

  Chapter 246: The elders of the academy come out of retreat (the second update!)

  Hai Bodong is still a little puzzled.

  Su Yun smiled and shook his head when he heard this.

  "It can't be calculated like this. If we reveal all our cards, the Black Emperor Sect is indeed not our opponent.

  But fighting to the death with the Black Emperor Sect has never been our goal. Getting what we want from them is.

  There is no need to expose our cards for the Black Emperor Sect.

  Once the cards are exposed, we will have to give them a thundering blow and completely destroy them, instead of just competing with them. It's not worth it.

  Hai Lao, you should also have a longer-term vision.

  Follow me, you can't keep your eyes on this place in the Black Horn Region. Everything in this northwestern continent is over, and we should go to Zhongzhou."


  Hai Bodong exclaimed, and then felt relieved.

  Yes, I came from the Jiama Empire and became a big shot in the Black Horn Region, which was enough for me.

  But for someone as proud as Su Yun, he would not be satisfied with this.

  In just a few years, Su Yun and Xiao Yixian's combat power has already reached the level of Dou Zong.

  If they are given some more time, they will probably be able to dominate the entire Black Horn Region and naturally move to a bigger stage.

  Hai Bodong took a deep breath.

  "Since you have made the decision, I will definitely not object.

  But if you want to disband Han Ge, the resources provided to you will inevitably be cut off."

  Su Yun nodded.

  Although Hai Bodong listened to him, he also had his own opinions and considerations.

  He did not object to this, but rather appreciated it very much.

  He couldn't think of everything, so it was a good thing that someone around him gave him advice and sometimes pointed out his blind spots.

  "It doesn't matter. I have other plans for resources."

  "I'm glad you've considered it."

  Su Yun then took out a scroll from the system space and handed it to Hai Bodong.

  "You've worked hard in the Black Horn Region during this period. When you go to Zhongzhou in the future, you will definitely encounter stronger enemies and you will have to improve your strength."

  Upon hearing this, Hai Bodong hurriedly took the scroll, knowing that Su Yun was going to give him a reward for his hard work. The

  ground-level advanced technique "Xuanbing Hanling Jue"!

  Hai Bodong couldn't help swallowing his saliva. This was the first time he had ever seen such a high-level technique in his life.

  Su Yun glanced at Hai Bodong.

  "The gap between the ground-level skills is much greater than that between the mysterious-level skills.

  After Hai Lao successfully improves his skills, his strength will surely increase greatly.

  Your current combat power can already compete with a two-star Dou Zong for a short time. After practicing this "Xuanbing Hanling Jue", you should have the combat power of a three-star peak Dou Zong.

  Just don't get itchy hands and go looking for trouble with Mo Tianxing.

  Although you can fight him, we will not expose our true combat power to deal with those Dou Huang masters of the Black Emperor Sect."

  Su Yun knew Hai Bodong's temper very well and reminded him meaningfully.

  Hai Bodong's face was embarrassed and he smiled awkwardly.

  "Well, don't worry, it will never happen."

  "Haha, I hope so."

  Su Yun smiled and didn't care.

  There is another opportunity in the Black Horn Region in the Demon Flame Valley.

  This opportunity is the Heavenly Demon Puppet that shines in the original novel.

  It is very difficult to get such a thing.

  Because the old demon of the Demon Flame Valley is a powerful person of the Seven Star Fighting Sect.

  With Su Yun's current power, he is simply unable to deal with it.

  Perhaps only the two elders can subdue him.

  But please move these two...

  Su Yun shook his head, not holding much hope for this.   

  These two old guys are really just here to eat. They didn't make a move when Han Feng attacked with all his might and tried to snatch the Ruinous Heart Flame.

  Later, the old demon attacked Canaan Academy.

  Xiao Yan used three kinds of strange fire and the Transformation Flame to cast a fire lotus that was enough to destroy the entire inner courtyard, and then they saw the two of them come out.

  Even Su Yun was not sure that he could move them.

  As for the Wall Breaking Pill, it has been used as a reward for subduing the Ruinous Heart Flame.

  One thing is one thing. After the two old guys got it, they must have gone into seclusion immediately. How could they care about the affairs of a student like him?

  He still had to accumulate strength.

  After that, Hai Bodong went into seclusion to improve his skills. During this period, Su Yun and Xiao Yixian were in charge of Han Ge, so there was no trouble.

  Another two months passed, and Hai Bodong successfully converted his skills and his strength increased greatly.

  After Hai Bodong came out of seclusion, Su Yun returned to the inner courtyard.

  Seven days ago, Su Qian sent someone to tell him that Elder Yang and Elder Yin had come out of seclusion one after another.

  But at that time, Hai Bodong was still in seclusion, and he was worried about leaving Xiao Yixian alone to guard Han Ge. So he did not return to the inner courtyard immediately.

  Inner courtyard, Su Qian's office.

  Su Yun, Su Qian and the two elders of the inner courtyard were all here.

  "Congratulations to Elder Yang, you have successfully broken through."

  Su Yun smiled and congratulated.

  "Hahaha, this is all thanks to your Po Zong Dan."

  Elder Yang laughed loudly, his aura was quite strong, he had successfully broken through and became a Dou Zong strongman.

  Elder Yin on the side had a slightly depressed look on his face.

  This time, the two of them were in retreat, and only Elder Yang succeeded in breaking through, while he still failed to break through.

  "Xiao Yin, don't be discouraged. With Su Yun's help, I believe you will soon be able to break through successfully."

  Elder Yang patted Elder Yin's shoulder, winking and making faces, very proud.

  The two of them had a good relationship, but they were also competing secretly in private.

  The two of them were often evenly matched, and this time he was naturally quite proud of being ahead.

  Elder Yin snorted coldly and ignored him.

  "Okay, I asked you two to come here to discuss serious matters, why are you so excited?"

  Su Qian shook his head.

  The two of them also calmed down a little after hearing this and looked at Su Yun.

  "I think the Great Elder has already told you that I want to deal with Han Feng."

  "Well, we already knew it after we came out of retreat.

  It doesn't take so many people to deal with the Medicine King Han Feng, right? Why do we have to come out of retreat?"

  Elder Yang asked.

  Su Qian also looked over, and he was also quite puzzled about this.

  Logically speaking, Han Feng only has the peak cultivation of the Fighting King. As long as he takes action, he can take him down safely, so there should be no need to make a big fuss.

  Su Yun smiled, and did not answer this question directly, but asked back.

  "Do you know the Soul Palace?"

  "Soul Palace!"

  Su Qian and the others were all shocked.

  The Soul Palace is a super power in Zhongzhou. Even among the many super powers in Zhongzhou, only Danta can compete with it.

  Maybe other powers in the Northwest Continent don't know, but Canaan Academy also has an extraordinary background and naturally knows something about the Soul Palace.

  "Then how can Han Fenghe be related to the Soul Palace? Isn't he the young master of Xingyue Pavilion?

  As far as I know, the relationship between the Soul Palace and Xingyue Pavilion is not very harmonious."

  Su Qian asked in a deep voice.

  "Haha, Great Elder, I don't know how Han Feng and the Soul Palace are related, but I can be sure that the two are related."

  Su Yun smiled and didn't reveal too much. This matter is related to the truth of the fall of Medicine Venerable, so there is no need to say it.
