

  Chapter 280 The Little Medical Fairy's Thoughts (Second update!)

  Haibodong nodded and immediately went down the mountain with Mittel Tengshan.

  In the courtyard, Mu Zhan was locked in a cage, and his whole body was lying on the ground like a puddle of mud.

  Hai Bodong and Miter Tengshan came to the cage.

  "Tengshan, let's do it."

  "Yes, Hai Lao."


  , seven days passed, and after the second round of competition, the Alchemist Conference came to the finals.

  Su Yun and the Little Medical Fairy's room. The little medical fairy took out a brand new white robe from the ring.

  "Try it to see if it suits you."

  The little medical fairy said with a smile, and casually tucked the naughty black hair on her face behind her ears.

  "This dress..."

  "I sewed this with my own hands. It will look great on you."

  The little medical fairy said, pulling off Su Yun's clothes and putting on the white robe in her hand.

  After half a ring.

  Su Yun was wearing a white robe, with a hint of confidence flashing between his vigorous brows, a bright face, deep eyes, and a faint smile on his face.

  The little medical fairy looked at her sweetheart in front of her, her eyes full of love and joy.

  "It's so beautiful..."

  "Of course. What should I wear that doesn't look good?"


  The little medical fairy pouted and took out another white dress from her ring.

  "You go out, I need to change clothes."


  Don't you need me to help you change?"

  "No, just go out, okay~"

  The little medical fairy pushed Su Yun on the back and drove Su Yun out of the door. outside, and then locked the door tightly.

  She sewed this white dress herself, but she couldn't let her brother help her put it on, otherwise she wouldn't be able to hide the fact that she had to stuff three layers of cushions into it today.

  Su Yun was a little confused outside.

  After a while, the door opened, and the little medical fairy, dressed in a white dress, stood in front of Su Yun and spun around in a circle.

  "Is it beautiful?"

  "Very beautiful."

  A chuckle flashed in Su Yun's eyes, and he held the little medical fairy in his arms.

  I thought something was wrong, but it turned out to be a couple costume.


  Why does Xian'er feel a little different today...

  A trace of surprise flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  The little medical fairy who had been secretly observing Su Yun had a hint of snickering and satisfaction in his eyes.

  It really works. Sister Yafei's method is really good!

  Su Yun and the Little Medical Fairy held hands and walked to the conference site.

  People were coming and going along the way, and it was very lively. The little medical fairy was in a surprisingly high mood, holding Su Yun's hand and walking through the street.

  The two of them walked around for a while and bought a lot of gadgets before slowly heading to the conference site.

  Su Yun and the Little Medical Fairy came to the venue, which was very crowded with people.

  Haibodong had been waiting here for a long time. After seeing the two of them, he waved his hand to disperse the crowd and make way for them.

  "Let's go."

  The two of them followed Hai Bodong into the venue.

  There were people present who were indignant.

  "Why don't they have to line up!"

  "Yeah, why!"

  "Keep your voice down, you're going to die! Why are you making noises? That's Master Zhang!"

  "What! Master Zhang!"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent. Come down.

  Many women had peach blossoms in their eyes when they saw Su Yun's appearance, and some even wanted to rush forward, but were stopped by the guards present.

  A sixth-grade alchemist is still so young, enough for them to flock to him.

  The two arrived at the high platform of the venue. Jia Xingtian and Fa Ma were already seated. What Su Yun didn't expect was that Yun Yun was also here.

  After seeing Su Yun, everyone stood up and saluted.   

  "Master Zhang."

  Su Yun nodded with a smile.

  "Everyone, you're fine."

  Yun Yun looked at Su Yun, a complicated look flashed in her eyes.

  Since the teacher came out of seclusion, she has gradually taken over the affairs of Yunlan Sect. She has also been free and has time to go out and walk.

  She responded to Yanran's invitation and came to the alchemist conference, but she didn't expect to meet him.

  "Master Yunyun, long time no see."

  Su Yun's eyes lit up when he saw Yun Yun.

  I am about to go to Yunlan Sect to check out the location of the Gate of Life and Death, and I happen to be familiar with it.

  "Well, long time no see."

  Yun Yun suppressed the thoughts and palpitations in her heart, and a gentle smile flashed on her face.

  In the past half of her life, she had never experienced the so-called love, but she did not expect to feel the love at first sight in this young man.

  Just at the first sight, inexplicable emotions came to my heart.

  Destiny really is unpredictable...

  Jia Xingtian's heart skipped a beat when he saw this.

  Why is this Yun Yun still acquainted with Master Zhang? They seem to be very familiar with each other.

  Yunshan's release from seclusion and Haibodong's return have already made Jiaxingtian very anxious. If the two parties were still closely related...

  Jiaxingtian no longer dared to think about it.

  If Hai Bodong knew about Jia Xingtian's idea, he would definitely sneer at him and call him short-sighted and persecutory delusional.

  Su Yun and Yun Yun chatted for a few words, then took the little medical fairy to their seats and waited quietly for the start of the game.

  Hai Bodongze chatted with Jia Xingtian and others.

  "Old monster, it is said that the second princess of your royal family, Yaoyue, has also come to compete."

  "Well, she is the only direct descendant of the royal family who can still handle it.

  Yaoye can only handle some government affairs. In the future, she will still be able to carry the title. Got her."

  Jia Xingtian sighed.

  After Yaoyue was found to have a talent as an alchemist, she received the full support of the royal family.

  As long as he can reach the level of a fifth-grade alchemist in the future, he can maintain this legacy.

  As for Yao Ye...

  In Dou Qi Continent, the so-called wisdom and strategies are actually of little use.

  "There are four people who are expected to win the championship this time, Yaoyue, Liu Ling, Yan Xiao... and Yanli."

  Speaking of Yanli's name, an imperceptible cold light flashed in Fa Mam's eyes.

  "If you ask me to kill him directly, everything will be fine. Why should I worry so much?"

  Hai Bodong suggested.

  Yan Li's identity has been discovered by them, but they have delayed taking action because they were afraid of causing a conflict between the two countries.

  "Old man Bing, you don't have to worry so much, but things are never that simple.

  As one of the four people who are expected to win the championship, Yanli did not participate in the finals and suddenly disappeared, giving the Izumo Empire an excuse to send troops.

  I'm adding more pressure . The empire will not be their opponent."

  Jia Xingtian smiled bitterly.

  Because Mu Zhan leaked intelligence about the Garma Empire's army, the combat power of the Garma Empire's army was greatly reduced. Now it is difficult to face the Izumo Empire.

  Moreover, the high-level combat power is also lacking. If an excuse is found, it will be in trouble.

  "I don't care about the twists and turns."

  Hai Bodong waved his hand.

  While several people were negotiating, three more young people came to the high platform.

  It was the ones who were talked about before, Yaoyue, Liu Ling, and Yan Xiao.

  "Okay, the finals are about to start, you all go down."

  Fa Ma's old voice sounded, looking at the three people with compassion in his eyes.

  Then the three of them used their own methods to fly down from the high platform to the venue, causing a burst of exclamations from the audience.

  Young people always like to act cool, and the audience also likes this trick.

  On the high platform, Su Yun watched this scene without any emotion in his heart.

  Although he is the same age as the three of them, he is no longer on the same level as them.

  It's just a small fight, not worth mentioning.