


  Chapter 266: Colorful Scales Breakthrough, Falling Heart Flame Riot (Second Update!)

  Su Yun shuddered and shook his head quickly.

  Although the Doudi bloodline is attractive, Xiao Xun'er's current bloodline power has not reached its peak.

  It is not worth the risk of being beaten to death to become a divine bloodline.

  The benefits and risks are completely disproportionate, which made Su Yun completely give up.

  If he grows step by step, his achievements will not be worse than the eighth-grade Doudi bloodline, which is completely unnecessary.

  Then Su Yun frowned and used the system's scanning function again.

  "System, scan the golden power in the Soul Devouring Secret Treasure."

  "Ding, scan successful."

  Seventh-grade Doudi Bloodline: The power of the Zhang clan's seventh-grade Doudi Bloodline can send people to the Dou Sect.

  Disadvantages: The Douzun's bottle neck will be stronger than that of ordinary people, and the Dousheng's bottle neck is almost unbreakable.

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and completely gave up the idea of ​​using the Doudi Bloodline.

  I vaguely remember that the divine bloodline can be sent to the peak of the Dousheng, and the ninth-grade bloodline can be sent to the Dousheng.

  The original book introduced the Doudi Bloodline below the ninth grade.

  The bottle neck that breaks through the Dousheng will be very strong, far beyond ordinary people, but there is no more detailed introduction.

  There is no explanation about the specific differences between the eighth, seventh, and sixth grades, and what level they can be sent to.

  But now judging from the seventh grade Doudi bloodline.

  Although the Doudi bloodline is amazing, and the speed of cultivation in the early stage is extremely fast, the lower the bloodline level, the more terrifying the bottleneck of the subsequent realm.

  Tsk, it makes sense that the eight ancient clans attach so much importance to the Doudi bloodline.

  Su Yun shrugged and continued to check Zhang Ritian's memory.

  Soon Su Yun finished reading all the parts he wanted to know.

  Su Yun also understood the grievances between Zhang Ritian and Glacier Valley, as well as Zhang Ritian's training plan for Zhang Wei.

  The seventh grade Doudi bloodline in the Soul Devouring Secret Treasure is Zhang Ritian's own.

  No wonder the blood column on Zhang Ritian's face shows the blood of the abandoned emperor.

  This guy is really ambitious. There is a secret method in their Zhang family to improve the purity of the blood of the emperor.

  It is to refine a kind of strange fire and integrate it into one's own blood, which can improve the blood by one grade.

  Zhang Ritian originally planned to let Zhang Wei refine the nether poisonous fire first.

  After a few years, after fully mastering the nether poisonous fire, let him absorb the seventh-grade blood of the emperor and integrate the nether poisonous fire into his blood.

  In this way, Zhang Wei will have the blood of the eighth-grade emperor, which can be said to be a guarantee for the emperor. After

  a few more years of hard practice, it will be more than enough to seek revenge on the Bingzun.

  This is a very good plan, but it's a pity that I met him.


  So Xiao Xun'er can become a divine bloodline, could it be because the ancient clan also has similar secrets.

  Su Yun touched his smooth chin, and the more

  he thought about it, the more possible it was. Su Yun thought for a while, and then he didn't dwell on it. It didn't matter to him whether it was true or not.

  Su Yun put the Soul Devouring Treasure into the system space.

  The Soul Devouring Treasure is also a very precious treasure, and it may play a big role in the future, but it cannot be seen in the light.

  Once the news is heard by the eight ancient clans, no matter what the considerations are, he will face endless pursuit.

  This Zhang clan is also very interesting. According to the clan precepts passed down from generation to generation in the Zhang family.

  There seemed to be several saints in the Zhang family, but no one knew where they went.

  Zhang Ritian's lineage even had a direct ancestor frozen in a thousand-foot ice field.

  If there was a Dou Zun strongman with the power of strange fire, he could be rescued.

  This was also the reason why Zhang Wei was regarded as the hope of the family by Zhang Ritian.

  Su Yun didn't care about these things. The father and son of the Zhang family were dead, and rescuing the ancestors was also empty talk.

  After sorting out the things, Su Yun also began to practice.

  Another month passed, and a strong Dou Zong aura came from the bottom of the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower.

  Cai Lin successfully broke through.   

  Su Yun showed a little joy on his face.

  Good news came out one after another. Except for the fact that Quehan Pavilion was attacked, which made him a little unhappy, he really gained a lot during this period.

  But at this moment, Su Yun's face suddenly changed.

  At the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower, another terrifying breath rose up, with a terrifying heat in the breath, which was very violent and had the unique sense of destruction of the strange fire! The

  falling heart flame rioted!

  "Xian'er, let's go!"


  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian immediately transformed their fighting spirit into wings, displayed their fighting skills, and flew quickly to the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower.

  At the same time, Su Qian and other elders in the inner courtyard also sensed the movement of the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower and quickly went to the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower.

  At the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, many tower guarding elders were alarmed but not panicked.

  The abnormal movement of the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower was not the first or second time, and the elders immediately dispersed the students who were still practicing at the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower.

  A beautiful and graceful woman stood at the bottom of the tower.

  Cai Lin looked down at the magma with a serious expression, in which a terrifying invisible fire python was attacking the seal.

  The fire python's aura was so strong that even though she had broken through the Dou Zong, she had no confidence in dealing with it.

  It was just that this fire python was startled by her breakthrough, so it attacked the seal at this time.

  Although Cai Lin absorbed Medusa's soul, she and Medusa were two different people after all.

  She is very simple-minded, and now she wants to make up for her mistakes.

  However, due to the huge gap between the two sides, Cai Lin was a little at a loss.

  "Cai Lin, come out!"

  Su Yun's voice rang out from the depths of her soul, making Cai Lin's panicked heart happy.


  Although Cai Lin had no skill in terms of soul, as Su Yun's pet, her soul was completely permeated by Su Yun's aura.

  Su Yun also planted the seed fire of the Ten Thousand Beasts Spirit Fire in her soul, which created a strange connection between her soul and Su Yun, and she could communicate with Su Yun through soul communication.

  "But, the situation here..."

  Cai Lin's voice was numb and made people's bones go soft, and her tone was a little weak, like a little girl who had done something wrong.

  "Don't worry, come out first, let me handle the abnormality of the Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower!"

  Su Yun's tone was tough, and he gave orders to Cai Lin.

  "Okay, Master."

  Cai Lin obeyed Su Yun's orders unconditionally.

  His figure flashed and he immediately disappeared from the spot. His speed was so fast that he immediately surpassed the students who were escaping to the outside of the Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower in a hurry, like a ray of colorful clouds.

  "I'm outside the Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower now, Master."

  Cai Lin's voice came, and Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Okay, stay there and wait for me to come over."

  Soon, Su Yun and Xiao Yixian arrived above the Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower.

  At this time, Su Qian and others had also arrived here.

  The small pavilion where Su Yun and Xiao Yixian lived was far away, so even at full speed, they were inevitably a beat slower.

  "Grand Elder."


  Su Qian frowned.

  Cai Lin came behind Su Yun and held the corner of Su Yun's clothes with her jade hand.


  Su Yun put his hand on Cai Lin's shoulder.

  "It's okay."