

263 Seventh Level Canyang (First Update)

  Chapter 263 Seventh-level Canyang ()

  The mechanical sound of the system rang in Su Yun's mind, bringing a smile to his face.

  Su Yun then collected Zhang Ritian's soul into the system space, intending to refine it into the soul origin later.

  As for Zhang Ritian's memory, Su Yun was not in a hurry to check it.

  Things that are already in hand cannot escape.

  Su Yun then came to the two seventh-level monsters and Zhang Wei.

  The power of the four-color fire lotus is huge. Just now, the two beasts were not far from the place where the fire lotus exploded.

  Although they were not blown to pieces like Zhang Ritian, they could not escape either.

  Su Yun held Canyang in his hand and cut open the mouth of the ancient poisonous crocodile. Zhang Wei inside was no longer alive.

  Su Yun used his soul power to carefully sense inside and outside, and used Canyang to poke several holes in his body.

  Finally, there was the system's scanning function, which made it completely certain that Zhang Wei was dead, and then he felt relieved.

  After all, he was a guy who could fly to another plane with his soul and be reborn to find his wife, so he couldn't afford to be careless.

  Then Su Yun took out the magic cores of the ancient poisonous crocodile and the fire glazed lion.

  It was also a good harvest.

  Su Yun looked at the Canyang in his hand. It happened that Canyang was still a sixth-level magic core long sword, so it was just right for an upgrade.

  "System, fuse Canyang with the seventh-order fire attribute magic core!"

  "Ding, a fusion solution has been detected. It requires a seventh-order energy crystal or a seventh-order magic core. Do you want to fuse?"


  The magic core of the ancient poisonous crocodile disappeared immediately.

  Canyang's entire body glowed red and floated in the air. The powerful strange energy led the magic core of the Fire Glazed Lion to fuse with Canyang. The

  sixth-order magic core originally embedded in Canyang broke away and turned into energy to strengthen the Canyang sword body, allowing it to carry the energy of the seventh-order magic core.

  After a moment, Su Yun held the new Canyang and nodded with satisfaction.

  The seventh-order magic core long sword was a very significant improvement for him.

  The higher the grade of magic core weapons on the Douqi Continent, the rarer they are.

  On the one hand, it is because high-level monsters are difficult to kill.

  On the other hand, the difficulty of this kind of skill of inlaying magic cores is no less than that of refining medicine.

  Moreover, this skill is not as prosperous as refining medicine on the Douqi Continent.

  Nowadays, the most skilled people can only inlay seventh-level magic cores.

  And they must have good enough materials, and the failure rate is extremely high. It is not certain that one out of ten can succeed.

  Compared with the path of refining medicine, there are still ninth-level pharmacists, which is completely a generational gap.

  The loss of skills has made high-level magic core weapons rare, which is why this thing is rarely mentioned in the later period.

  Although Su Yun does not know this skill, he has the system's fusion function, and he will not lack suitable weapons in the future.

  This is also one of Su Yun's advantages.

  After completely solving the Zhang father and son, Su Yun can be said to have put his mind at ease.

  Su Yun put away Canyang, and the spiritual power of the spiritual realm penetrated his body, covering the sky above the Monster Mountain Range, and completely dispersed the remaining aura.

  Then he left here and flew back to Canaan Academy.


  Black Horn Region, Han Pavilion.

  Mo Tianxing led a group of fighting emperors from the Black Emperor Sect to attack.

  "Hai Bodong, today is your death!"

  Mo Tianxing's face was full of coldness, and he shouted to Hai Bodong.

  Hai Bodong and Xiao Yixian were confronting Mo Tianxing and others in the air.

  Hai Bodong looked ugly and felt a little tricky.

  During this time, he had basically finished explaining the affairs of Han Pavilion and was ready to disband Han Pavilion.

  However, he did not expect that in this short period of time, Mo Tianxing would suddenly attack him and catch him off guard.   

  Hai Bodong used his remaining eyes to look at a ferocious old man beside Mo Tianxing.

  The aura of the old man was quite strong. Hai Bodong felt that he was a three-star Dou Zong strongman.

  This was also the reason why Mo Tianxing attacked this time.

  "Mo Tianxing, don't be too confident. You might die here today!"

  Hai Bodong snorted coldly. He was good at trash talk.

  "If Han Feng was still in the Black Horn Region, you might have a chance to survive. If you surrender now, I might give you a decent death."

  Mo Tianxing's eyes flashed with cold light. He didn't take Hai Bodong seriously at all.

  In his opinion, Hai Bodong's strength was far inferior to his.

  Now that Han Feng is not here, he even invited the old man from Yingshan to come over.

  The fighting power of the two sides is very different, and victory is a matter of fact, so there is naturally a lot of arrogance in their words.

  "Miss Xian'er, what should we do now?"

  Hai Bodong asked Xiao Yixian in a deep voice.

  Xiao Yixian is very important to Su Yun. She knows some of Su Yun's plans better than him, and Xiao Yixian has grown up and can stand on her own.

  Hai Bodong knows very well that this sudden situation may disrupt Su Yun's plan, and it would be better for Xiao Yixian to make decisions than him.

  Xiao Yixian also frowned.

  According to Su Yun's plan, the Black Emperor Sect has to wait until they get that thing before they can take action against them.

  It is not advisable to expose one's own strength so quickly.

  Moreover, if she used the Evil Poison Body, the Black Emperor Sect's Great Elder and Mo Ya might discover her identity, which would be detrimental to her future plans.

  But if she didn't use the Evil Poison Body now, she might not be able to leave today.

  "Sister Xian'er, do you need help?"

  At this time, a soul transmission entered Xiao Yixian's mind.

  Xiao Yixian's mind moved slightly.

  It was Qinglin's voice.

  Soul transmission is a very simple soul secret technique, which can be said to be a hand.

  Qinglin's soul is extremely talented, and Xiao Yixian's hands are praised by Su Yun. Even though it is not as easy to learn as Qinglin, he quickly got the hang of it.

  "Qinglin, why are you here?"

  "Well, it's a bit boring to stay in the inner courtyard all the time, so I want to come out to see you and Master Hai."

  Qinglin's voice rang again.

  A trace of anxiety flashed across Xiao Yixian's face.

  "Qinglin, how far are you from us now? Can you leave?"

  "Don't worry, Sister Xian'er. My Green Snake Three-Flower Pupil has a great blessing for eyesight. I'm not close to you. I'm safe."

  Xiao Yixian breathed a sigh of relief.

  Qinglin's strength has reached the level of Dou Wang, but he is still a little weak in this level of battle.

  The strength of the four snake elders is not bad, but facing the three-star Dou Zong strongman, they can't protect Qinglin.

  Not to mention that their cultivation was absorbed by Qinglin, and their strength was no longer at its peak.

  "Don't come close. If it really comes to a last resort, we also have a way to escape. It's just that because of the young master's plan, it is inconvenient for me to burst out my true combat power." The

  young master's plan?

  No plan is more important than Sister Xian'er.

  However, Qinglin can roughly guess what Xiao Yixian is thinking.

  So envious, the feeling of running in both directions, hmm.

  Qinglin hid in a hill and shook his little head, and continued to send a message to Xiao Yixian.

  "Sister Xian'er, I have a way to get you