

  Chapter 204: One Death and One Capture (Second Update!)

  ps: The previous chapter was modified. Zi Yan forgot to write it down before. Sorry. (T_T)

  Lu Man took a deep breath and went up slightly, intending to negotiate with Hai Bodong. Just as he raised his head, his pupils shrank suddenly.

  The man in his thirties on the griffin beast suddenly disappeared.

  He was a Dou Huang strongman, but he could actually disappear before his eyes, and he didn't even have any sense. Could he also be a Dou Zong strongman? !

  Lu Man was a little confused, and another Dou Zong aura rose from behind him and Bai Ya.

  Lu Man looked back suddenly, and the man was standing in the air, staring at them indifferently.

  Lu Man's face was covered with cold sweat.

  Two Dou Zong strongmen! This time the joke was really big!

  Bai Ya's face also changed drastically, and his whole snake body was shaking.

  Su Yun had stopped the griffin beast from flying forward and stayed in the air.

  Su Yun looked at Lu Man and Bai Ya, and a chill flashed in his heart.

  Hehe, if there was no conflict between the two sides, he would have let the man and the snake leave, but who made Bai Ya so greedy and ungrateful?

  Now that Qing Lin has also broken through to Dou Shi, the number of snake monsters that Bishe Sanhuatong can control has expanded again.

  It's just right that Bai Ya came.

  As for offending the Heavenly Snake Mansion, hehe, it was done cleanly, and no one would know that it was done by him and others. It's

  true that he didn't want to offend the Heavenly Snake Mansion, but it doesn't mean that he is really a soft persimmon.

  Lu Man showed a bitter smile on his face and negotiated with Hai Bodong.

  "Hello, respected Dou Zong strongman.

  My name is Lu Man, I am the elder of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, and this is Bai Ya.

  I don't know if you can give us a way out for the sake of the Heavenly Snake Mansion."

  Hai Bodong just looked at Lu Man coldly and didn't say anything.

  "There's nothing to say, Hai Lao, Commander Wu, do it!"

  Su Yun's cold voice sounded from the griffin beast. Decisiveness has always been one of his advantages.

  Hearing this, Lu Man and Bai Ya's faces changed wildly, and they felt something was wrong in an instant.


  We are both elders of the Heavenly Snake Mansion. If you kill us

  , our soul tablets in the Heavenly Snake Mansion will be broken. The Heavenly Snake Mansion will definitely find you and avenge us!"

  Lu Man shouted, still trying to use the name of the Heavenly Snake Mansion to intimidate Su Yun and others.


  Remember to leave a life for that snake!"

  Su Yun remained indifferent, and his cold voice rang out.

  Hai Bodong and Wu Tianlang heard the words, and their figures flashed and came to the two of them.

  Seeing that the negotiations were fruitless, Lu Man and Bai Ya gritted their teeth, and their auras burst out instantly. They all displayed various powerful fighting skills they had mastered in an attempt to resist.

  Hai Bodong snorted coldly, and the icy fighting spirit that was urged to the extreme surged out.

  The energy of heaven and earth was immediately absorbed. Without using any fighting skills, an ordinary palm smashed Bai Ya's attack, plain and unpretentious.

  Bai Ya's face was gloomy, and a strong regret emerged in his heart.

  Damn it, if he had known that there were two Dou Zong masters among Medusa's companions, he would not have dared to provoke her.

  "Ice power."

  Hai Bodong waved his palm and struck several times, hitting Bai Ya's snake body with ice power one after another.

  The terrifying ice fighting spirit spread in Bai Ya's body, and the power shuttled through Bai Ya's meridians.

  Bai Ya's forehead was sweating profusely, and he urged his fighting spirit to expel the ice power in his body.

  However, Hai Bodong is now a Dou Zong master, and the means he used are not something that a five-star Dou Huang can handle.

  Bai Ya was horrified to find that he could not even expel these strange ice powers.

  His fighting spirit in his body is running slowly now, and he can only barely maintain the basic consumption of fighting spirit transformation wings, and his strength can't even be exerted by 30%.

  Hai Bodong stretched out his right hand covered with ice fighting spirit, grabbed Bai Ya's snake body, and clenched his left fist and hit Bai Ya hard.   


  A scream like a pig being slaughtered sounded. Bai Ya had no power to fight back at Hai Bodong's hand.

  Punch after punch hit Bai Ya, and the icy fighting spirit invaded Bai Ya again, causing Bai Ya to feel both cold and painful.

  On the other side, the battlefield between Wu Tianlang and Lu Man was much simpler, because Lu Man did not need to capture a living person. Wu Tianlang directly took out a heavy sword from his ring.

  He chopped Lu Man's body, and Lu Man vomited blood and was seriously injured.

  Wu Tianlang swung the heavy sword again and beat Lu Man to death in two moves.

  Dou Zong and Dou Huang are two completely different levels.

  Even though Wu Tianlang and Hai Bodong are only one-star Dou Zong, it is still easy to deal with Dou Huang strongmen without any difficulty.

  Wu Tianlang took off Lu Man's ring and handed it to Su Yun.

  After Su Yun took it, his soul power surged out, erasing the remaining soul mark on the ring and probing into it.

  Then a crystal block appeared in Su Yun's hand.

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes and used the system's scanning function to understand that this thing was the secret treasure used by the Heavenly Snake Mansion to find the Green Snake's Three Flower Pupils.

  Hai Bodong had already beaten Bai Ya unconscious, grabbed his snake body, and came to the griffin's back.

  Seeing this, Su Yun put away the things and put them into the system space.

  Then he waved his hand and asked Qing Lin to come over.

  "Old Hai, open his eyelids."


  Upon hearing this, Hai Bodong immediately used his old hands to open Bai Ya's eyelids, revealing the pair of snake pupils.

  "Qing Lin, come"


  Qing Lin nodded, and the Green Snake's Three Flower Pupils appeared in his pupils.

  The green light shone on Bai Ya's snake pupils, and immediately, the same Green Snake's Three Flower Pupils appeared on Bai Ya's snake pupils.

  Su Yun nodded and asked Qing Lin to put this stupid snake into the eye space.

  "Qinglin, during this period of time, you should absorb this eight-winged black snake king to cultivate.

  Don't absorb Medusa's cultivation, understand?

  She is still useful during this period."

  "Qinglin understands."

  Qinglin nodded obediently.

  The cultivation of snake-like monsters can also be actively controlled. As long as she doesn't want to, she can temporarily stop absorbing it.

  Medusa, who was standing aside, heaved a sigh of relief when she heard this. Although it was only temporary, at least during this period, her cultivation would not drop any more.

  Maybe she could find a chance to escape.

  Su Yun touched Qinglin's little head.

  He naturally knew that Medusa's cultivation dropped to the eight-star Douhuang .

  During this period in the Sky Snake Empire, Medusa's combat power was still needed, so it was better for her cultivation not to drop.

  As for why Qinglin was asked not to absorb Medusa's cultivation when they were in the Gama Empire, it was because they couldn't stop Qinglin from practicing.

  Now with this White Fang, there is a substitute.

  And forget about this White Fang.

  It's just a five-star Douhuang, and his real combat power now is more than that.

  Moreover, this stupid snake is like a dead dog. It is not worthwhile to cure it with some elixirs.

  Then Su Yun's spiritual power penetrated his body and dispersed the aura here to prevent the people of the Heavenly Snake Mansion from tracking them down. Then the group set out again and headed for the Heavenly Snake Mansion.