

  Chapter 254 The trace of Zhang's father and son (Second update!)

  Su Yun hugged the little medical fairy's slender waist, and the girl's warm body fragrance wafted over his face, making Su Yun feel at peace.

  "How can I let you lead all the time?"

  "Hehe, anyway, your cultivation speed is not as fast as mine, and I will soon overtake you."

  The little medical fairy laughed in Su Yun's arms.

  Su Yun did not refute. The cultivation speed of the evil poison body was too fast. With the normal cultivation speed, he was indeed not as fast as it.

  Now that Han Feng has been resolved, the matter of the Black Horn Region has come to an end for the time being. As for the Black Emperor Sect and the Demon Flame Valley, they will have to wait for the next round of settlement.

  Su Yun was not in a hurry. He never lacked patience.

  That night, Su Yun habitually used his soul power to connect the soul mark left on Zhang Wei.

  Zhang Wei and his son were related to the Netherworld Poison Fire, so he was very concerned and would observe their situation through the soul mark from time to time.

  Now that the Little Medical Immortal has reached the level of a seven-star fighting emperor, it is not a big problem for her to refine a Netherworld Poison Fire ranked 20th on the list of strange fires.

  A hint of coldness flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  Perhaps, it is time to send these two father and son on their way. He has never forgotten the hatred of the Inner Court bullying the weak.

  If the great elder Su Qian had appeared in time, he could only take the Little Medical Immortal and escape into the system space, hiding for a while before coming out.

  Su Yun formed a strange hand seal on his hand, closed his eyes, and observed the situation of Zhang Wei and Zhang Ritian through the soul mark.

  Zhang Ritian and Zhang Wei are in a monster mountain range.

  "Xiao Wei, we will stay here for the time being. Those people from the Heavenly Snake Palace are too troublesome.

  This place is deep in the Demonic Beast Mountains, and few people come here. They can't find us for a while. We

  can't go back to human society for a while. There are their people everywhere."

  Zhang Ritian sighed.

  "Okay, father."

  They actually hid in the Demonic Beast Mountains. It seems that they have lived a good life during this period of time, haha.

  Su Yun's face was full of sneers.

  "There are two seventh-level monsters here, the Ancient Poison Crocodile and the Fire Glazed Lion, whose strength is roughly equivalent to that of a four-star Dou Zong strongman.

  When you are cultivating in the Monster Mountain Range, try to stay away from their territory.

  Although I can defeat them, the battle will be very turbulent, and those people in the Sky Snake Mansion may sense my breath and find this place."

  "I know, father."

  Ancient Poison Crocodile, Fire Glazed Lion.

  Su Yun cut off the connection with the soul mark.

  Zhang Ritian is now a six-star Dou Zong cultivator. Before he switched to refining the Sea Heart Flame, he naturally had to take a detour, but now the situation is completely different.

  He can't estimate the extent of his true combat power, but it won't be a big problem to deal with a six-star Dou Zong.

  Su Yun was a little eager to try.

  Before, he was a three-star fighting emperor, and with the blessing of two kinds of strange fire, he could reach the fighting power of a fighting sect. Now that his fighting power has greatly increased, it will not be difficult for him to fight Zhang Ritian.

  Su Yun pondered for a while.

  To be on the safe side, he will strengthen it again!

  Su Yun found a high-level earth-level fighting skill "Fire Sun Emperor Sword".

  "System, merge the high-level earth-level fighting skill "Fire Sun Emperor Sword" with me!"

  "Ding, a fusion solution has been detected, and a sixth-level energy crystal is required. Do you want to consume it?"


  A huge stream of information appeared in Su Yun's mind.

  Su Yun's soul power has reached the spiritual realm, and he absorbs this information flow much faster, and it was completely absorbed in a quarter of an hour.

  A devilish smile flashed across Su Yun's face.

  The Zhang family father and son have an extraordinary background.

  When scanning Zhang Ritian before, some kind of Doudi Waste Pulse appeared, and his skills and fighting techniques were also at the middle level of the earth level.

  In this way, his advantage in skills and fighting techniques will be relatively small, and it will be difficult to make up for the gap in cultivation.

  But it doesn't matter, Zhang Wei, that waste, has always been valued by Zhang Ritian. As long as he is captured, hehehe...

  The little medical fairy looked at Su Yun, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, with a worried look on her pretty face.   

  Su Yun made a plan to kill Zhang and his son, and opened his eyes.

  Seeing the worried look in Xiao Yixian's eyes, Su Yun was startled.

  "What's wrong?"

  "You're laughing, laughing, and laughing. Have you been burned by the strange fire?"

  Su Yun's face darkened immediately after hearing this, and he pulled Xiao Yixian into his arms without saying anything.

  Xiao Yixian screamed.

  Su Yun turned Xiao Yixian over, pressed her body on his thighs, and patted her hips vigorously.

  "Oh, I'm wrong, I'm wrong!

  Stop hitting me, please, let Xian'er go~"

  The little medical fairy's face turned red instantly, and she cursed her brother for being a pervert in her heart, but she knew Su Yun's temper very well, so she spoke softly and begged for mercy from Su Yun.

  Su's face was full of pride.

  Little girl, you dare to play tricks on me, I'll help you get married!

  The little medical fairy climbed up, sat astride Su Yun's thighs, and pinched Su Yun's proud face.

  "There's still half a year~"

  The little medical fairy smiled mischievously, and the blush on her pretty face not only did not fade, but became even more intense.

  Su Yun stretched out his hand, hugged the little medical fairy tightly, and rubbed her in his arms, as if he wanted to rub the little medical fairy into his body.

  "I'm looking forward to that day."

  "Me too."

  The two of them were intimate for a while, and then Su Yun put his thumb through the red lips of the little doctor fairy and into her soft mouth, and then slightly opened the other four fingers and placed them on the little doctor fairy's cheeks. The skin was tender and white.

  The thumb spun on the red cavity wall of the little doctor fairy, and a wave of sweet saliva appeared.

  "Today, please, Xian'er."


  The little doctor fairy said coquettishly, and gently undressed with her jade hands.


  The next day, Su Yun asked Hai Bodong to check where the seven-level ancient poisonous crocodile and the fire glazed lion were in the northwest continent.

  At the same time, he planned to take the little doctor fairy back to Canaan Academy.

  Canaan Academy has been standing in the northwest continent for a long time, and should be more clear about these intelligence.

  "It's been a long time since we last saw Instructor Ruolin. Let's go see her."

  The Little Medical Fairy held Su Yun's arm, quite clingy.

  Su Yun nodded slightly. When they were still in the outer courtyard, Ruolin provided them with a lot of conveniences, and he kept all these things in mind.

  "Let's go."

  The two came to the outer courtyard and stopped a student. Ruolin was taking the students to conduct practical courses in the square today.

  Su Yun casually gave the students a bottle of Qi-restoring pills, and then took the Little Medical Fairy to the square and found Ruolin.

  There were more than 20 students around Ruolin, and two students were fighting on the field.

  Su Yun's mind moved slightly.

  He saw two familiar faces, Xiao Yu and Xiao Xun'er.

  "Su Yun, Xian'er!"

  A hint of surprise flashed across Ruolin's face, and she stepped forward and gave the two a big hug.

  The other students looked over.

  Xiao Yu was stunned when she saw the two of them.

  She, Su Yun and Xiao Yixian entered the outer courtyard together. In fact, the three of them were classmates.

  Thinking of this, Xiao Yu's face was slightly bitter.

  After all these years, she was still wandering in the outer courtyard, while they might have become powerful fighters.
