

  Chapter 288 Clouds break the sky, five-colored fire lotus (second update)

  Su Yun stroked his smooth chin, thinking.

  The situation of these soul bodies reminded him of the Heavenly Tomb in the original book.

  The origin of the Heavenly Tomb is mysterious. It is a space created by a Dou Emperor. Once

  a soul enters it, it will live in it forever unless it is broken up by external forces.

  Soul bodies cannot use Dou Qi, but souls in the Heavenly Tomb can absorb the energy of heaven and earth into their bodies by virtue of the special nature of the Heavenly Tomb space. They can

  exert their impressive strength. Although it is inferior to their strength when they were alive, they still have 70% of their full strength, which is quite impressive.

  If these soul bodies are broken up, the energy of heaven and earth in their bodies will condense into special energy cores for people to cultivate.

  The eight ancient tribes regarded it as a place of trial for the younger generation. Xiao Yan even met his ancestor, Xiao Xuan of the Xiao clan, there.

  And this space seems to be similar to the situation in the Heavenly Tomb.

  It allows the soul body to survive here and absorb the energy of heaven and earth and store it in the body.

  But if that's all, Nalan Yanran's strength will surge after entering the Gate of Life and Death.

  Could it be that these old guys took the initiative to be killed and then provided the energy core to Nalan Yanran for cultivation?

  So selfless?

  Su Yun shook his head and didn't guess any more.

  The people are here, capture them, and it will be clear together.

  Su Yun looked at the soul body in the spiritual realm surrounded by many soul bodies.

  This person has a shabby face, a white beard, and a very immortal temperament.

  "System, scan that soul body."

  "Ding, the scan is successful."

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a gleam of light.

  Sure enough, this person is the founder of the Yunlan Sect, the former Dou Zun strongman, Yun Potian.

  Even now, because of the special nature of this space.

  He can store the energy of heaven and earth in his body, and has the strength of a one-star Dou Zun.

  Su Yun did not think it was so difficult, but was a little eager to try.

  Indeed, with his current strength, it is almost impossible to win against a Dou Zun, even a one-star Dou Zun.

  But this space is closed and not connected to the outside world, but there is more operating space.

  Su Yun's mind moved, and he came to the system space again.

  As the fighting spirit in his body circulated, flames of cyan, dark blue, and red spread on his body surface, emitting a terrifying temperature.

  Su Yun put his hands together, and the three-colored flames immediately surged into his palms.

  Su Yun had used the Buddha's Wrathful Fire Lotus move many times and was very proficient in it.

  Soon, a three-colored fire lotus appeared in his palm.

  Then Su Yun once again attracted the bone spirit cold fire in the system space.

  The white flames surged into the three-colored fire lotus.

  The terrifying energy in the fire lotus brooding surged, as if it was about to explode.

  Seeing this, Su Yun moved his mind and operated the "Burning Cold Art" to speed up the transmission of fighting spirit.

  Under the suppression of the "Burning Cold Art", the terrifying energy in the fire lotus brooding gradually calmed down and returned to calm.

  The fire lotus spun rapidly in Su Yun's palm.

  After a half-resonance, the energy of the Bone Spirit Cold Fire was also integrated into it, and the prototype of the four-color fire lotus appeared.

  With Su Yun's current strength, the four-color fire lotus displayed.

  I'm afraid that even a high-level Dou Zong strongman can be seriously injured. If luck is good, he can even be blown to death.

  But this is not enough to deal with a Dou Zun strongman.

  "System, spend three sixth-level magic cores to replace the origin of the Ruinous Heart Flame."

  "Ding, replacement successful!"

  An invisible flame instantly appeared in the system space, suspended quietly.

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with a trace of heat. The fire lotus formed by five kinds of strange fire, it must be easy to deal with Yun Potian.

  Su Yun once again guided the Meteoric Heart Flame and merged it into the Fire Lotus.   

  At the moment when Su Yun received the Falling Heart Flame to the Fire Lotus,

  a terrifying wave appeared in the Fire Lotus, causing Su Yun's face to change slightly.

  Soul power and fighting spirit surged from his body, and like free, they were madly infused into the Fire Lotus.

  Su Yun's forehead was slightly sweaty, and the five-colored Fire Lotus was the limit of what he could control now.

  Su Yun's expression was solemn, and he put all his energy on the Fire Lotus in his hand.

  In the Fire Lotus, destructive and terrifying energy surged.

  If it were not in the system space, the Fire Lotus could be kept in a static state.

  Even if the Fire Lotus lost control, there was no need to worry about life-threatening danger.

  Perhaps Su Yun would not risk fusing the five-colored Fire Lotus.

  A quarter of an hour later, the fire lotus was completely formed, with a very beautiful appearance and colorful colors, quietly staying in Su Yun's palm.


  Su Yun breathed a sigh of relief, finally succeeded.

  This kind of super-specification thing can only be used in this place.

  If it were in the outside world, it would probably cause a huge uproar. In the

  outside world, all the souls were meditating with their eyes closed, not realizing that the danger was coming.

  Speaking of which, he had no hatred with the Yunlan Sect, and even had a good relationship with Yun Yun.

  But who made this world like this?

  An innocent man is guilty of possessing a jade, just like Xiao Yan can hunt those energy bodies in the Heavenly Tomb to provide himself with cultivation.

  He could also kill the successive patriarchs of the Yunlan Sect for an unknown opportunity.

  He was getting more and more accustomed to this cruel world.

  Perhaps in the future, when Xiao Yan collected more exotic fires,

  Su Yun would hunt him for the exotic fires on Xiao Yan, and regard him as prey, rather than just a tool.

  Who can predict the future?

  Su Yun calmed down and carefully controlled the fire lotus in his hand.

  He came to the outside world, threw the exotic fire to Yun Potian, and immediately escaped back to the system space.

  The fire lotus composed of five kinds of exotic fires was extraordinary. Yun Potian keenly sensed the destructive power the moment the fire lotus came out.

  Yun Potian looked at the terrifying fire lotus so close, his pupils shrank, and his heart trembled.

  He felt the threat of death on this small fire lotus!

  "Not good!"

  The other souls also woke up one after another.


  Yun Potian shouted, his figure flashed, and he used his fighting skills.

  With the advantage of being a wind attribute in his life and the strength of a fighting master, he moved a great distance in a short time.

  But the other souls couldn't do anything. In such a short time, they had no time to move, and could only watch the five-colored fire lotus explode.

  The fire lotus swelled slightly, and the terrifying energy carried a breath of destruction.

  In the desperate eyes of many souls, it exploded immediately.


  A terrifying explosion that destroyed the heavens and the earth resounded in this space. The loud bang made the earth tremble.

  The destructive terrifying energy even blasted dozens of space cracks in this space, which could not be closed for a long time.

  The powerful Dou Zun can tear the space at will, build space channels, and travel through them.

  The power of the Fire Lotus can resist the low-level Dou Zun, and the damage to the space can be imagined.

  The aftermath spread, the space shook, and in the center of the explosion there was even a dark space pit, as if the abyss could swallow everything.

  The five-colored Fire Lotus is so terrifying!