

  Chapter 232 Let's Talk (Second Update!)

  Qing Lin's face flushed, and his cheeks were as red as a ripe apple.

  Su Yun coughed lightly.

  The injection of the heart flame will burn a big hole in the clothes on the chest.

  In order to avoid this situation, Qing Lin naturally took off all the clothes on his upper body this time.

  Qing Lin has grown up...

  Su Yun walked out of the room and closed the door.

  Qing Lin quickly put on his clothes.

  Well, I'm so shy, it seems that I have been seen naked since the first day I met the young master.

  Su Yun came to the living room, and Hai Bodong rubbed his hands expectantly.

  "Hey, Su boy, is it my turn?"

  Su Yun's mouth twitched, but he nodded.

  "Don't worry, you can't be left out."

  Su Yun used the system's replacement function again to create a heart flame.

  The energy crystal cores consumed by this heart flame and the heart flame for Qing Lin are not of the same level.

  Hai Bodong's Dou Zong cultivation level, in order to have an effect on him, the quality of the heart flame must be much higher.

  This heart flame consumed a seventh-level energy crystal of his, and it can only last for one year.

  Compared with the previous consumption, it has increased a lot, which is normal. After all, the gap in strength between the Nine-Star Dou Emperor and the Dou Zong has also increased several times.

  Su Yun didn't feel sorry for it. The value that Hai Bodong created for him was completely worth this number. However,

  with Hai Bodong's current cultivation speed, I'm afraid it won't be long before he can't keep up with their pace.

  Su Yun was overwhelmed with thoughts for a while, shook his head, and stopped thinking about these things.

  Let's talk about the future later.

  He is not a traitor. He still has some conscience left. He can't just abandon Hai Bodong.

  After Su Yun injected the heart flame into Hai Bodong's body, he took Xiao Yixian and Zi Yan back to the inner courtyard.

  After Zi Yan returned to the inner courtyard, she disappeared in a flash.

  Su Yun didn't care about her. The inner courtyard was just like her home. Nothing would happen.

  Then Su Yun and Xiao Yixian returned to the small attic.

  The small attic was slightly covered with dust. Su Yun and Xiao Yixian cleaned it for a while and then moved in.

  Not long after, Su Qian got the news and came to visit.

  "Great Elder."


  Su Qian touched his beard with his dry palm and nodded to Su Yun with a smile.

  "Where is Zi Yan? Isn't she with you?"

  "Yeah, she ran away when we just arrived at the academy."

  Su Yun shrugged.

  "That girl."

  Su Qian shook his head helplessly.

  "Qi Yang and Qi Yin are both closed, but the probability of breakthrough is still low. I'm afraid I'll have to trouble you later."

  "No problem."

  Su Yun waved his hand.

  "Thank you."

  Su Qian's old face was full of smiles, and then he asked curiously.

  "Speaking of which, when you went to catch the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire this time..."

  Su Yun's expression moved, as if he thought of something, but he immediately came back to his senses. He

  stretched out his right hand, and a red flame emerged from Su Yun's palm, and the shape of the Ten Thousand Beasts faintly emerged in the flame.

  "I never thought that there is someone in this world who can tame two kinds of strange fire."

  Su Qian narrowed his eyes and said meaningfully.

  "I think the Great Elder has guessed that I came to our Canaan Academy with the intention of taming the Meteoric Heart Flame."

  Su Yun answered truthfully, with a little calmness in his tone.

  Su Qian took the initiative to mention the matter of the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire, and he knew that Su Qian had some doubts about his motives for coming to the Canaan Academy.

  In this case, there is nothing wrong with directly admitting it, and he is also confident that he can convince the Canaan Academy to hand over the Meteoric Heart Flame to him.

  Su Qian was a little surprised to hear this. After Wu Tianlang came back and told him about his experience in the Sky Snake Empire, he had some doubts about this.

  I have also imagined the situation of talking with Su Yun, but I never thought that Su Yun would so easily admit that I was the one who rushed to the Heart Flame.


  Su Qianyi didn't know what to say for a moment.   

  Su Yun had helped Canaan Academy a lot after all, but the Meteoric Heart Flame was very important to Canaan Academy, and it was really difficult to deal with it.

  "Don't worry, Great Elder. I promise you that even if I subdue the Meteoric Heart Flame, the Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower will not stop."

  Su Yun patted his chest.

  Su Qian was surprised when he heard

  this. "What do you mean?"

  "The Great Elder may not know that there are actually two Meteoric Heart Flames in the magma world under the Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower."

  Su Yun smiled.


  Su Qian's face was full of shock.

  "This was also told to me by my elders.

  The sect has a special secret method to detect the strange fire, which can sense the approximate location and quantity of the strange fire.

  Among them, the location of two Meteoric Heart Flames is quite close, both under the Sky Burning Refining Qi Tower."

  Su Qian tore off a few strands of his beard, his face full of incredible expression.

  The birth of strange fire is not easy, it is not easy to give birth to one in one place, and two were actually born under the Sky Burning Refining Qi Tower!

  "Is this true?!"

  "Of course it is true."

  Su Qian waited for a long time before he came to his senses.

  "If this is true, there is nothing wrong with giving one of the Meteoric Heart Flames to you."

  Su Qian pondered for a while and said.

  Su Yun was happy to hear this, knowing that Su Qian had agreed.

  "Thank you, Great Elder. In return, I am willing to refine two wall-breaking pills for the academy!"

  Su Yun said to Su Qian solemnly.

  "Break-breaking pill?

  Uh, this, I wonder what effect this wall-breaking pill has?"

  Su Qian was a little embarrassed, not knowing what pill Su Yun was talking about.

  After all, he was a strong man of the Dou Sect and the great elder of the Canaan Academy.

  Now he didn't even know what the reward was.

  It made him look like a country bumpkin from somewhere.

  Su Yun was a little amused, and for a moment he remembered the scene of introducing the Qingming Shoudan to the great elder and the two elders.

  Afterwards, Su Yun patiently explained to Su Qian.

  "This Wall Breaking Pill is a seventh-grade top-level pill that can increase the chances of a Dou Zong peak breaking through to Dou Zun.

  As far as I know, our academy seems to have two Dou Zong peak masters."

  Su Qian nodded.

  He understood Su Yun's plan.

  "Yes, the two of them are the guardians of the academy. They are

  closed all year round just to find the opportunity to break through to Dou Zun, and they will only appear when the academy encounters a life-and-death disaster. I'll leave

  this to you. As long as the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower can operate as usual, I can explain it even if the dean comes back."

  "Thank you, Great Elder."

  Su Yun said gratefully.

  "By the way, could it be that the Medicine King Han Feng is also like you, able to subdue two kinds of strange fire at the same time?"

  Su Qian narrowed his eyes, and a dangerous cold light flashed.

  With the precedent of Su Yun, he quickly thought of the fact that Medicine King Han Feng had always coveted the inner courtyard.

  "That's true."

  Su Yun nodded.

  "I wonder if the Great Elder is interested in working with me to deal with Han Feng?"


  Su Qian was startled, and immediately understood what Su Yun was up to.

  "You kid, you're not a pushover either."

  Su Qian laughed and scolded.

  The two of them communicated frequently, and after talking about the matter of the Falling Heart Flame.

  The relationship was further strengthened, and Su Qian even had the leisure to make fun of Su Yun.