

  Chapter 226 Qinglin's method (Second update!)

  However, when it comes to the Douzong stage, the star level that can be jumped will probably not be that big.

  The later the realm of cultivation, the greater the gap. Even a one-star difference in the Douzong stage is difficult to jump.

  Su Yun and others did not hide their aura at all, and Hai Bodong even released his aura wantonly.

  Not long after they entered the Tagore Desert, a group of snake people blocked them.

  Leading them were the four elders of the snake people who were at the peak of the Douhuang level, and the bald commander who was at the peak of the Douhuang level.

  Su Yun and others stopped and confronted the snake people in the air.

  A group of snake people looked at Su Yun and others as if they were facing a powerful enemy.

  The snake elder had a solemn expression, and his Douqi turned into wings and came into the air.

  Other powerful snakemen who have reached the level of fighting king also followed.

  The elder took a deep breath and flew forward slightly to try to negotiate with everyone.

  "I don't know if you all..."

  Su Yun's eyes were cold and he spoke lightly.

  "There's nothing much to say, let's do it!"

  He understood that villains die because of talking too much.

  Upon hearing this, everyone immediately became full of momentum and burst out with terrifying fighting spirit.

  Hai Bodong showed a ferocious look on his face. He flipped his palm and Po'e appeared in his hand, swinging his spear.

  The icy fighting spirit penetrated his body and rushed towards Po'e. As the cold light flashed, the temperature around him dropped slightly. The face of the elder of the snake

  people changed drastically in an instant

  . She never expected that this group of powerful human beings would start fighting without any explanation.

  The face of the elder of the snake people was ashen.

  "Meet the enemy!"


  With the order from the great elder of the snake people, the snake people immediately burst out with momentum and attacked everyone.

  The most powerful among them were the four elders and the bald commander, the five top Douhuang masters.

  Su Yun's mouth curled up. It looked like a battle of equal strength, but in fact it was a massacre with a winner and loser.

  Su Yun's mind moved, and Canyang appeared in his hand, and the hot and terrifying fighting spirit gushed out.

  The green and red flames entangled the sword body, attracting the energy of heaven and earth. Although it was only a one-star Douhuang cultivation.

  But no one dared to underestimate the terrifying momentum.

  The "Burning Cold Art" has been promoted to the middle level of the Earth Rank. With this alone, his strength can be comparable to that of a three-star Fighting Emperor.

  If he uses a single exotic fire, his strength will be raised to the peak of a six

  -star Fighting Emperor. And if two kinds of exotic fire are combined, it will soar to a nine-star Fighting Emperor.

  This is not even counting the blessing of Canyang and many earth-level fighting skills.

  It is unknown whether Su Yun's combat power has reached the level of a Fighting Sect, but he is definitely at the peak of a Fighting Emperor!

  The three thousand black hairs of the Little Medical Immortal turned into frosty white hair, the evil poison body was opened, and the breath also surged.

  Hai Bodong, Su Yun and the Little Medical Immortal were the main forces, killing the five peak Fighting Emperors of the Snake Clan.

  The faces of the five top-level fighting emperors of the Snake Clan were filled with fear.

  Damn, in addition to the fighting sect master, the auras of these two little kids were also so strong.

  If they are not careful, the Snake Clan may be destroyed!

  "Big sister, my third sister, fourth sister and I can use the Heavenly Snake Formation to fight against the fighting sect master. The remaining two will be handed over to you and the commander-in-chief." The

  second elder of the Snake Clan said to the first elder of the Snake Clan with a serious expression.


  The first elder of the Snake Clan looked solemn.

  "Commander-in-chief, you deal with the boy with the long sword. I will deal with the white-haired woman, and the others will take down the two girls!"


  The battle broke out immediately.

  The three elders of the Snake Clan united in a triangle.   

  As their auras connected, the auras of the three people were rising, and they were faintly taking another half step towards the peak of the Douhuang realm.

  Hai Bodong narrowed his old eyes, and a terrifying icy fighting aura emanated from his spear.

  As long as you haven't broken through to the Douzong realm, there is nothing to be afraid of.

  Hai Bodong now has a set of ground-level fighting skills to protect himself, and his strength can compete with a two-star Douzong for a short time.

  The four of them killed each other in an instant, and the terrifying waves shook the sky and the earth. The Douwang strongmen of the snake people didn't even dare to get too close to the four people. In

  a battle of this level, if they get close, they will be injured by the aftermath of the battle between the two sides.

  The Little Medical Fairy and the Great Elder of the Snake People also fought together, and the two sides were inseparable.

  "Boy, come and die!"

  The bald commander had a ferocious look on his face, veins throbbing on his forehead, and punched Su Yun.

  Su Yun's face was calm, and he waved his broken sun like a swimming dragon. When his fists and swords collided, there was a sound of metal colliding.

  The bald commander had strong physical strength, and the power contained in this punch was actually comparable to Su Yun's.

  The bald man, with one punch, had all the elements, which was simply terrifying.

  It was understandable that Su Yun could not suppress him in terms of strength.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with excitement. After his strength surged, he just needed a strong opponent to test himself. This bald commander was barely qualified.

  In just a few breaths, the two fought dozens of times.

  The bald commander's face flushed, he gritted his teeth, and burst into fighting spirit. He gathered his fighting spirit in his right hand frantically, and threw a powerful punch, knocking Su Yun back and giving him a chance to catch his breath. The

  bald commander looked at his fist with an ugly face, what a terrifying flame.

  Just now, he and Su Yun were fighting, and it seemed that they were evenly matched, and neither of them gave in.

  But only he knew that if this continued, it would be a matter of time before he was defeated. His

  body, which he used to be proud of, could not gain any advantage in front of this human boy.

  The terrifying flame would continue to burn his body, forcing him to divide some of his fighting spirit and drive it out of his body. As one side gained strength

  while the other lost, as long as he showed a flaw, he would be completely at a disadvantage.

  On the other side, the snake elder was in the same predicament.

  The terrifying poison of the Evil Poison Body was slowly eating away at her body, but she couldn't cause any damage to the white-haired woman.

  Earth-level body fighting skills, earth-level defensive fighting skills, were simply impeccable.

  The snakeman elder could only pin his hopes on other fighting kings.

  Although he didn't know why these hateful human warriors brought a little girl with the cultivation of a great fighting master.

  But this just gave them an opportunity. As long as they caught her, these humans would definitely be afraid to act rashly.

  The eight snakeman fighting kings surrounded Zi Yan and Qing Lin, and the two seemed to be in danger.

  Zi Yan's face was bitter, and she tightened the ribbon that tied Qing Lin tightly to her body.

  Damn, why are there so many people! Even if my fighting power can reach the low-level fighting emperor.

  But facing so many fighting kings, and having to divide my attention to protect Qinglin, it is also very difficult, hey!

  "Sister Zi Yan, don't be afraid.

  I have a way."

  At this time, Qinglin's voice sounded behind Zi Yan.

  "Ah, you have a way?"

  Zi Yan widened her eyes, and her little head was full of question marks.


  Sister Zi Yan, wait a minute, you fight and retreat, don't let these snake people get too close, and don't get too far.

  Then we do this and that..."

  Qinglin whispered in Zi Yan's ear, speaking carefully.

  "Good idea, Qinglin you are so smart!"

  "Hehe, not really. This method was taught to me by the young master,"