

  Chapter 281 Eighteenth Birthday (First Update!)

  "What a bunch of nonsense!"

  Yan Li, who had already taken his position, looked at Xiao Yan and the others, smiled coldly, and spoke sarcastically.

  Xiao Yan glanced at Yan Li, and a solemn look flashed across his face.

  He received a commission from Fa Ma a few days ago, and was also informed of Yan Li's true identity.

  Vice President of the Izumo Empire Alchemist Association, a fourth-grade top alchemist!

  It's difficult to defeat him and win the championship.

  "I won't give you any hints for this alchemy.

  This conference is a challenge and an opportunity. If you can successfully refine the Three-Pattern Green Spirit Pill, you can completely step into the realm of a fourth-grade alchemist."

  "Don't worry, teacher.

  I won't let you down!"

  On the high platform, the little medical fairy pinched the soft flesh on Su Yun's waist with her slender fingers.

  Su Yun was startled, then he stretched out his hand and gently rubbed the fair little hand of Little Medical Fairy.

  "What's wrong?"

  Little Medical Fairy pouted. Outside, she couldn't do anything too intimate. She just hugged Su Yun's arm and rested her pretty face on Su Yun's shoulder.

  "Why are you always looking at that rock owl? Am I not prettier than him?"

  I spent a lot of time dressing up today, this idiot!

  Su Yun couldn't help but laugh when he heard it.

  "He is quite special, Xian'er, don't be angry."

  Su Yun put his big hand on the other shoulder of Little Medical Fairy, exerted a little force, pulled Little Medical Fairy closer, whispered in her ear, and rubbed her ears.

  After a while, Little Medical Fairy's face was happy. The girl in love was easily satisfied, and a few words of comfort were enough.

  "So, what's so special about him?

  Why didn't I see it?"

  A trace of curiosity flashed across the eyes of the Little Medical Fairy. She fiddled with her long hair with her jade hands and pulled Su Yun's palm. She

  also wrapped her fingers around Su Yun's fingers, as if she could lock her beloved by her side forever.

  Su Yun smiled mysteriously and whispered.

  "Don't be fooled by his plain appearance. His cultivation and alchemy skills are not comparable to mine.

  But he has mastered a high-level fighting skill of the heavenly level.

  Although he is a fighter, he can cross four major realms and be comparable to the powerful fighting emperor!"

  Upon hearing this, a trace of surprise flashed across the face of the Little Medical Fairy.

  "Heavenly-class advanced fighting skills, so powerful!"

  Su Yun saw that Xiao Yixian really believed it, and laughed in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm.

  "How can I lie to you?"

  "What is the name of this fighting skill?"

  "Possessed by a ghost!"


  Xiao Yixian was stunned, her expression was stunned, and her girlish face revealed a little cuteness and naivety at this time.

  How can this be a heavenly-class advanced fighting skill? It's obviously just borrowing the power of the soul body!

  Xiao Yixian reacted immediately.

  She is no longer an ignorant girl who knows nothing. After staying with Su Yun for a long time, she has learned the common sense and some secrets of the Douqi Continent.

  The Little Medical Fairy looked at Su Yun who was laughing secretly. She knew that her wicked brother was making fun of her, and she immediately became unhappy.

  A pair of small hands scratched at Su Yun's white robe. Although they were weak like a kitten's claws, they expressed her protest.

  "Wrong, wrong..."

  Yun Yun on the side watched the two people fighting, and her heart was mixed.

  As for Jia Xingtian and others, they looked at each other with their eyes and noses, and pretended that they saw nothing.

  Half a day passed, and a creepy laugh rang out.

  "Hehehe, the Purple Heart Barrier Breaking Pill, I have refined it!

  The champion of this pharmacist conference is me!"

  Yan Li tightly grasped a purple pill, almost crazy.

  Liu Ling and Yao Yue, who were standing by, looked disappointed.

  They were both top-level third-grade alchemists, and with the blessing of luck, they managed to refine a low-level fourth-grade pill.

  They thought that if they performed exceptionally well, it would not be difficult to win the championship, but the Purple Heart Barrier Breaking Pill was a top-level fourth-grade pill...   

  Yan Li looked at the pills in Liu Ling and Yao Yue's hands, and a sneer appeared on his face again. He was about to say something sarcastic, but a scent of pills came from the side.

  "Yan Li, you said that too early!"

  Xiao Yan's mouth curved, and he held a green pill in his hand, in which three tiny pill patterns were faintly visible.

  Su Yun saw this scene and nodded slightly.

  Xiao Yan's three-pattern Qingling Pill this time was completely beyond the bottleneck and reached the level of a fourth-grade pharmacist.

  Although he had reached this level when he was ten years old, it was already a good achievement for Xiao Yan, and it was worth celebrating.

  Afterwards, Xiao Yan became the center of attention. All parties tried to persuade him, but he refused and left in style.

  After the meeting, Su Yun stood up and stretched his waist. Although the meeting was of low standard, it was lively and added a touch of fireworks to his heart.

  "Let's go."

  Su Yun hugged the slender waist of the little medical fairy, transformed his fighting spirit into wings, and flew towards the Mittel family.

  After returning to the room, Su Yun wanted to continue his cultivation, but was stopped by the little medical fairy.

  "Stay with me for a day today, okay~"

  The little medical fairy acted coquettishly in Su Yun's arms, with a soft tone.

  Su Yun felt a little strange in his heart, but still agreed.

  A trace of joy flashed across the little medical fairy's pretty face, and she hugged Su Yun and talked non-stop.

  That night, there was a noise outside the door.

  "Sir, Sister Xian'er."

  Qing Lin's voice came into the room.

  "Qing Lin, come in."

  Su Yun said casually while holding Little Medical Fairy.

  What surprised Su Yun was that Qing Lin came in with a big cake in his hand, followed by Zi Yan and Hai Bodong.

  There were eighteen candles on the cake.

  Su Yun was startled, and then he remembered that today was his eighteenth birthday.

  "Brother, happy birthday!"

  In his arms, Little Medical Fairy hugged Su Yun's neck and said with a smile.

  "You, you always forget the time in your cultivation, even forgetting your own birthday..."

  Little Medical Fairy's pleasant voice rang out, chattering non-stop.

  Su Yun felt a little warm in his heart, and hugged Little Medical Fairy tightly.

  Birthday, what a strange and familiar word. He still remembered that he had not celebrated his birthday since his parents died in this life...

  "Happy birthday, Yun'er. Come and make a wish.

  May you live a peaceful life, year after year. In this world, being ordinary is precious..."

  "Young men should have lofty ambitions. How can they be ordinary..."


  "Happy birthday, young man."

  "Happy birthday!"

  The words of Qing Lin and others brought Su Yun back to reality.

  A sincere smile flashed across Su Yun's face.

  "Thank you."

  Su Yun did not say anything touching. Just two words, but they expressed all the emotions in his heart.

  "Make a wish."

  The little medical fairy came down from Su Yun's arms, took Su Yun's hand, and came to the table.

  Su Yun put his hands together, closed his eyes, silently recited his wish, opened his eyes, and blew out all the candles in one breath.

  "What did you wish for?"

  Su Yun looked at the little doctor who came over and tapped her forehead with his fingers.

  "If you say your wish out loud, it won't work."

  "Okay then."

  Then several people happily celebrated Su Yun's birthday.

  In the middle of the night, everyone else had left, and only the little doctor and Su Yun were left in the room.