

  Chapter 278 Yao Lao Exposed (Second Update)

  After the surprise attack, Ya Fei had no intention of attending the party and immediately returned to the Mitel family.

  Inside the Mitel family.

  Hai Bodong frowned and told Su Yun about Mu Zhan's whereabouts.

  A hint of coldness flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  This kid actually dared to return to the Jiama Empire.

  "Is Ya Fei okay?"

  "No, I have always assigned shadow guards to protect you in secret."

  Su Yun nodded, indicating that he understood.

  Before, he killed Mu Chen in revenge for Luo Qianchen, but let Mu Zhan run away. It

  is more or less a hidden danger. Now that he has begun to show up again, it is just the right time to cut the grass and eradicate it!

  "Has the Mitel family collected information on Mu Zhan?"


  Hai Bodong nodded.

  "According to the news, Mu Zhan escaped from the army and went to the Izumo Empire, where he leaked a lot of military intelligence and caused a lot of trouble for the royal family.

  He has indeed been doing well in the Izumo Empire in recent years."

  The Izumo Empire...

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes and suddenly remembered Yan Li who would appear in this alchemist conference. Maybe he could start with this person.

  Yan Li is the vice president of the Izumo Empire Alchemist Association and a fourth-grade top alchemist.

  It happened to be the same country that Mu Zhan defected to, which inevitably made Su Yun associate the two with each other.

  "Go check the alchemists from the Izumo Empire who came to participate in the competition this time."

  Hai Bodong was stunned and reacted immediately.

  "You mean, Mu Zhan might be with those alchemists from the Izumo Empire!"

  "Not bad."



  On the other side, in a gloomy house in the imperial capital.

  "Do you know what you are doing! You

  exposed your identity for a woman!"

  A man in black was cursing at Mu Zhan, spitting on his face.

  Mu Zhan's face turned ashen, but he didn't dare to refute, and could only bear it.

  Half an hour later, not knowing whether he had vented his temper or was satisfied with the cursing, the man in black stopped and drank a sip of water.

  "You will stay here for the time being until we return home!"


  A trace of resentment flashed in Mu Zhan's eyes.

  In these years, he also heard news about Ya Fei in the Izumo Empire.

  He should have been happy that Ya Fei became the helmsman of the Mitel family.

  Just thinking about his situation of living under someone else's roof, such a contrast made him want to go crazy, and he had the idea of ​​taking Ya Fei away.

  But he didn't expect that Ya Fei was actually protected by a shadow guard.

  Mu Zhan was helpless and furious, and jealousy made him unrecognizable.

  The next day.

  Xiao Yan got up and finished his morning exercises. After a little grooming, he planned to go to the Mitel family to visit Zhang Xiaofan, Master Zhang.

  "Xiao Yanzi, after we get there, I will no longer talk to you in my heart. I can only observe secretly in the ring.

  The soul perception of the sixth-grade pharmacist is very sensitive, and there is a risk of discovering me."

  "I know, teacher."

  Xiao Yan nodded to show that he understood.

  "Besides, you should go in your true appearance. The human skin mask can't hide it.

  And the one who went to Yunlan Sect was Xiao Yan, not Yan Xiao."


  Afterwards, Xiao Yan quickly came to the door of the Mitel family.

  The guards at the door stopped him.

  "Do you have an appointment?"

  Xiao Yan heard this and took out the jade piece he had given before and handed it to the guard.

  "No appointment, but someone recommended me to see Master Zhang."

  One of the guards took a look and said to Xiao Yan.

  "Please move to the visiting hall first.

  As for whether you can be received by Master Zhang, it is not up to me to decide. I will send the jade piece."

  "Thank you."

  There was no difficulty. Ya Fei's methods were severe and she had a way to protect her subordinates. The Mitel family was well managed from top to bottom.   

  In the living room, Su Yun took the jade piece, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

  Here he comes.

  "Hai Lao, tell him to come in."


  In the visiting room.

  "Mr. Xiao Yan."

  Xiao Yan stood up.


  "My name is Kuang Tang, and I am the elder of the Mitel family. Please follow me. Master Zhang is waiting for you in the living room."

  "Thank you."

  Xiao Yan was delighted, thinking that Master Han was really awesome.

  Xiao Yan followed Kuang Tang and headed for the living room.

  Halfway through the walk, a childish voice sounded.

  "Qing Lin, let's go, let's go to the street in the south today!"

  A delicate little girl ran towards them, pulling a girl.

  "Sister Zi Yan, slow down, there's no rush."

  ​​Xiao Yan frowned, the voice was inexplicably familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere before.

  At this time, Kuang Tang stopped and bowed to the two people respectfully.

  "Miss Zi Yan, Miss Qing Lin."

  Zi Yan rushed and ignored her, but Qing Lin nodded gently to Kuang Tang to say hello.

  Qing Lin subconsciously glanced at Xiao Yan behind Kuang Tang, but saw that he was looking at him in shock, with a flash of doubt on his face. Why was he here?

  After that, Qing Lin didn't think much about it, but just followed Zi Yan out to play.

  Most likely, they were guests from nowhere.

  The suffocating pressure he had faced before was still vivid in his mind, and Xiao Yan couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

  This little girl is actually from the Mitel family!

  "Little brother Xiao Yan?"

  Kuang Tang's doubtful voice sounded, pulling Xiao Yan back to reality.

  "Ahem, sorry, I was a little distracted just now."

  "No problem."

  The two of them went to the living room.

  In the bone inflammation ring, Yao Lao's illusory face trembled.

  What did he see!

  The girl he met before was fine, but that little girl was also a Dou Wang strongman!

  Maybe she was also a disciple of that sect, and she definitely couldn't be from the Mitel family.

  Yao Lao guessed.

  His evaluation of the sect behind Han Li and Zhang Xiaofan went up a level.

  The two of them quickly came to the living room.

  "Master Zhang, the people have been brought here, I will go down first."


  After Kuang Tang went down.

  Xiao Yan cleared his throat, prepared his words, and looked at Su Yun.

  Hey, wait, this face, why is it so familiar? ?

  Su Yun also looked at Xiao Yan in surprise at this time.

  "Have we met somewhere before?"

  Xiao Yan asked subconsciously, forgetting all the words he had prepared before.

  At this time, Yao Lao's heart was already filled with shock, and he immediately recognized Su Yun, the young man who had fought against the Purple Crystal Wing Master King before.

  This, this, aren't they walking into a trap...

  Yao Lao felt like crying but had no tears, and he was afraid that his existence would be exposed.

  Sure enough, at this time Su Yun smiled and pointed at the ring on Xiao Yan's hand.

  "If my perception is correct, there is a soul living in your ring. I am right."

  Xiao Yan's pupils shrank, and he instantly remembered what happened in the Monster Mountain Range before.

  In all these years, Yao Lao's existence was the first time that someone discovered it.

  "Teacher, what should we do now?"

  Xiao Yan panicked instantly.

  A spiritual force rose from Xiao Yandao's fingers, and Yao Lao's phantom figure floated in the air.