

  Chapter 225 Catching the Snake (First update!)

  After all, the Fallen Heart Flame has been living in the magma and has absorbed an unknown amount of fire energy. Its power is definitely not only ranked fourteenth.

  Although the spirit fire of all beasts has been wandering in the Warcraft Mountains for thousands of years.

  But after all, we are in the Warcraft Mountains, and we can't absorb much fire energy. The environments in which the two are located are not comparable.

  With a thought in his mind, Su Yun came out of the system space and came to the cave.

  You will know what level your combat power is after you fight it.

  We are about to go to the Tagore Desert to catch the big snake for Qinglin, and a fierce battle is inevitable.

  Su Yun came outside the cave, his fighting spirit turned into wings, and after a while, he returned to the Miter family.

  Everyone sensed Su Yun's aura and all gathered together.

  The little medical fairy stepped forward and threw herself into Su Yun's arms.

  Haibodong sensed Su Yun's aura, and his face was filled with shock that could not be concealed.

  Fighting Emperor! It's too fast. Does the bottleneck thing really not exist for them?

  Hai Bodong looked at Su Yun and the Little Medical Fairy, and couldn't help but turn his head to look at Qing Lin, who had broken through the level of a great fighting master, and began to doubt his life.

  Monsters, all monsters!

  After a while, the little medical fairy left Su Yun's arms.

  At this time, a streak of colorful light and shadow flew out of the Little Medical Immortal's sleeve robe, and the colorful sky-swallowing python flew into the air, spitting out a snake letter towards Su Yun, and made a coquettish neighing sound.

  Su Yun gently touched the head of the colorful sky-swallowing python, took out a jade bottle from the ring and opened the cork.

  The colorful sky-swallowing python immediately came to Su Yun's palm, the snake letter spit out, and licked the accompanying amethyst source vigorously.

  Su Yun put his other hand around the little medical fairy's waist and asked.

  "Xian'er, how long have I been in seclusion this time?"

  "One month."

  The little medical fairy replied.

  Su Yun nodded.

  "Did you successfully refine the Ten Thousand Beast Spirit Fire?"

  Haibodong couldn't help but ask.

  "Haha, that's natural."

  Su Yun smiled at Hai Bodong.

  "I really don't know how you did it. You are the only one in the world who can conquer two kinds of strange fires at the same time."

  Su Yun smiled and did not comment on this statement and said nothing more.

  Then he looked at Qing Lin, sensed the aura of the Great Fighter on her body, and said to everyone.

  "In three days, we will go to the Tagore Desert to catch some big snakes for Qinglin."


  Haibodong and others nodded.

  "Thank you, Master."

  Qing Lin's face was filled with a happy smile.

  Then everyone dispersed, and the colorful sky-swallowing python returned to Su Yun and wrapped around Su Yun's wrist.

  He fell into a deep sleep and began to absorb the energy associated with the amethyst source and the cultivation of Medusa.

  Su Yun held the little medical fairy's hips and carried him into the room.

  the next morning.

  Su Yun got up and had breakfast under the attentive service of the little medical fairy.

  After eating and drinking, Su Yun started to do his business, and a thought came to his mind. Use the system's replacement function to replace a Seven Fantasy Green Spirit Saliva.

  Su Yun took out the medicinal cauldron and combined it with other medicinal materials to refine it into a medicinal liquid that increased soul power.

  After doing all this, Su Yun nodded with satisfaction.

  This medicinal liquid is prepared for the colorful sky-swallowing python.

  If the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python is in its current state, it may take another year or two to fully integrate Medusa's soul power and cultivation.

  But if you absorb these spiritual fluids and increase your soul power, the time will be shortened to about a month.   

  Su Yun lifted up his sleeves and woke up the colorful sky-swallowing python wrapped around his wrist.

  The colorful sky-swallowing python shook its little head and looked at Su Yun with eyes full of kindness.

  Su Yun's face was full of smiles.

  This little guy is covered in colorful scales and has a faint fragrance. He looks cute and quite lovable.

  Su Yun pointed at the medicinal solution.

  "Come on, little one, look at what I have prepared for you."

  The colorful sky-swallowing python turned its head to look at the medicinal solution, sensing the energy contained in it.

  The lavender snake eyes were full of joy. He neighed twice at Su Yun and immediately stepped forward to absorb the medicine.

  After a while, the colorful sky-swallowing python let out a small burp, wrapped around Su Yun's wrist again, and fell asleep.

  Seeing this, Su Yun sat cross-legged, entered the cultivation state, and used the system's replacement function to replace the heart inflammation for cultivation.

  After breaking through the Dou Huang, if you want to maintain a high cultivation speed, the quality of the replaced heart inflammation must be higher.

  The consumption of energy crystal blocks will naturally be large.

  In addition, high-quality poisons need to be replaced for the little medical fairy, and the consumption of resources is much greater than before.

  Su Yun smashed his mouth.

  Tsk, there has been no resource supply for a while, and coupled with the consumption during this period, his assets have shrunk by more than half.

  Su Yun shook his head, now that things are going on here, it's time to go to the Black Corner Domain to plan something.

  Two days later, everyone set out for the Tagore Desert.

  In the air, Hai Bodong asked Su Yun.

  "Boy Su, are we really the only ones here?

  Why don't you shout more?"

  Su Yun was startled when he heard this and couldn't help laughing.

  "Why, Hai Lao is now a mighty Dou Zong strongman, but he is not sure about facing a small tribe of snake people?"

  "You can't say that.

  As far as I know, the snake people clan has a profound foundation, and four of its elders are They are all strong men from the previous generation who are at the peak of Dou Huang.

  In addition, the leader of the snake clan is also at the top of Dou Huang,

  not to mention the other powerful Dou Wangs

  . Still smiling.

  The four elders at the peak of the Fighting Emperor and the great commander all appeared in the original work and in the plot of the Empire War, so he naturally knew about it.

  Haibodong's worries are not unreasonable.

  As long as three of the five Dou Huang peak experts are separated, even if they don't know how to combine attacks, they can temporarily contain Hai Bodong.

  If there is a way to combine attacks, we can compete with Hai Bodong.

  As for the other two, compared to the rest of them, if they were just ordinary fighting emperors without the ability to leapfrog the challenge, something would really be wrong.

  "Hai Lao, don't panic.

  Both Xian'er and I have reached the peak of Dou Huang in terms of combat power.

  When the time comes, we just need to find an opportunity for Qing Lin to control one of the Dou Huangs, and everything will be solved."

  Hai Bodong couldn't help but tremble, and looked at The beauties flying side by side behind her.

  "Really or not?!"

  "You will know it by then."

  Su Yun and the little fairy doctor both had smiles on their faces.

  When two different fires merge, the power is not as simple as one plus one equals two. His specific combat power is indeed unclear, but he definitely has the combat power at the peak of Dou Huang.

  After all, when his strength reaches the Seven-Star Dou King, he can use Flowing Flame Dragon Slash to achieve the combat power of a high-level Dou King.

  As for the Little Medical Immortal, now with a three-star Dou Huang cultivation level, it is not difficult to fight across six stars by relying on earth-level fighting skills and the Poison Body of Disaster.

  The higher the Little Medical Immortal's cultivation level, and with the support of "Lingyun Immortal", the poisonous power of her disaster poison body will be stronger, and her combat power will be equally impressive.