

  Chapter 206 Little Medical Immortal Breakthrough (First Update!)

  After a while, Hai Bodong and Wu Tianlang returned to the cave.

  Seeing this, Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, it's good that they are back.

  The monsters in the Monster Mountain Range of the Sky Snake Empire are not as weak as those of the Jiama Empire. The number of seventh-level monsters is scarce, but there are still some.

  Hai Bodong and Wu Tianlang sat against the wall, their bodies covered in blood and their breathing disordered. Although they successfully retreated this time, it was not easy.

  Hai Bodong let out a long sigh.

  "This Sky Snake Empire is one of the strongest empires in the Northwest Continent. It is

  indeed different from the Jiama Empire. Whether it is human powerhouses or monsters, they are not in the same league."

  Hai Bodong sighed, feeling that his previous knowledge was too shallow.

  Su Yun nodded. In the past month, they have also encountered some powerful human beings. Douhuang strongmen are not uncommon. Dou Zong has also encountered one.

  As for the monsters in the Monster Mountain Range, except for the Spirit Devouring Tiger, they have fought against two monsters that have reached the seventh level.

  It is really terrifying.

  Su Yun was secretly glad in his heart at this time that they came to the Heavenly Snake Empire after Hai Bodong was promoted to the Dou Zong. Otherwise, with only Wu Tianlang, he might not be able to protect them.

  Su Yun asked Hai Bodong and Wu Tianlang.

  "How is it, did you bring the corpse of the monster?"

  Hai Bodong smacked his lips and took out the corpse of a fifth-level monster from the ring.

  "Look, this is it."

  This is a fifth-level Spirit Devouring Tiger.

  Su Yun saw this, and a smile appeared on his face. He stood up and took out Canyang from the system space, his eyes narrowed into a slit.

  What exactly is this strange fire? The answer will be revealed soon.

  Su Yun swung his long sword and split the Spirit Devouring Tiger in half. The strong smell of blood filled the cave, but no one felt any discomfort.

  Even Qinglin had seen blood after a month of fighting.

  Su Yun put Canyang away, squatted down, and covered his palm with a layer of green flames.

  The spiritual power of the spiritual realm penetrated his body. Su Yun used his fighting spirit and performed a secret method to carefully sense the breath inside the corpse through the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire and spiritual power.

  After a half-response, a red flame emerged from the corpse.

  Seeing this, Su Yun dispersed the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, and a flash of enlightenment flashed through his mind.

  This fifth-level spirit devouring tiger is the offspring of the seventh-level spirit devouring tiger, and it is also the fundamental reason why they were hunted down.

  They are not that stupid. If it is not necessary, they will not provoke a seventh-level demon beast for no reason.

  "How is it?"

  Hai Bodong asked.

  Su Yun turned around, came to the side of the crowd, and sat down.

  "It can be basically confirmed."

  Wu Tianlang raised his eyebrows.

  "In other words, the unknown fire here is really the Spirit Fire of All Beasts?"

  "Nine out of ten."

  Su Yun said.

  "The fifth-level spirit-devouring tiger does have the aura of the fire, just as we guessed before."

  Everyone nodded.

  Although they did not find the fire during the month of searching, they did not get nothing.

  They deduced that the strange fire would move by the flickering light inside the Yanyang crystal ball.

  When they were searching, they followed the reaction of the Yanyang crystal ball and came to the place with the brightest light.

  But every time they arrived at that place, after searching for a while, they found nothing. What was even more strange was that after a period of time, the light of the Yanyang crystal ball dimmed without any signs.

  At first, they were still confused and thought that there was something wrong with the Yan Yang crystal ball.

  But as it happened more and more times, they began to speculate that the problem was with the strange fire.

  And this time, the Yan Yang crystal ball shone brightest when it was close to the fifth-level spirit-devouring tiger.

  Then it suddenly dimmed.

  Afterwards, Su Yun asked everyone to capture the fifth-level spirit-devouring tiger, and then there was the battle with the seventh-level spirit-devouring tiger.

  "This is troublesome.   

  "If the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire can really move freely within the body of the monster, then how should we capture it?"

  Wu Tianlang frowned.

  Su Yun also sighed.

  This Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire was only mentioned in the Strange Fire Square in the original book.

  Yao Lao and Jinglian Demon Saint were not very clear about its ability.

  Can we only rely on luck?

  Su Yun shook his head and stopped thinking about these things for the time being. He took out a dozen jade bottles from the system space and handed them to everyone.

  The elixirs here are either for healing or for quickly restoring fighting spirit.

  "Everyone should recover their respective conditions first. The Monster Mountain Range is not like other places. Danger may occur at any time. "

  Everyone nodded without being polite.

  After a night, with the help of Su Yun's high-level elixirs, everyone recovered to their peak condition.

  Only the Little Medical Immortal did not wake up for a long time, and his breath was fluctuating.

  Su Yun's eyebrows jumped. Is he going to break through to the Fighting Emperor?!

  When the Little Medical Immortal was still in the Gama Empire, he had already reached the nine-star Fighting King. During

  this period of time, although he was not fighting or rushing, everyone also squeezed out some time to practice, and his cultivation has reached the peak of the seven-star Fighting King.

  "Let's go out. "

  Su Yun said to everyone.

  Wu Tianlang looked at the fluctuations of Little Medical Fairy's fighting spirit, and a trace of shock flashed in his eyes.

  This little girl is only seventeen years old now? Or eighteen years old?

  Even when she broke through to the Fighting Emperor, she must have been in her twenties. The young

  are really to be feared.

  Everyone left the cave and gave the place to Little Medical Fairy.

  After coming out, Zi Yan grabbed her hair with her pink little hands.

  "Ah, how come Sister Xian'er's cultivation speed is so fast? I haven't even broken through   to the Douhuang realm


  A hint of wonder flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  It was really too fast.

  But Su Yun was not discouraged. As long as he found the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire, he would not be too far away from the Douhuang realm.   After capturing the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire, he only needed to practice for a while to reach the Nine-Star Douwang realm.   With the help of the huge energy of the Devouring Strange Fire, it would not be difficult to break through to the Douhuang realm.   Three days later, a wave of Douhuang level came from the mountain. Emerged in the cave.   Hai Bodong and Wu Tianlang's eyes changed slightly and they looked at each other.   They both saw the solemnity in each other's eyes. They   couldn't stay in this place any longer.   The fluctuations emitted by the breakthrough realm spread unconsciously.   If this happened in human territory, it would be fine, but this is the Monster Mountain Range. I believe that many monsters have already sensed the fluctuations here, and they will come over after a while.   Hai Bodong said.   "Su boy, go in and call that girl out."   Su Yun's face also flashed a trace of seriousness, and he also understood Hai Bodong's worries.   Immediately enter the cave.   The little medical fairy just opened his eyes at this time and withdrew from the state of cultivation.   "Brother..."   "Xian'er, leave here first."   "Well. "   The little doctor nodded. She was no longer the ignorant little girl.   (End of this chapter)