

  Chapter 255 Goodbye Xiao Xun'er (first update!)

  Xiao Xun'er stood next to Xiao Yu, her temperament was cold and indifferent, like a green lotus born from the world, her appearance was beautiful, fresh and refined.

  Xiao Xun'er looked a little moved, and her beautiful eyes shrank slightly.

  If she sensed it well, these two people were both powerful Seven-Star Fighting Emperors!

  But looking at his age, he is almost the same as me. When did this northwest continent have such a powerful talent?

  Just when Xiao Xun'er was secretly frightened, Su Yun was also observing Xiao Xun'er through his soul power.

  In Su Yun's perception, Xiao Xun'er is now only a four-star fighting master.

  Su Yun's thoughts moved slightly.

  "System, scan Xiao Xun'er!"

  "Ding, scan successful!"

  Name: Gu Xun'er

  Gender: Female

  Cultivator: Four-star Grand Fighter (Dou Wang Peak)

  Physique: No

  Bloodline: Eighth-Rank Dou Emperor Bloodline

  Attribute: Fire

  Kung Fu: Xuan level advanced "Nong Yan Jue" (Earth level intermediate "Jin Yan")

  Fighting skills: Xuan level advanced "Yan Hui"...

  Items: Najie, Jindi Burning Sky Flame...

  Status: Su Yun's heart flashes in full

  bloom A little surprised.

  Worthy of being one of the eight ancient tribes!

  Xiao Xun'er's method of hiding one's cultivation level is frighteningly high.

  Even if he has a soul in the spiritual realm, he can't see any details.

  At the peak of Dou Wang, this level of cultivation is probably due to the delay in cultivation time due to staying in the northwest continent.

  If she stayed in the ancient clan and concentrated on her cultivation, her cultivation would definitely be more than this.

  No wonder Xiao Xun'er easily defeated Lin Xiuya at the peak of Dou Ling in the original timeline with his cultivation as a great fighting master.

  When he left Canaan College and returned to the ancient tribe, he also displayed his golden fighting spirit wings.

  As for the eighth-grade Dou Emperor bloodline, there is nothing to say. Xiao Xun'er achieved the divine bloodline only at the coming-of-age ceremony of the ancient tribe a few years later. The purity of the bloodline is not yet that high.

  After gaining insight into Xiao Xun'er's background through the system scanning function, Su Yun turned his attention back.

  Xiao Xun'er's class is too high, so it's better not to have anything to do with it.

  Jin Emperor Fen Tianyan was very attractive to him, but he cherished his own life even more.

  He even had the means of soul mark to monitor Zhang Wei's every move, but he didn't believe that the ancient tribe didn't have similar methods.

  Dou Zun strong men can already be summoned by tearing up space scrolls or space jade silk. What's more, Xiao Xun'er's father is a powerful Dou Zun at the pinnacle.

  "Long time no see, why did you think of visiting me today?"

  Ruolin said with a smile, her soft eyes were like water lines, which could soothe her mind.

  Su Yun and the Little Medical Fairy chatted with Ruolin for a while.

  Su Yun then took out two jade bottles from the system space and handed them to Ruolin.

  Ruolin said doubtfully after taking it.

  "This is it?"

  "Three lines of Qing Ling Pill and two Purple Spirit Barrier Breaking Pills."

  Su Yun said with a smile.

  "Thank you, mentor, for taking care of me before. This is a small gesture of gratitude."

  Ruolin's eyes widened, with uncontrollable shock appearing on her face.

  These two kinds of elixirs were nothing to Su Yun today, but to Ruolin, a great fighting master, they were extremely precious.


  "Teacher Ruolin, please accept it."

  A smile flashed on the little medical fairy's face as she advised.

  Ruolin smiled helplessly.

  "Then you're welcome. You guys are really generous."

  Afterwards, the three of them chatted for a few more words, and then Su Yun and the Little Medical Fairy said goodbye to Ruolin. Their fighting spirit turned into wings and headed to the inner courtyard.

