

  Chapter 205 Searching for the Strange Fire (3rd update!)

  Half a month later, in a monster mountain range in the Sky Snake Empire.

  Everyone gathered together.

  "Here, here, the fire should be a little lower, so that the snake wings will not burn."

  The Little Medical Fairy was concentrating on looking at the snake wings in Su Yun's medicine cauldron, and hurriedly reminded.

  Su Yun was using the Green Lotus Earth Core Fire to roast the snake wings under the guidance of the Little Medical Fairy.

  As for what kind of snake wings, well... the eight-winged black snake king, those who know will know.

  After a while, the snake wings were already roasted.

  The Little Medical Fairy sprinkled some herbs and special seasonings on the snake wings, and a smell of barbecue spread, the aroma was fragrant, and it made people salivate.

  Hai Bodong couldn't help swallowing his saliva on the side. The Little Medical Fairy girl, her cooking skills are still so good.

  "Okay, let's eat."

  The little medical fairy sprinkled the seasoning and said to everyone with a smile.

  Everyone began to enjoy this feast.

  "It's delicious, so delicious."

  Zi Yan opened her little mouth and started to chew wildly. Her sharp mouth was small and cute, but her teeth were not to be underestimated.

  On the contrary, Qinglin was still more difficult to eat even with the roasting of the strange fire.

  Medusa on the side watched with her eyebrows twitching.

  Using the strange fire to roast the wings of the sixth-level monster and use it for food is simply crazy.

  Su Yun nodded.

  It tasted really good. Su Yun and the little medical fairy fed each other and enjoyed the meal.

  After a while, everyone was full and satisfied.

  "After such a long journey, everyone is tired. Let's take a short rest tonight and start looking for the strange fire tomorrow."

  Everyone nodded.

  After a month and a half of traveling, it was indeed a bit tiring

  . Of course, Hai Bodong and Wu Tianlang didn't think it was a big deal.

  At the level of Dou Zong, the body has begun to change and is obviously different from ordinary people. It's just a month and a half of running around, which is nothing.

  Hai Bodong and Wu Tianlang took turns to keep watch all night, and there was no conversation all night.

  After the group rested and gathered their strength, Hai Bodong took out two maps from the ring.

  One was a map that recorded the location of the strange fire, and the other was a map of the Demonic Mountain Range of the Sky Snake Empire.

  "Let's go this way."

  After Hai Bodong carefully compared them, he spent some time to determine where the group was, and called to everyone.

  The territory of the Sky Serpent Empire is quite large, much larger than that of the mid-range empires like the Gama Empire.

  The same is true for the Demonic Beast Mountains where it is located.

  It took everyone a whole day to reach the location of Dazhi.

  "Dazhi is here."

  Hai Bodong said to Su Yun.

  Su Yun nodded and looked at Qinglin.

  "Qinglin, use the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils to completely control Medusa."


  Qinglin nodded and was about to use the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils.

  Medusa hurriedly stopped him.

  "Wait, I can help you, don't control me!"

  During this time, she had been staying with the group and understood what they were going to do.

  "Oh, how do I know if you are sincere?"

  Su Yun's words were full of doubts.

  "I, I..."

  A trace of fear flashed across Medusa's eyes, and she was speechless.

  But she really didn't want to return to the state of being completely controlled and unconscious.

  Su Yun gestured to Qinglin.

  He was worried about Medusa.

  Qinglin nodded, and the three-flower pupil of the green snake appeared in his watery eyes.   


  Medusa's eyes were blank, the three-flowered pupil of the green snake appeared, and the expression on her face became dull again.

  Qinglin controlled Medusa to take out the Yanyang crystal ball, and transferred the fighting spirit into it to activate it.

  Then, the core of the Yanyang crystal ball flickered.

  Su Yun's heart was pounding, and a look of ecstasy flashed across his face.

  Now he was using the Yanyan Jue, which meant that the Yanyang crystal ball was sensing another kind of strange fire!

  Su Yun clenched his fists.

  "Qinglin, let her lead the way."


  Qinglin nodded obediently and transmitted the command to Medusa through the three-flowered pupil of the green snake.

  The group followed Medusa through the Monster Mountain Range.

  The light flashing in the Yanyang crystal ball was very weak, and the strange fire should be quite far away from them, but Su Yun was not in a hurry.

  The only thing he was afraid of was that there was no light at all. As long as there was light, he would always find it if he spent more time.

  And this search took a month.


  "Mysterious Ice Dragon Soars!"

  "Mysterious Iron Sword Cuts!"

  The group was fighting a seventh-level monster.


  A tiger roared.

  "Humans, you deserve to die!"

  The huge tiger claws slapped the group with terrifying power, and the wind and waves it stirred up could even make boulders fall from the top of the mountain.

  Hai Bodong and Wu Tianlang joined forces to move forward and block the attack of the seventh-level monster.

  "Ice Mirror of Thousand Flowers!"

  "Blood Sun Shield!"

  Hai Bodong looked solemn, his fighting spirit surged, and the icy fighting spirit condensed into a huge ice layer to block the group.

  Wu Tianlang also used his defensive fighting skills, and a semicircular blood shield appeared behind the ice layer.

  "You go first, Hai Lao and I will be responsible for the rear!"

  Su Yun nodded seriously, and fled quickly with Xiao Yixian and others.

  An hour later, several people came to a cave.

  Su Yun took a long breath, a little annoyed.

  Xiao Yixian closed the evil poison body, and her crystal clear white hair turned black and shiny again, accompanying Su Yun.

  Just now they encountered a seventh-level monster, the overlord of the monster mountain range in this area, the Spirit Devouring Tiger.

  If the strength of this dead tiger is compared with that of humans, it is probably at

  the level of a four-star Dou Zong. After Hai Bodong's Xuanbing Longxiang evolved to the lower level of the earth level, he was

  able to use nine ice dragons, which was comparable to the middle level of the earth level. With two earth-level fighting skills and low-level earth-level techniques, he could fight against a two-star Dou Zong.

  Wu Tianlang is the most outstanding student of Canaan Academy in recent years, except for Su Yun and Xiao Yixian.

  He has received the focus of training from the academy, and he is not short of high-level techniques and fighting skills. His strength can be compared with that of a two-star Dou Zong.

  But at the level of Dou Zong, there is a huge gap between each level.

  The two of them could only hold out against the spirit-devouring tiger together, and the group was forced to flee separately.

  This month's search was not smooth.

  The problem was not with Medusa's Yanyang crystal ball, but with the strange fire.

  Over the past month, the light inside the Yanyang crystal ball flickered, as if the strange fire could move, which was really strange.

  Su Yun shook his head. Although he had a vague guess in his heart, he was still not sure. He had to wait for Hai Bodong and Wu Tianlang to come back.

  This cave was originally the lair of a fifth-level monster.

  After careful consideration, they thought this place was relatively remote and far from the territories of other powerful monsters, so they killed it and occupied this place.

  This place also became their temporary residence in the Monster Mountain Range. Once they were separated for various reasons, they would return here afterwards.

  Although Hai Bodong and Wu Tianlang were not as powerful as the Spirit Devouring Tiger, it was still easy for them to retreat when they joined forces.