

  Chapter 267: Seal and Fall of Xin Yan (first update!)

  After Su Yun comforted Cai Lin for a while, his soul power came out of his body and he carefully sensed the situation in the tower.

  The invisible fire python transformed by the Fallen Heart Flame is frantically attacking the seal, and its power is very scary.

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

  Fallen Heart Flame's attack on the seal this time, others seemed to wake him up because the noise of Cai Lin's breakthrough was too loud.

  But the deeper reason may not even be known to Cai Lin himself.

  Cai Lin broke through Douzong and her aura surged, but because she had just broken through, she couldn't control her aura very well.

  Although the aura of the beast spirit fire on Cai Lin's body was weak, it still existed.

  Ordinary people may not be able to sense it, but Fallen Heart Flame is different.

  Although the induction between the strange fires is subtle, it can naturally be sensed when the aura is soaring and uncontrollable.

  What's more, Cai Lin broke through at the bottom of Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, too close.

  Feeling the breath of strange fire and having an instinctive desire, the uprising of Fallen Heart Flame is inevitable.

  Su Yun had never thought of this before.

  However, although the Fallen Heart Flame is powerful, it is not difficult to seal it again. Su Yun is somewhat confident about this.

  "Great Elder, all students have been evacuated."

  At this time, a Douhuang-level tower-guarding elder flew out of the tower.

  "Okay, everyone, follow me!"

  Su Qian shouted and took the lead into the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower. Many elders in the inner courtyard quickly followed suit. Su Yun also entered the tower with the Little Medical Fairy and others.

  Everyone quickly arrived at the lowest level of the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower. The scorching temperature was extremely terrifying. Ordinary fighters simply could not withstand this terrifying high temperature.

  The invisible fire python attacked the seal crazily.

  The fluctuations emitted made some Dou Wang-level elders tremble, and the movement was so loud that the entire Tianfen Qi Refining Tower shook.

  "Great Elder, what should we do now?"

  Su Yun took two steps forward and looked at Su Qian.

  "Generally speaking, the Fallen Heart Flame will riot after a period of time and try to break through the seal.

  But the seal of our Canaan College was left by the dean, and even if it wants to break through, it is not easy.

  Often after it strikes for a period of time, it will gain strength. Depletion, receding again.

  It's just that this time the Fallen Heart Flame is stimulated by your friend's breakthrough wave. The impact of this breakthrough is unprecedented, I'm afraid..." When

  Su Qian said this, he couldn't help but shake his head.

  "If it succeeds in breaking the seal, the elders and I will also use formations to try to seal it again. As for now, we can only wait.

  Its impact fluctuations are too violent. Under this energy fluctuation, even I, There is no way to strengthen the seal."

  Su Yun understood Su Qian's plan.

  "Speaking of which, you kid, don't you want to refine it? Why not take this opportunity to try it?"

  Su Yun smiled coquettishly when he heard this.

  "Uh... Well, I still have things to do in a while.

  The power contained in this fallen heart flame is too huge. It will take a long time to absorb it. I'm afraid it won't be enough."

  Now there are less than four months left before the three-year appointment. months.

  The empire's alchemist conference must be held in advance, not to mention the travel time.

  Refining the Fallen Heart Flame takes a long time, and it is unacceptable to delay it.

  Fallen Heart Flame will not run away if he stays here, but the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire are different.

  "It's up to you, but in the final analysis, this riot of Fallen Heart Flame was caused by your friend.

  You can do your part today."

  "It should, it should, haha."

  Su Yun patted his chest and said.   

  At this time, Qing Lin and Hai Bodong also came to Su Yun.

  The fluctuations here were too big, and they felt it too.

  The impact of the Fallen Heart Flame continued, and everyone was sweating.

  Huge blood-red lava burst out from the underground world. The invisible fire python stirred up the endless magma and carried the overwhelming force, finally knocking out a crack in the seal.

  Everyone was shocked. The temperature at the bottom of the tower was extremely high, but many elders felt a chill on their backs.

  The tense atmosphere began to spread. In such a situation, even Su Qian looked solemn.

  "It is inevitable that the Fallen Heart Flame will break through the seal.

  When the seal is broken, everyone will seize the opportunity and act together to give it a hard blow first."


  Su Yun also signaled to the Little Medical Fairy and others, and everyone smiled slightly Nodding, Qinglin summoned the four snake elders in advance.

  This scene inevitably attracted everyone's attention.

  Su Qian turned his head slightly and narrowed his pupils when he saw the special lines in the eyes of the four snake elders.

  Green Snake Three-flowered Eyes!

  Su Qian's heart was shocked, but she immediately put her mind back. At this critical moment, there was no time to think about other things.

  The invisible fire python let out a terrifying scream, which Su Yun and others could hear clearly even through the seal.

  The invisible fire python launched its final impact with terrifying power. The terrifying energy exploded instantly, and the wave was so powerful that it was far more violent than the previous impact.


  There were more and more cracks on the seal, and the terrifying energy and the seal were in a stalemate for several breaths of time.

  The seal finally reached the peak of endurance and broke with a dull sound.

  The invisible fire python rushed out of the seal, and the humanized python head actually showed a hint of joy.


  At this moment, Su Qian shouted angrily, and with a strong breath, the power of the Two Star Douzong was clearly visible.

  A large fighting spirit handprint with white light all over its body was killing the invisible fire python.

  The other elders also used their own methods, terrifying killing moves one after another, and none of the attacks were even lower than earth-level fighting skills.

  Canaan College has a profound foundation. To become the dean of the college, you must have two skills.

  Even the elders at the fighting king level are far stronger than those fighting kings in the Jiaji Empire, and each of them has earth-level fighting skills to protect themselves.

  "Xuanbing Longxiang!"

  "Fire Yang Emperor Sword!"


  Yun and others also struck the strongest blow.

  "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

  The invisible fire python had just accumulated strength to break through the seal. Before it was happy for a long time, it was stunned by everyone's attacks.

  He let out a painful scream, and his body was beaten to a point of disarray.

  "Now, hurry up!"

  Elder Su Qian shouted hurriedly when he saw this scene.

  Many elders immediately understood, and fighting energy came out of their bodies, intertwined with each other.

  The most important nodes of Su Qianwei formed a colorful energy shield, covering the collapsed form of the invisible fire python.

  This is a formation seal that specializes in suppressing strange fires. It was brought from the Thunder Clan by Mang Tianzhi. It has a very powerful suppressive effect on strange fires and is considered a treasure of the Thunder Clan.

  The invisible fire python is covered with a colorful energy shield, and it is about to be driven to the underground world, but the invisible fire python also senses the danger.

  It had been trapped in the underground world for many years, and now it finally came out. How could it be willing to be sealed again?

  A violent struggle began immediately, and the terrifying fire energy boiled instantly, making Su Qian and other elders feel a struggle.