

  Chapter 279: Little Brother, Xiao Yan (First Update!)

  "Sure enough, the one who used soul power to explore that day was the old gentleman."

  Su Yun smiled at Yao Lao.

  He saved Yun Yun from the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King that day.

  After that, he fought with the Purple Crystal Winged Lion King. Xiao Yan and Yao Lao watched the battle on the side. Afterwards, Yao Lao explored him and was finally scared away.

  So Zhang Xiaofan, the vest, knew about Yao Lao's existence.

  Yao Lao had a reluctant smile on his face.

  Perhaps, he should have thought that this Zhang Xiaofan was the genius who appeared in the Monster Mountain Range.

  Only a pharmacist can make great achievements in soul power, and he is also so young.

  "Don't blame me, my friend. I was just curious that day and had no ill intentions."

  Su Yun smiled and stretched out his hand to signal the two to take a seat.

  "It's okay."

  He would not make things too difficult for the two of them. It is very rare to have a good tool man. Instead of being an enemy, it is better to use him for your own benefit.

  The egg of the ancient phoenix has already proved that Xiao Yan's value is more than the opportunities shown in the original book, haha.

  As for the fight for the exotic fire, that goes without saying.

  If you really want to deal with Xiao Yan because of this, you have to postpone it. If you kill him now, you will only get one exotic fire, but it will be different in the future.

  What's more, he doesn't have the confidence to deal with Xiao Yan. God knows what unexpected situations will occur.

  Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and he was a little uneasy in his heart. He sat opposite Su Yun.

  It is an offense to hide in the dark and observe when others are fighting.

  Not to mention that the teacher also tried to investigate. If it weren't for Master Han, I'm afraid this brother Zhang wouldn't be so easy to talk to.

  Like Xiao Yan, Yao Lao also breathed a sigh of relief. He sensed that a Dou Zong-level icy aura was waiting in the dark.

  "I haven't seen Han Steward for a long time.

  Brother Xiao Yan, I wonder where you met Han Steward?"

  Xiao Yan heard this and told Su Yun about his encounter with Master Han yesterday.

  Su Yun heard this and nodded slightly.

  "Most likely he was looking for good seedlings for the sect, passing through the imperial capital.

  You asked Han Steward to come to see me, what's the important matter?"

  Su Yun changed the subject and got to the point.

  Xiao Yan heard this, and a trace of seriousness flashed in his eyes.

  "I wonder if Master Zhang has heard about the three-year agreement between me and Nalan Yanran?"

  "It's too distant to call you Master Zhang.

  If you don't mind, you can call me Brother Zhang."

  Xiao Yan was stunned, and then shouted.

  "Brother Zhang."

  Su Yun's mouth curled up.

  Thinking back to the time when he watched the fight to break the sky, he was also infected by the passion and felt aggrieved for a long time.

  Now that he can accept Xiao Yan as his younger brother, he can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment in his heart.


  Then Su Yun took out an invitation from the ring and handed it to Xiao Yan.

  "This is..."

  "You can see for yourself."

  After a half response, Xiao Yan clenched his fists, and his eyes showed an uncontrollable anger.

  "Is this Yunlan Sect so confident!"

  Su Yun looked calm and was not surprised by Xiao Yan's anger.

  This invitation was given to him by Yunlan Sect, inviting him to attend the ceremony.

  However, the invitation did not mention any three-year agreement, but the young master of Yunlan Sect was settling old grievances.

  "I'm afraid all the major forces in the imperial capital have received this invitation."

  Su Yun took a sip of tea and said to Xiao Yan.

  "Thank you, Brother Zhang, for telling me."

  Xiao Yan took a deep breath and bowed to thank him.

  Yao Lao's eyes also flashed with a trace of anger.

  A small Yunlan Sect is so arrogant!

  "Xiao Yan came here this time to fulfill the three-year agreement."

  "Oh, you want me to help you improve your strength?"

  "No, although I'm not as strong as Master Zhang, I'm confident that I can deal with a mere Nalan Yanran.

  Xiao Yan came here this time to ask the master to protect me from Yunlan Mountain after I defeat Nalan Yanran!"

  Su Yun chuckled and said to Xiao Yan.   

  "Both of you are very confident.

  Yunlan Sect..."

  Su Yun hesitated for a while, as if he was thinking about whether to agree or not.

  Xiao Yan's heart tightened.

  Although he met Brother Zhang through Master Han's relationship this time, it was just an opportunity to meet him.

  Xiao Yan was not sure whether the matter would succeed.

  Yunlan Sect has Yunshan as its governor, and also has the power of Dou Zong's strong men. Maybe it is nothing to the sect behind Brother Zhang.

  But he is just a disciple, and he may not be able to use such a powerful force. Now weighing the pros and cons, Xiao Yan can understand.


  Butler Han hasn't asked me for help for a long time. Since he introduced me, it would be unreasonable for me not to agree."

  Xiao Yan was overjoyed to hear this, and thanked Su Yun again.

  "Thank you, Brother Zhang!"

  Su Yun waved his hands, but a smile flashed through his heart.

  To help others, the easy things are difficult to do, and the difficult things... are even more difficult to do.

  "I will be there on the day of the three-year agreement.

  Just do it."

  "Thank you for your kindness. If you need Xiao Yan in the future, Brother Zhang, just ask!"

  That's what I want you to say.


  Don't blame me if I push you into the fire pit in the future.

  After that, the two talked for a few more words, and Su Yun sent Xiao Yan away.

  Xiao Yan walked on the way back, feeling relieved.

  "Fortunately, we have Master Han's recommendation this time. We don't have to worry about safety issues for the three-year agreement."

  "Without the worries, we should prepare well during this period.

  Since the Yunlan Sect is so confident, let's completely shatter their confidence!

  As for this favor, we can only talk about it later.

  To put it bluntly, with your current strength, they won't even want you to help them."


  "Teacher, if you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb."


  Miter Family.

  "There is news about Mu Zhan."

  Hai Bodong brought Miter Tengshan into the living room.

  "Oh, you are very efficient this time."

  Su Yun slightly praised.

  "Haha, Master Zhang, you are too kind."

  Miter Tengshan was delighted and said respectfully.

  Because of the relationship between Su Yun and Hai Bodong, the Mitel family is in its heyday.

  Last night, Hai Bodong personally went to the royal family and asked them to cooperate with the Mitel family to arrest people.

  Jia Xingtian couldn't even lift his head in front of Hai Bodong, so how could he dare to refuse?

  With the joint efforts of both parties, they immediately turned the imperial capital upside down and caught Mu Zhan.

  Maybe in the past, Su Yun wanted to use the Po Zong Dan as a condition to pull the royal family together to deal with the Mu family, but now is different from the past, and the identities and strengths are different.

  "Mu Zhan is outside now, do you want to bring him in?"

  "No, just kill him directly.

  Hai Lao, you go and keep an eye on him."

  Su Yun looked indifferent, and had no intention of dealing with Mu Zhan himself.

  To put it bluntly, Mu Zhan's level is too far behind him, just an ant.

  This time, he captured him to root out the problem.

  Otherwise, a mere fighter would not be worth his attention.

  Of course, in order to avoid losing experience, Su Yun directly sent Hai Bodong to keep an eye on him to prevent future troubles.

