


  Chapter 264: Secret Methods of the Snake Saint (Second Update!)

  Upon hearing this, Xiao Yixian's pretty face flashed with surprise.

  "Qinglin, do you really have a way?"

  "Yes, yes."

  Qinglin's tone was quite serious.

  "Although you are facing many Douhuang masters, the key is still on those two three-star Douzong masters."

  Xiao Yixian nodded slightly.

  Indeed, the rest of the people are not to be feared. Without Mo Tianxing and the Douzong master of unknown origin, she and Hai Bodong wanted to leave, and the others could not stop them at all.

  "The soul exists in the human body, and will only leave the body when there is death or conscious control.

  The soul in the body is often protected by fighting spirit. Ordinary soul attacks, if you want to attack the soul, also need to pass through the fighting spirit.

  So attacking the soul is not an easy task.

  Unless you are as powerful as the young master in soul power, and your soul secret skills are extremely high, you can penetrate the fighting spirit protection and hit the soul directly with one blow.

  Otherwise, if you miss the attack, giving the opponent time to react, and the opponent is on guard and increases the fighting spirit protection, it will be difficult to succeed."

  Having said this, Qing Lin paused, and the three-flower pupil of the green snake in his pupil flashed with an enchanting green light, and a rare pride and confidence flashed across his small melon-seed face.

  "The Green Snake's Three Flower Pupils are known as the world's most amazing pupils, and are famous for controlling all snakes in the world.

  But few people know that the Green Snake's Three Flower Pupils' soul attack is also quite powerful. The

  ball of soul origin that the young master gave me last time allowed my soul power to break through to the late stage of the mortal realm.

  This soul power may not be a big deal in front of the young master, but it is more than enough to deal with two Dou Zong strongmen.

  In front of these eyes, their Dou Qi defense is like nothing!"

  The little medical fairy could hear the confidence and pride in Qing Lin's tone, and she felt a little touched in her heart.

  This little girl who was once protected by everyone and grew up, her current strength is not to be underestimated. I'm afraid it won't take long for her to stand beside them completely.

  "Can you guarantee your own safety?"



  The little medical fairy immediately told Hai Bodong Qing Lin's idea.

  A trace of horror flashed across Hai Bodong's face.

  "You are all so evil.

  I'm afraid that before long, an old man like me will be left behind by you and no trace can be seen, haha."

  Hai Bodong laughed. His old face was full of wrinkles, but the edges and corners were still clear. It was not hard to believe how handsome he was when he was young. Loneliness and relief appeared alternately.

  A gentle smile flashed across Xiao Yixian's face.

  "Hai Lao, don't belittle yourself. If it weren't for you to build Han Ge in the Black Horn Region, my brother's series of plans would not have been so smooth."

  Mo Tianxing saw Xiao Yixian and Hai Bodong talking and laughing there, without any panic of the disaster, and a look of dissatisfaction flashed across his face.

  "What are you talking about?

  Talking about how you will die!"

  Mo Tianxing's words drew the attention of the two people.

  Hai Bodong's face was full of coldness, and a trace of icy fighting spirit appeared on his palm.

  "Otherwise, we can seize the opportunity when Qinglin attacks their souls, release the strongest fighting skills together, kill them both in one fell swoop, and put an end to it all."

  Xiao Yixian shook her head slightly.

  "The Black Emperor Sect must be destroyed, but not now.

  His plan requires the Black Emperor Sect."

  Xiao Yixian's face also showed a trace of frost.

  Mo Ya of the Black Emperor Sect was now looking at her with a greedy look, which made her heart flash with a trace of evil.

  Things are useless, but he still thinks about women. He looks like a dog, but he is just a beast in human clothing.   

  The little medical fairy bit her teeth lightly, although she knew that even if she released all her fighting power now, she could

  cooperate with Qinglin's attack and destroy the Black Emperor Sect with Hai Bodong.

  After killing Mo Ya, who made her feel disgusted, Su Yun would not blame her after returning, but would support her.

  But the little medical fairy still did not do so. She worked hard to cultivate just to help Su Yun.

  If she acted impulsively and let Su Yun's plan fail, there would be no point in her continuous efforts to cultivate.

  Kill later!

  "Have you thought about how to die?"

  A hint of teasing flashed across Mo Tianxing's face. With victory in hand, he didn't mind playing the cat and mouse game.

  Hai Bodong frowned. He was a sophisticated man, so he could see Mo Tianxing's mentality. So he suppressed his temper and started to argue with Mo Tianxing.

  The villain died because of his talkativeness. Hai Bodong suddenly understood the meaning of Su Yun's irrelevant words.

  On the other side, Qing Lin released the four snake elders to protect her.

  Qing Lin sat cross-legged, emitting a green aura. The soul power and fighting spirit continued to gather in the three-flower pupil of the green snake, and the powerful pupil power rose from it. The

  energy of heaven and earth continued to surge, and one after another of the enchanting green light filtered it, absorbing the pure energy of heaven and earth, and strengthening the pupil power again.

  Qinglin looked at the two parties confronting each other in the distance, the picture kept zooming in, his eyes locked on the two Dou Zong strongmen. An

  extremely powerful green soul light, carrying a terrifying pupil power, crossed the space and instantly arrived at the space where the two were.

  It penetrated the two people's Dou Qi defense without any hindrance and came into their minds.

  The green light turned into a green snake in the minds of the two people, and a soul hissed.


  The two screamed, and everyone's attention was turned over.

  Xiao Yixian and Hai Bodong looked at each other, and they all displayed their earth-level identity fighting skills and flew away.

  The Dou Huang of the Black Emperor Sect saw this scene and wanted to chase, but was stopped by the Black Emperor Sect's elder.

  "What are you doing? Are you going to die?"

  The Black Emperor Sect's Great Elder and Mo Ya supported Mo Tianxing and another Dou Zong strongman respectively.

  The rest of the Dou Zong finally reacted, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads. The gap between the Dou Zong and the Dou Zong was huge. If they rushed forward, they might not be enough for Hai Bodong to kill.

  Just when the Black Emperor Sect and others were in a state of panic, Xiao Yixian communicated with Qing Lin's soul and quickly brought Hai Bodong and Qing Lin together.

  "Sister Xian'er, Master Hai."

  Qing Lin's face was pale, and there was a hint of weakness in his tone.

  The attack just now was the secret method of pupil skills passed down by the Snake Saint.

  Even Qinglin could only barely control it. This pupil power had already consumed all her fighting spirit and soul power.

  Xiao Yixian hurried forward and hugged Qinglin in her arms, with a trace of heartache flashing across her face.

  "Don't force yourself like this in the future."

  "Hehe, I'm glad I can help."

  Although Qinglin was weak in Xiao Yixian's arms, she was very happy, with a playful smile on her pale face.

  "You, when your master comes back, I will definitely let him have a good word about you."


  Qinglin pouted and blinked her eyes in grievance.

  "Don't worry, he won't let it go.

  I just want to tell him so that he can praise you. And you have made such a great effort, you have to let him give you a good compliment."