  This move caused exclamations from the students present.

  Both male and female students are brilliant.

  "Wow, these two seniors are actually strong warriors!"

  "How amazing. When will I become so powerful?"

  A strange look flashed in Xiao Xun'er's eyes.

  Generally speaking, from Zhongzhou's point of view, the geniuses of the Fighting Continent are divided into two levels.   

  Zhongzhou Tianjiao and other Tianjiao.

  In the eyes of the eight ancient tribes, geniuses are also divided into two levels.

  The geniuses of ancient races and other geniuses.

  These two people can reach the Seven-Star Dou Huang cultivation level at such an age, and they must be promoted to Dou Zong at the age of twenty.

  This talent is incredible.

  Even the cultivation progress of the geniuses of the ancient races is almost the same, and they must also be those with high blood levels.

  As for those in Zhongzhou, even if they are the successors of superpowers, they will definitely have to break through Douzong after they are twenty years old.

  For example, the descendants of this generation of Sifang Pavilion have just reached the level of Dou Huang cultivation, and are still quite far away from breaking through Dou Zong.

  The most important thing is that the youngest among these people is already nineteen years old this year...

  Xiao Xun'er raised her eyebrows.

  This generation of Northwest Continent has produced some incredible people.

  But she didn't take it to heart.

  The eight ancient tribes have stood at the top of Dou Qi Continent for a long time, and the geniuses they have seen are as numerous as the crucian carp crossing the river.

  But there are only a few who can truly grow up and let them face it.

  As the person with the most perfect bloodline awakening in the ancient tribe for nearly a thousand years, she was surprised by the two's cultivation, but she didn't take it to heart.

  Maybe they are temporarily ahead now, but they will eventually encounter bottlenecks in the future.

  But the Dou Emperor bloodline is different. As long as the bloodline level is high, the bottleneck does not exist for them at all.

  There is no comparability between the two.

  She will overtake him soon, Xiao Xun'er has this confidence.

  Confidence from the ancient race, the bloodline of Dou Emperor.

  "Xun'er, Xun'er, it's your turn."

  Xiao Yu's voice came from her ears, interrupting Xiao Xun'er's thoughts.

  "Okay, thank you cousin for reminding me."

  "It's okay, what's going on today? I've never seen you so distracted before.

  Are you thinking about that kid Xiao Yan?"

  Xiao Xun'er heard a trace of concern in her heart.

  If brother Xiao Yan also has the talent of those two people, maybe they will still have a chance to be together.

  Thinking of this, Xiao Xun'er's beautiful eyes dimmed slightly.

  Su Yun and the Little Medical Fairy were in the air, but the thoughts in their hearts did not stop.

  The day to go to Zhongzhou is getting closer and closer, so he should think more about the situation in Zhongzhou and make preparations in advance.

  Naturally, it goes without saying much about the power distribution of one tower, one palace, two sects, three valleys and four square pavilions.

  Each of them is a well-deserved giant, and Sifang Pavilion, which has the lowest background, also has a strong Dou Zun in charge.

  As for the younger generation in Zhongzhou, he was also slightly impressed.

  The successors of Sifang Pavilion, Feng Qing'er, Mu Qingluan and others were not taken seriously by him.

  Among these people, Feng Qing'er, who was the most talented, only broke through the Douzong after four or five years.

  And he and the Little Medical Fairy will be able to break through within a year. The difference is not huge.

  And people like the witch Cao Ying are not good at fighting.

  As for refining medicine, he didn't have to worry.

  He can now refine seventh-grade peak elixirs, and when he reaches Douzong, he can refine eighth-grade elixirs.

  Su Yun shook his head. He was growing up too fast, so he shouldn't focus on the younger generation.

  Immediately, a hint of coldness flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  Among the older generation, Lord Bing is a big mountain that must be faced, and he has to think of a way.