


  Chapter 265 Soul Devouring Secret Treasure (First Update!)

  Qing Lin's face was red, and he lowered his head.

  Seeing this, Xiao Yixian rubbed Qing Lin's hair.

  "Where are we going now?"

  Hai Bodong asked Xiao Yixian.

  Xiao Yixian thought for a while.

  "Old Hai, come back to Canaan Academy with us.

  Considering my brother's relationship in Canaan Academy, Great Elder Su Qian should not refuse."

  Hai Bodong nodded.

  Su Yun is now going to deal with things, and there are no follow-up arrangements for him, so it's better for him to stay in Canaan Academy and wait for him to come back.

  After all, Su Yun has always been the backbone of these people.

  Afterwards, Xiao Yixian and the other two went to the inner courtyard to wait for Su Yun to return.

  Time passed, a month later, and Su Yun also returned to Canaan Academy.

  Su Yun returned to the small pavilion, and Xiao Yixian immediately sensed it. Looking at Su Yun, a glimmer of joy flashed across her beautiful eyes.

  The two hugged each other at the door, and after a moment of tenderness, Xiao Yixian told Su Yun about the attack on Han Pavilion. Of course, Xiao Yixian concealed Mo Ya's coveting of her.

  Xiao Yixian knew Su Yun's temperament very well and didn't want to ruin Su Yun's plans. He

  was just a dying man. When Su Yun's plan was completed, she would definitely kill him with her own hands.

  A glimmer of coldness flashed across Su Yun's eyes, and then quickly faded away.

  With his current strength, he no longer took the Black Emperor Sect seriously. When they got the Bodhi Transformation Saliva, it would be their doom.

  After the matter was finished, Su Yun carried Xiao Yixian into the room.

  The next day, Su Yun called Qing Lin and Hai Bodong over, and the four of them sat down in the living room.

  "Qing Lin, you've worked hard this time."

  Su Yun had a gentle smile on his face, stretched out his hand, and touched Qing Lin's little head. The smooth touch made people love it.


  Qing Lin's face flashed a little blush, and she was no longer shy when facing Su Yun.

  The increase in strength also brought a lot of confidence to the little girl.

  Su Yun was in a good mood at this time, although Han Ge was attacked and some property was lost.

  But Hai Bodong and Xiao Yixian returned safely without exposing much, which made Su Yun very satisfied.

  Plans cannot keep up with changes, there will always be unexpected events, and life cannot unfold exactly as you thought it would. Su Yun has long understood this.

  And now it seems that Qinglin has grown up and kept up with their pace.

  "After Cailin comes out of the customs, we will go back to the Jiama Empire."

  Hai Bodong was stunned.

  "Do we still want to go back?"

  Su Yun smiled mysteriously, stretched out his right hand, and pinched it randomly.

  "According to my calculations, there are two super brothels waiting for me there."

  Qinglin opened his mouth wide, and his small melon-seed face was full of disbelief.

  Big, big brothel?

  Hmm, the strange postures have increased again.

  "Is it a great opportunity?"

  Hai Bodong raised his eyebrows and knew what Su Yun meant.

  That's probably just bragging. This kid doesn't get up early unless there's something beneficial. He probably got some news from somewhere and wants to go back to look for some opportunities.

  The Little Medical Fairy pinched the soft flesh on Su Yun's waist in annoyance.

  Her hands were sore from pinching, but Su Yun didn't react at all. She could only purse her lips.

  "It's just an opportunity. What big brothel?"

  Su Yun smiled and didn't care. His body was so strong that the Little Medical Fairy couldn't shake it, of course, except in bed.

  Hai Bodong took out a storage ring from his arms and handed it to Su Yun.

  "Look, the last resources collected by Han Ge are all here. If it weren't for the sudden attack of the Black Emperor Sect, we could have collected a little more."

  Su Yun took it.

  "Old Hai has worked hard during this period."   

  Afterwards, Su Yun asked Hai Bodong to go back first.

