also contributed.

  The soul power reaching the spiritual realm also means that he has a ticket to enter the eighth-grade alchemy realm.

  This time, the harvest is not small.

  Seeing a smile on Su Yun's face, Xiao Yixian asked curiously.

  "What's the matter? You are so happy. Tell me, I will be happy too."

  Xiao Yixian said with a smile.

  "I have become stronger again."

  "Stronger? I didn't feel it."

  Xiao Yixian was a little confused. Her soul power talent was not very good. Even if she practiced the soul formula, her soul power was only roughly hovering in the middle stage of the mortal realm.

  So she didn't sense the change in Su Yun's soul power.

  Su Yun explained to Xiao Yixian, and Xiao Yixian understood.

  "Brother is really amazing!"

  "Hehe, I have something even more powerful. I'll show you tonight."


  Another two months passed, and Su Yun and Xiao Yixian returned to the imperial capital.   

  After staying in Wutan City for four months, even without high-intensity and hard training,

  his cultivation level still made a breakthrough three days ago and reached the level of Seven-Star Dou Wang.

  And Xiao Yixian relied on the evil poison body, even if the speed of cultivation was also affected. He

  also reached the peak of Seven-Star Dou Wang. In seven days at most, he will break through to Eight-Star Dou Wang and completely surpass him.

  The two came to the Mitel family and returned to their residence.

  Su Yun asked someone to call Ya Fei over.

  "Master Zhang."

  A trace of respect flashed across Ya Fei's charming face.


  Su Yun nodded calmly.

  "Has Hai Lao come out of retreat during this period?"

  Ya Fei shook her head and said.


  Great Elder Tengshan has been guarding the place where Hai Lao is in retreat during this period. It's just that there has been no news in the past four months."

  Su Yun was not surprised. Four months, considering Hai Bodong's background, is still a little short, but it won't take too long, I'm afraid it will be in one or two months.

  Su Yun painted a pie in the sky for Ya Fei and planned to let her go.

  On the side, Qinglin and Xiao Yixian were holding hands and whispering.

  Su Yun slightly sensed Qinglin's breath.

  Well, four months, nine-star fighter.

  Su Yun's eyebrows jumped, one after another special physique, it was simply unreasonable.

  Su Yun retracted his gaze and looked at Yafei again, waving his hand.

  "Go down."

  "Master Zhang, Yafei has something else to report to you."

  Su Yun was stunned.

  "Go ahead."

  "It's about Miss Qinglin.

  A month ago, Mo Cheng, the elder of the Yancheng Mo family, came to the family because of business dealings with our Mitel family.

  According to Elder Kuang Tang who is taking care of Miss Qinglin, this person has seen Miss Qinglin in the family, and his eyes are not right, as if he has bad intentions."

  Su Yun frowned when he heard Yancheng Mo Cheng.

  This Mo Cheng was the Dou Ling who captured Qinglin in the original timeline and wanted to transplant the three-flower pupil of the green snake.

  "To look after Elder Kuang Tang?"

  "It's like this. During this period, Miss Qinglin sometimes wanted to go to the imperial capital for a stroll, so we sent Elder Kuang Tang to be responsible for her safety.

  We have asked Miss Qinglin for her consent on this matter."

  Ya Fei said.

  She did things without any leaks.

  Su Yun nodded secretly.

  He had not told the people of the Miter family that Qinglin was protected by Medusa.

  As for Wu Tianlang, he had temporarily resigned from him during this period and planned to stroll around the Jiama Empire. Calculating the time, he would be back soon.

  It was normal for Ya Fei to arrange people to protect Qinglin when she went out.

  After all, Qinglin's current strength was only that of a fighter.

  "Let someone call Elder Kuang Tang."

  Su Yun instructed Ya Fei.

  "Since I knew you were back, I have asked someone to call Elder Kuang Tang over. Now he is waiting in the courtyard."

  Ya Fei said, walked out of the door to the courtyard, waved her hand, and a middle-aged man followed behind Ya Fei and walked over.

   Huh, there is another update later, but it may