

  Chapter 245 Cai Lin's Retreat (First Update!)

  Su Yun concentrated his mind and carefully controlled the fire.

  Although it was only a fire of the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire, a foreign fire was still a foreign fire after all. There was a risk of being burned to death by a foreign fire, not to mention burning the soul.

  Time passed in Cai Lin's pain, and finally Su Yun controlled the fire to burn Cai Lin's soul.

  Let her soul be stained with his own breath, and then Su Yun moved his mind and dispersed the origin of the fire, allowing it to gradually merge with Cai Lin's soul.

  Cai Lin panted in Su Yun's arms, sweating profusely.

  "Okay, it's all over."

  Su Yun gently stroked Cai Lin's snow-white back, and the soft skin felt good.

  "Master, Cai Lin is in pain."

  Cai Lin's face was full of grievances, and tears flashed in her eyes.

  A mature and plump beauty is in your arms, begging for comfort aggrievedly, I'm afraid no man would refuse.

  Su Yun is the same, the control of the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire has been completely established.

  Cai Lin's life and death depends on Su Yun's thoughts, and he is happy to say a few words of comfort.

  This will also allow Cai Lin to do his best for him in the future.

  Su Yun took out the jade bottle from the system space and opened the bottle stopper himself.

  "Here, your favorite drink."

  Su Yun gently supported Cai Lin's chin with one hand and held the jade bottle with the other hand. The fragrance of the purple crystal source in the jade bottle was overflowing.

  "Open your mouth."


  Cai Lin obediently opened her red lips and her red tongue slightly extended.

  If someone with certain fetishes saw this look, they would probably feel hot in their lower abdomen immediately.

  Su Yun poured the purple crystal source into Cai Lin's mouth, and Cai Lin's pale face regained a trace of redness.

  After that, Su Yun comforted Cai Lin again and let it transform into its original form and linger on his wrist to rest well.

  Su Yun walked out of the secret room with a smile in his eyes.

  It was a happy event to completely subdue Cai Lin.

  Cai Lin's current cultivation has reached the peak of the fighting emperor.

  After she has a good rest, I will refine another Po Zong Dan for her. I believe she will be able to break through the Dou Zong soon.

  By then, there will be another Dou Zong strongman by his side.

  His power is gradually growing.

  Su Yun returned to the room, and the little medical fairy came in front of Su Yun, her nose twitching slightly.

  "Let's take a bath together tonight. I will wash you well, wipe off all the smell on your body, and then cover you with my smell."

  The little medical fairy put her jade hands on her slender waist, her body was full of youthful vitality, and her pretty face was full of thinking.

  It seemed that she was worried about how to wash away the strong smell on Su Yun.

  Su Yun held the little medical fairy by the waist and picked her up.

  "Why wait until night? Now is the perfect time."

  Another seven days passed.

  During these seven days, Su Yun also refined some pills for Cai Lin to restore her soul power, and she has completely recovered.

  Today, Su Yun plans to return to the inner courtyard with Cai Lin.

  As for Xiao Yixian, she will stay in Han Pavilion to share the pressure with Hai Bodong.

  The Black Horn Region is now in a turbulent time.

  Three days ago, the Black Emperor Sect took action to destroy a first-rate force that was not too strong.

  The situation in the Black Horn Region is complicated, and the challenges faced by Han Pavilion are becoming increasingly severe. It is impossible for Xiao Yixian to follow Su Yun at all times.

  After Su Yun returned to the inner courtyard, he came to Su Qian's office and explained his purpose.

  "Oh, you want your friend to enter the lowest level of the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower for closed-door cultivation?"

  Su Qian's face flashed a hint of hesitation.

  "Yes, if the elder feels embarrassed, I can use a favor and guarantee that she will not cause trouble to the academy."

  Su Yun knew what Su Qian was worried about and said it directly.

  Although Canaan Academy is an academy, it is also a force. The Sky Burning Refining Qi Tower is the most important place, so it is naturally impossible to let outsiders in at will.

  Su Qian nodded when he heard it.   

  "Since you can guarantee that your friend will not cause trouble to the academy, then of course there is no problem."

  "Then I'll trouble the great elder."

  Cai Lin is of fire attribute. Cultivating in the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower has helped her a lot. I believe that breaking through the Dou Sect will be much smoother.

  "Where is your friend? Has he come to the academy?"

  "He has come."

  Su Yun raised his palm upwards, and a colorful light flashed at his wrist, and the Seven-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python appeared on Su Yun's palm.

  "Sixth-level peak monster!"

  Su Qian's face flashed with surprise and shock, and his evaluation of Su Yun went up a level.

  It is not easy to raise monsters. You need to bring them with you from the time they are just born, or even when they are still in the eggshell and have not hatched.

  This is the only way to ensure that it will be close to you.

  Moreover, in the process of its growth, it is necessary to cultivate tacit understanding with great care and consume resources to supply it with rapid growth.

  In addition, the higher the potential of the monster, the more difficult it is to find.

  This little snake has reached the peak of the sixth level. If it breaks through again, it will become a seventh-level monster. It cannot be nurtured without great power.

  Su Qian vaguely understood Su Yun's plan.

  "You kid, you are really generous."

  Su Qian shook his head, feeling quite emotional.

  Then he took Su Yun and Cai Lin to the bottom of the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower and opened a training room for Cai Lin with unlimited supply of fire energy.

  "Thank you, Great Elder."

  Su Yun thanked again and then asked.

  "I wonder how Elder Yang and Elder Yin are doing?"

  Su Qian touched his beard.

  "Alas, I don't know about this either. If the two of them come out of retreat, I will send someone to tell you the news immediately."


  In addition, I wonder how the academy is collecting the medicinal materials for the Wall-breaking Pill?"

  Su Qian shook his head again.

  "Even with the foundation of my Canaan Academy, it is impossible to collect all the medicinal materials for the seventh-grade top-level pill so quickly. I'm afraid it will take some time."

  "That's right."

  After that, the two chatted for a few more sentences, and Su Qian left.

  Su Yun also came out of the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower and planned to return to Han Pavilion to help.

  Han Feng's power is not small. If you want to deal with him, you have to wait until the two academy elders come out of retreat, and then you will have a better chance.

  Then Su Yun returned to Han Pavilion.

  Two months have passed, and

  the undercurrents in the Black Horn Region have surged. In the past two months, Han Ge has had friction with many forces in order to expand its sphere of influence and better control resources.

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian also represented Han Ge in fighting against many Douhuang masters in the Black Horn Region.

  The Black Emperor Sect did not react to this. Since the last time it destroyed a first-rate force

  , it has only guarded its own land and has not had any major conflicts with Han Ge.

  Han Ge meeting room.

  "After we kill Han Feng,

  Hai Lao, you will disband Han Ge."

  Su Yun said to Hai Bodong.

  Hai Bodong was a little surprised to hear this.


  "After Han Feng's death, the power of Han Pavilion can't have much of an impact on the Black Emperor Sect.

  I'm afraid Mo Tianxing will deal with you immediately."

  "But after Han Feng's death, you don't have to worry about the exposure of the alien fire.

  When you use your full strength, your strength can definitely reach that of the Dou Sect. The Little Medical Fairy can also reach the strength of the Dou Sect when she uses her full strength to use the Evil Poison Body.

  Not to mention Cai Lin who is still breaking through, and Qing Lin, with this strength, you are no longer afraid of the Black Emperor Sect, right?"