  He refined Zhang Ritian's soul into the soul origin and gave it to Qinglin. After encouraging her a few words, the little girl went back to practice happily.

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian returned to the room.

  Xiao Yixian took out the poison that could kill the Douhuang strongman from the ring, took small sips, and began to refine the medicine power to practice.

  Su Yun closed his eyes and began to check Zhang Ritian's memory.

  In addition to the location of the Netherworld Poison Fire, he was also quite curious about Zhang Ritian's life experience.

  The Xiao family has also declined. Strictly speaking, there are only seven Douhuang bloodlines left among humans that have not completely declined.

  In ancient times, the source of energy had not yet been exhausted. Although Doudi strongmen were rare in this Douqi continent, it

  was not like today, where there were none at all.

  It was normal that a few Doudi bloodlines that had completely declined were left behind.

  It was impossible for the original work to explain everything clearly. There were not enough holes that Tudou forgot to fill.

  Su Yun projected Zhang Ritian's memory on the screen with his soul and examined it carefully.

  With the blessing of the soul power of the spiritual realm, Su Yun quickly found the part about the Netherworld Poison Fire.

  It turned out that the Netherworld Poison Fire was in Zhongzhou.

  Su Yun felt a little regretful.

  It was cold, and the Netherworld Poison Fire was in Zhongzhou. It seemed that the journey to Zhongzhou had to be accelerated.

  Afterwards, Su Yun checked Zhang Ritian's memory again and began to explore the origin of his Doudi Wasted Bloodline.

  After a while, Su Yun's face flashed with a hint of understanding.

  Zhang Ritian came from a family in Zhongzhou. The power of this family was not too strong. The strongest was only a nine-star Douzong strongman.

  But such a small family has a great origin.

  Tens of thousands of years ago, they were also a Doudi family in their own world.

  However, in a great war later, the strong men in the family died in battle, leaving only two or three big cats and small cats, and it was completely desolate.

  However, their family's bloodline has never been completely exhausted.

  Even their ancestors got a secret treasure in that war, which could absorb the Doudi bloodline of the tribe members.

  Stored in the secret treasure, passed to the clan members with more potential and stronger bloodline!

  Su Yun was shocked when he saw this.

  The ability of this secret treasure reminded him of a race that once dominated the Douqi Continent!

  The Soul Devouring Clan!

  This race is very powerful and overbearing, and can devour the bloodline of other Doudi clans and use it for its own benefit.

  However, all the Doudi clans joined forces to destroy the Soul Devouring Clan, and the Soul

  Devouring Clan disappeared. However, the second-ranked Void Devouring Flame on the Alien Fire List devoured the last clan leader of the Soul Devouring Clan and also possessed the ability of the Soul Devouring Clan. As the

  oldest clan in the Doudi clan, the Soul Clan has not yet experienced bloodline failure, and the reason is also here.

  The battle in Zhang Ritian's memory must be the one in which the Doudi family joined forces to wipe out the Soul Devouring Clan.

  Su Yun had a guess in his mind, and then he took out Zhang Ritian's storage ring.

  Whether it was true or not, he would know immediately.

  According to Zhang Ritian's memory, the secret treasure was now in Zhang Ritian's storage ring.

  Su Yun used his soul power to penetrate it and soon found a ball of gelatinous black liquid emitting a strange aura.

  This ball of black liquid seemed to be wrapped in a golden power.

  "System, scan this ball of black liquid!"

  "Ding, scan successful."

  Soul Devouring Secret Treasure: The secret treasure of the Soul Devouring Clan, made by the Soul Devouring King with his own flesh and blood, it can devour the blood of the Doudi and transfer it to others.

  Sure enough, it was exactly the same as Su Yun's guess.

  Suddenly, Su Yun thought of Xiao Xun'er who was practicing in the outer courtyard of Canaan Academy, and a trace of greed flashed in his eyes.

  If he used this thing to suck her blood...

  Gu Yuan would probably tear the space apart immediately and slap him to death.