

  Chapter 221 Arrangements for the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python (First Update!)

  Mittel Tengshan welcomed everyone.

  That night, after everyone had a full meal, everyone went back to rest.

  In the room, Su Yun hugged Xiao Yixian tightly and gently stroked her delicate white cheeks.

  Xiao Yixian's eyes were full of joy, and her two little hands, which had nowhere to put, were placed on Su Yun's chest.

  "Xian'er, you haven't helped for a long time."

  Xiao Yixian's face flushed, and she seemed to think of something, and her throat was a little itchy.

  "Be a little less strong~"



  After a night, Xiao Yixian's lips were slightly red and swollen.

  Su Yun refined a healing pill for Xiao Yixian, and she felt a little better.

  Little Medical Fairy nestled in Su Yun's arms, with her pretty face buried in Su Yun's neck.

  After a while, Little Medical Fairy's face was a little flushed, and she was slightly panting.

  Su Yun patted Little Medical Fairy's back gently, and put his other hand on her soft waist.

  Little Medical Fairy's waist was very thin, and she was a little waisted. Every time he hugged Little Medical Fairy to sleep, he would put his hand on her willow waist. It was really comfortable to hug her.

  Su Yun didn't know what he was thinking of at this time, and a hint of expectation flashed across his face.

  He couldn't help but rubbed Little Medical Fairy's lower abdomen, and the soft touch was really comfortable.

  Little Medical Fairy felt Su Yun's hand playing tricks on her body, and a hint of shyness flashed across her face.

  Then he closed his eyes, and even slightly adjusted his position in Su Yun's arms to make it more convenient for Su Yun.

  It was such a happy thing that his lover was obsessed with his body.

  The two of them stayed like this for a while, and Su Yun became more and more unbridled.

  Then Xiao Yixian couldn't help it anymore, and ran away from Su Yun's arms.

  His face flushed, and shame surged in his heart. There was a hint of blame in his eyes when he looked at Su Yun.

  Su Yun smiled, and still stepped forward to hold Xiao Yixian in his arms.

  Xiao Yixian's small fist landed lightly on Su Yun's chest, weak and powerless, like a kitten's paw.

  "Brother, you will be seventeen years old in a few months."

  Xiao Yixian said coquettishly, the blush on her face fading a little.


  Su Yun nodded.

  "Time flies so fast."

  Xiao Yixian sighed with emotion, and wrapped her arms around Su Yun's neck.

  "When brother turns 18, you must love Xian'er well. These days, you have only cared about your own comfort."

  Xiao Yixian was a little emotional, and her beautiful eyes were full of love for Su Yun. The tone was very ambiguous, and she acted coquettishly to Su Yun.

  Su Yun gently scratched Xiao Yixian's nose.

  "Don't worry, this is of course. My Xian'er is so beautiful, how can she lack your love."

  The two exchanged sweet words and rubbed their ears.

  After a while, Xiao Yixian went to see Xiao Lan.

  Su Yun stayed in the room and took advantage of this time to enter the system space.

  After putting the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python into the system space, Su Yun kept it in a static state.

  Su Yun caught the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python in his hand. Because it had not been treated and was in a static state, it had no chance of self-healing, so its breath was still weak.

  Medusa should have evolved successfully in the middle of his battle with the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire.

  Afterwards, the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python was alternately burned by the Azure Lotus Earth Heart Fire and the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire. If Su Yun had not won, it would have been burned to death if the time had been extended.

  Su Yun's soul power penetrated his body and carefully examined the soul states of the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python and Medusa.

  Both were very weak, but Medusa's soul was still better.   

  After all, the soul of the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python was separated from the soul of Medusa during the evolution process, and its own soul strength is relatively weak.

  After the snake people are born, the elders of the tribe will use secret methods to inject the soul of a snake-shaped monster into their bodies. Then, in the process of growth, the souls of the two gradually merge and become indistinguishable from each other.

  This also leads to the fact that the soul of the snake people has always been the main one between the two.

  The current situation of Medusa and the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python is still the same.

  But this situation is not irreversible, as long as the soul power of the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python is stronger than that of Medusa.

  If the souls of the two are allowed to merge again, the soul of the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python will naturally be the main one.

  A strange smile flashed across Su Yun's face.

  Haha, the Queen of Medusa, who evolved into the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python, has a promising future.

  In the original timeline, she was definitely the heroine. When Xiao Xun'er saw her, she had to give in and call her sister for various reasons.

  But in his hands, she was just a prisoner, acting as a thug and bait.

  After the successful evolution, she couldn't escape from his palm, and her soul and body would become what he wanted. It

  was completely different from the previous encounter with her when he was looking for the Green Lotus Earth Heart Fire, and he could only escape into the system space to save his life.

  This feeling is really refreshing.

  With this thought in mind, Su Yun began to do his business, mobilizing his soul power to flow into the body of the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python to find the souls of Medusa and the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python.

  A strand of soul power turned into a small soul sword, stabbing Medusa's soul again and again.

  Su Yun carefully controlled the strength of the small soul sword to prevent Medusa's soul from being directly shattered.

  With Su Yun's operation, Medusa's soul once again disintegrated, extremely weak, and on the verge of dissipation. Su Yun nodded with satisfaction and retracted his soul power.

  In a static state, even if the soul was so severely damaged, it didn't hurt at all. This might be his last mercy.


  After doing all this, Su Yun came out of the system space with the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python.

  The Little Medical Fairy hadn't come back yet, Su Yun walked out of the room and called Zi Yan and Qing Lin over.

  "What are you doing?"

  Zi Yan put her hands on her waist, muttered, and her pink face was a little dissatisfied.

  Why is there still something going on? I can finally rest.

  Qing Lin stood aside obediently, forming a sharp contrast with Zi Yan.

  Su Yun's face turned black and he hit Zi Yan on the head.

  This guy has been eating and drinking here, how can he not move.

  "It hurts!"

  Zi Yan's face was full of pain, looking at Su Yun with her teeth bared.

  But she didn't dare to move forward. She was a little stupid, but not stupid.

  When Su Yun was still a one-star fighting king, she couldn't beat him, not to mention that now his cultivation has reached an eight-star fighting king, which is almost the same as hers.

  If they really fight, she will definitely be hung up and beaten.

  Su Yun didn't argue with Zi Yan. After all, the girl was still a child. If she had enough delicious pills, she would definitely be obedient.

  "Okay, I'll make some more pills for you later. You'll definitely have enough."

  Zi Yan's eyes lit up when she heard that, and she nodded quickly.

  "Okay, okay."

  Seeing this, Su Yun handed the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python to Zi Yan.

  "When I'm refining the pill, keep an eye on her, okay?"


  Zi Yan nodded quickly.

  "Oh, it's the little snake from before."

  Qing Lin looked at the little snake in Zi Yan's hand, and a glimmer of surprise flashed in his eyes.