

Back to Canaan College (first update!)

  The three of them slept together like this.

  The two were leaning sideways, looking at each other, with Qinglin lying between them, like children sleeping soundly in their arms.

  On the other side, Haibodong came to an old map store. The store was dusty and had not been occupied for a long time.

  Haibodong stood in the room, silent for a long time.

  One night passed, Qing Lin slowly woke up.

  His big hazy eyes opened and he looked around subconsciously.

  Qing Lin immediately found that Su Yun and the Little Medical Fairy were hugging him together, and both of them were looking at him.

  "Ah, Master, Sister Xian'er..."

  Qing Lin's cheeks were slightly red and she said timidly.

  The little medical fairy touched Qinglin's little head.

  "Qing Lin, did you sleep well last night?"

  "Yeah, I slept very comfortably."

  Qing Lin was a little embarrassed.

  "Thank you, sister Xian'er, thank you, sir."

  "It's okay, we are a family, aren't we?"

  "Yeah, hehe."

  The three of them stood up, Qinglin happily held their hands, and her mood was completely stable. Come down.

  Several people set off again and returned to the imperial capital.

  Everyone returned to the Miter family's residence, and Su Yun and the little doctor fairy returned to the house.

  The two immediately became entangled, hugging each other and rolling on the sheets.

  After a while, the little medical fairy pressed Su Yun under her body and placed a pair of jade hands on Su Yun's chest.

  Just as Su Yun was about to get up, he was stopped by the little medical fairy.

  "Don't move. I promised you before that you will listen to me when you come back."

  The little medical fairy pouted and began to take off her clothes.

  The pure white jade body was completely exposed, and Su Yun's lower abdomen felt slightly warm.

  Then the little medical fairy blushed and stripped Su Yun clean.

  He leaned down, his pretty rosy face close to Su Yun's face, and his little tongue stuck out.

  Licking and licking Su Yun's face, the warm heat and the little doctor's saliva spread on Su Yun's face.

  The two of them were so close to each other that Su Yun couldn't restrain himself at all.

  After some time passed, Su Yun gasped and held the little medical fairy's hand.

  The little medical fairy is not as shy as Qing Lin. Although her face is red, she is already very assertive.

  "Wait a minute, I want to leave my moisture all over your body. Then I'll help you."

  The little medical fairy held Su Yun's face, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.



  The little medical fairy helped Su Yun get dressed, with a trace of curiosity on his face.

  "When will we return to Canaan College?"

  Su Yun pondered for a while.

  "Just for these few days, there is nothing to stay in the Empire. When our cultivation level improves, we will go to Zhongzhou."


  The little medical fairy was slightly surprised.

  "Well, your and my talents are by no means limited to this. In Zhongzhou, we can grow better."

  Su Yun said with a smile.

  The little medical fairy nodded. Su Yun told her more than once about the situation in Zhongzhou. It was a place where countless geniuses and strong men gathered.

  "No matter what, I will go wherever you go."

  The little medical fairy snuggled into Su Yun's arms, as naughty as a kitten, with her cheeks slightly arched.

  "I won't let you leave."

  "I won't leave."

  After the two of them got dressed, Su Yun called everyone over.

  "We will set off tomorrow to Canaan College.

  Of course, Hai Lao, you go to the Black Corner Domain."

  "Okay, I have been away for so long, and I don't know if there is any trouble in Hange. It's time to take care of it."

  Hai Bo Dong nodded, indicating that he understood.

  "Ah, I have to go back soon. I haven't had enough fun yet."

  Zi Yan muttered.   

  Su Yun rolled his eyes and ignored the girl.

  It's time to take her back and show her to Elder Su Qianda, so as not to worry the old man.

  Later, Su Yun asked Hai Bodong to properly explain the affairs of the Miter family.

  Those who should be beaten were beaten, and those who were making big cakes were asked to go down to prepare and tidy up.

  The next day, everyone took the gryphon and set off for Canaan College.

  A month has passed.

  Because they spent this month traveling, no one practiced much.

  Even if the little medical fairy swallows poison, it will take time to refine, so his cultivation level has not improved much.

  Qinglin, on the other hand, can unconsciously absorb and control the cultivation of snake monsters anytime and anywhere with the green snake and three-flowered pupils, and his cultivation has broken through from a one-star great fighter to a three-star great fighter.

  This speed is comparable to that of the Little Medical Fairy.

  No wonder Qing Lin had no Dou Qi cultivation when he appeared on the stage, but when he met Xiao Yan and others in Zhongzhou, he suddenly became a strong man in the Dou Sect.

  This is still an unconscious absorption. If you calm down and practice hard, with enough support from snake monsters, you can get faster.

  The most amazing pupil in the world, his reputation is well-deserved.

  Everyone came to Peace Town and jumped down from the gryphon beast.

  "Hai Lao, please handle the affairs of Han Pavilion as soon as possible.

  We will take action against Medicine Emperor Han Feng soon."


  Hai Bodong nodded to express his understanding. Su Yun placed him in the Black Angle Domain, which is very large. The reason is to deal with Han Feng, and collecting resources is secondary.

  Su Yun's eyes were gloomy, and part of the layout in the Black Angle Domain was about to come to an end...

  At this time, Su Yun's expression changed, and a familiar aura came.

  "Brother Su, Mr. Hai, are you back?"

  Wu Tianlang's figure appeared in front of everyone.

  "Commander Wu."

  Both sides greeted.

  "Commander Wu, after you came back, you took charge of the law enforcement team again?"

  Hai Bodong asked curiously.

  "Well, before I came back, Mr. Yin went into seclusion again to attack the Douzong realm.

  The law enforcement team was led by the teacher during this period. After I came back, he handed over this responsibility to me and couldn't wait to go into seclusion."

  Wu Tian Wolf explained the situation.

  There are two elders of Canaan Academy, one is named Gong Qiyang and the other is named Gong Qiyin.

  Gong Qiyang wears a golden robe all year round. People who don't know his name usually call him the golden robe elder.

  Gong Qiyin wore a gray robe and was called the gray robe elder.

  Those who know, such as the elders in the inner courtyard, call them Yang Lao and Yin Lao.

  And this Yang Lao is Wu Tianlang's master.

  "I hope the two elders will succeed in their breakthrough this time."

  Su Yun said with a smile.

  "Haha, it's hard to say. Teacher and the others are still not very sure.

  I'm afraid I'll have to ask Brother Su to refine the Sect-Breaking Pill a few more times in the future."

  Wu Tianlang said with a bitter smile.

  Su Yun nodded.

  "These are all small things."

  This is a large part of the reason why alchemists are so popular.

  Even if you don't have enough qualifications to break through, using pills to hit you can forcefully hit your cultivation level.

  The two of them exchanged a few more polite words and then separated.

  The law enforcement team has a heavy task and Wu Tianlang cannot stay for long.

  Everyone first came to the hut where Haibodong and Qinglin lived in Heping Town.

  Su Yun and Qing Lin entered the room alone. Su Yun once again used the system's replacement function to drive a burst of heart inflammation into Qing Lin's body to assist him in his cultivation.

  In this way, Qing Lin's cultivation speed will be even faster.

  Under the dual influence of the Green Snake's three-flowered pupils and Xin Yan, this girl's cultivation level is probably changing day by day.