

  Chapter 220 Separation (Second update!)

  The figure of the Great Elder of the Heavenly Snake Mansion appeared in the air.

  Zhang Ritian rushed to the street with Zhang Wei, and disciples of the Heavenly Snake Mansion were rushing here from all directions.

  There were also a large number of deacons and elders at the level of Dou Wang and Dou Huang in the air. What

  made Zhang Ritian most uneasy was that there were two more Dou Zong auras in the other two directions, forming a triangle with the Great Elder of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, locking him tightly.

  Zhang Ritian's face was ashen, and he took out the black hammer that he had spent a lot of energy to rebuild during this period of time from the ring.

  "Zhang Ritian, where did you hide the owner of the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils?

  If you tell the truth, I can still leave you a complete body."

  The Great Elder of the Heavenly Snake Mansion looked at Zhang Ritian with an indifferent expression.

  "I don't know what the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils are."

  Zhang Ritian's eyebrows were wrinkled into a river shape.

  "You are so stubborn, hum!"

  The great elder of the Heavenly Snake Palace snorted coldly.

  "Second brother, third brother!"

  Three terrifying Dou Zong auras boiled out.

  Six-star Dou Zong, four-star Dou Zong peak, four-star Dou Zong.

  The strength of the three elders of the Heavenly Snake Palace was clear at a glance.

  Even though they hadn't made a move yet, the terrifying aura still made Zhang Wei breathless, and the Dou Qi in his body was somewhat stagnant.

  Zhang Ritian's expression was gloomy. There was no other way, fight!


  Heavenly Snake Empire.

  Su Yun and others were sitting on the griffon beast, just out of the border of the Heavenly Snake Empire.

  Suddenly Su Yun raised his eyebrows.

  Someone was spying.

  Su Yun used soul transmission to everyone.

  "There is a Dou Emperor observing us in secret.

  Hai Lao, wait and listen to my orders, immediately use the "Frost Body Skill" to take him down as quickly as possible."

  Upon hearing this, everyone's spirits instantly tensed up.

  Hai Bodong nodded imperceptibly.

  Su Yun's eyes narrowed into a slit.

  He had sensed this Dou Emperor's aura when he was in the Demonic Beast Mountains. At that time, they had just joined forces to injure the Star Demon Bear and were on the way to escape.

  Su Yun had a vague guess in his heart.

  On the ground, a Dou Emperor with a short stature and a wretched face had a little light flashing in his pupils.

  Watching the Griffin Beast disappear in the sky, his eyes rolled and he turned and ran straight to the Sky Snake Palace.

  Hehehe, I never thought that I could meet them again. I might even get a reward

  when I go to the Heavenly Snake Palace. Just as the dwarf fighting emperor turned his qi into wings and flew towards the Heavenly Snake Palace, a blue cold figure was rushing towards him.

  A trace of fear flashed across the dwarf fighting emperor's wretched face, and he subconsciously looked behind him.

  The moment he turned his head, a big old hand grabbed his neck.


  The dwarf fighting emperor felt a little suffocated, and tried to pry open Hai Bodong's hand on his neck with both hands.

  Hai Bodong snorted coldly, clenched his other hand into a fist, and hit the dwarf fighting emperor in the abdomen.


  The dwarf fighting emperor groaned, his face full of pain.

  Hai Bodong knocked him unconscious with a few more punches, and then he stopped. Then he flashed and quickly caught up with the Griffin Beast.

  He threw the short Dou Huang on the back of the Griffin Beast.

  Su Yun sensed the man's aura.

  A two-star Dou Huang, his strength was quite poor.

  Once upon a time, Dou Huang was someone Su Yun looked up to, but now he no longer cares about him.

  Su Yun had no intention of interrogating him, and directly used the system's scanning and recycling function to recycle a copy of his memory. He

  then checked it in the form of a soul screen and understood the whole story.

  Just as Su Yun guessed, the fact that Bai Ya appeared in the Monster Mountain Range was what he told the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

  Not only that, this person just used a low-level earth-level pupil fighting skill to detect their whereabouts, and wanted to tell the Heavenly Snake Palace the news.

  If it weren't for his strong spiritual power and keen senses, he would have noticed something wrong in time. Once the news reached the Heavenly Snake Palace, it would be really troublesome.

  Su Yun looked at the short fighting emperor with a cold look.

  "Eagle, kill him.

  Don't dirty the griffon's feathers."   



  Twenty days later.

  Su Yun and others said goodbye to Wu Tianlang and Su Xuehui.

  "Aren't you going back to the academy?"

  Wu Tianlang asked.

  "Not for now. I have to go back to the Gama Empire for something. Thank you for taking care of me during this time, Commander Wu."

  Su Yun bowed and smiled.

  "You're welcome. It's my duty."

  Wu Tianlang waved his hand.

  "Little Zi Yan, do you want to go back with me?"


  I finally got out, and I haven't had enough fun yet."

  Zi Yan pouted, a little unhappy.

  Wu Tianlang didn't force it. There was nothing wrong with Zi Yan following Su Yun.

  "In that case, we'll leave first."


  After parting with Wu Tianlang and Su Xuehui, everyone set off again for the Gama Empire.

  "Boy Su, what else do you have to do in the Gama Empire?"

  Hai Bodong was a little surprised.

  "Because of some reasons, Medusa has escaped the control of the Green Snake Three Flower Pupils. Bai Ya also exploded and died.

  So now, we have to find two level six snake-type monsters for Qing Lin.

  I remember there are still a few old guys in the snake tribe, hehe."

  Hai Bodong suddenly realized that this was the case.

  Qing Lin's face lit up.

  Young Master still remembers me, that's great.

  Su Yun looked at Qing Lin.

  Three-star peak fighter.

  After Bai Ya exploded, Qing Lin did not absorb Medusa's cultivation, so the speed of cultivation slowed down.

  From the time he went to the Sky Snake Empire to now. In total, several months had passed, but she had only broken through to the two-star level.

  This Green Snake Three-Flower Pupil still needs the assistance of snake monsters.

  Qinglin saw Su Yun looking at her, and a slight blush flashed across her face.

  This girl is still quite shy in front of Su Yun.

  But during this period of time, they have gotten along a little better, at least she doesn't lower her head, and can look Su Yun in the eye.

  Su Yun touched Qinglin's little head, his voice gentle.

  "Qinglin, after you break through to the Grand Fighter, to what extent can you control the snake monsters?"

  Qinglin pointed at her rosy face with a finger and answered.

  "Sir, with my current soul power, I should be able to control four level six snake monsters with the help of the great fighter's fighting spirit.

  But it's still impossible to control level seven monsters."

  Qing Lin said.

  Su Yun nodded. There were two more monsters than the fighter stage.

  Then when he reached the fighting spirit stage, he might be able to control level seven monsters.

  Although Qing Lin's cultivation was the lowest among his group, his role was not weak. The one

  with the lowest role at this stage was naturally Zi Yan, who was heartless and kept pouring pills into her mouth.

  After more than 20 days, the group finally returned to the Jiama Empire and came to the Mitel family.

  Hai Bodong summoned up his fighting spirit, and soon Mittel Tengshan ran to the door to greet everyone.

  "Master Hai, Master Zhang, you are back."

  Mittel Tengshan's face was full of smiles.


  Don't talk nonsense, this time I am really exhausted.

  Go and prepare good wine and food."

  "Okay, I will prepare it right away."

   Finally it is finished