

  Chapter 289 Fighting Emperor Qinglin (First update!)

  Su Yun silently observed the movements of the outside space in the system space and did not rush out.

  After a while, the space cracks gradually healed and the aftermath gradually dissipated.

  A bottomless pit appeared on the ground, and there were still residual five-colored flames raging around, which made the temperature in the space rise a lot.

  Dozens of strange energy cores were scattered, which made Su Yun's eyes light up.

  Although the secrets of this space have not been thoroughly excavated yet, these energy cores are not in vain.

  Then Su Yun frowned again. Among the dozens of energy cores, none of them were level eight energy cores.

  In other words, Yun Potian is not dead yet.

  Su Yun pondered for a moment. Even if he didn't die, the explosion of the five-colored fire lotus should have seriously injured him. He could go out.

  After making up his mind, Su Yun moved his mind and left the system space.

  In the outside world, Yun Potian fell to the ground with paralysis. He barely opened his eyes and his breath was weak.

  Although he didn't die immediately, he was seriously injured and his strength was greatly reduced.

  A trace of fear flashed in Yun Potian's eyes.

  With his experience, how could he not see that the power contained in the fire lotus was the power of strange fire, and even five kinds of strange fire!

  What on earth is going on!

  After Su Yun came to the outside world, he immediately sensed a weak breath.

  Immediately, he used his body fighting skills and quickly rushed to the place where the breath was.

  In a short while, Su Yun came to Yun Potian and approached slowly.

  Sure enough, he was not dead, but this was just right, if he could recover a part of his memory, all the secrets would be revealed in front of him.

  A strange smile flashed across Su Yun's mouth, and his soul power burst out of his body, turning into a soul sword, and suddenly chopped towards Yun Potian!

  Yun Potian stood up, just wanting to stay away from this place, and come back to investigate after his injuries recovered.

  Who knew that a pain that penetrated deep into the bone marrow suddenly attacked his soul.


  Yun Potian covered his head with both hands, staggered, and fell to the ground again.

  He rolled wildly on the ground, and after a few breaths, he actually fainted.

  The already declining aura became three points weaker, and it was faintly dissipated between heaven and earth.

  At this time, Su Yun's figure finally appeared in this space.

  "System, scan Yun Potian's memory."

  "Ding, scan successful."

  "Recover! "

  "Ding, recover successful."

  Done, Su Yun was very satisfied with his masterpiece.

  He did not check Yun Potian's memory immediately, but slightly looked at the soul power in the surrounding space, thinking.

  After being attacked by the fire lotus, the dozens of soul bodies were instantly dispersed.

  The energy of heaven and earth contained in them also turned into a special energy core and fell to the ground.

  However, due to the special nature of this place, the soul did not completely dissipate, but turned into strands of soul power, floating in the space.

  Collecting these soul powers can also refine a strong soul origin.

  Su Yun nodded secretly. Perhaps this soul origin would not be of much use to him.

  But it would be of great help to Qing Lin, allowing the girl's soul power to completely break through to the mortal realm.

  Then Su Yun looked at Yun Potian under his feet.

  This person had stayed in this space the longest. He was a Dou Zun strongman in his lifetime, and his strength and talent were both good.

  Moreover, in these long years, he broke through the soul boundary, absorbed the spiritual energy in the dark, and promoted his soul to the spiritual realm.

  Yun Potian is indeed a brilliant talent.

  The soul body in the spiritual realm is refined into the soul origin, which is different from the mortal realm and will retain the spiritual energy contained in it.

  It is not difficult to imagine that Qinglin's spiritual power will usher in a leap, and if she is lucky, she can even break through the spiritual realm in one move.

  After making clear arrangements for the successive leaders of the Yunlan Sect, including Yun Potian, Su Yun immediately took action.   

  A vast amount of soul power emerged in this space, transforming into dozens of soul hands, collecting the soul power floating in the air.

  Then Su Yun took advantage of Yun Potian's coma to collect it into the system space and put it in a static state.

  The soul power was scattered in every corner, and it was not easy for even Su Yun to collect it all. It

  took a full hour to finally complete it.

  Su Yun took out a special jade bottle, sealed the soul power into it with a special secret method, and collected dozens of energy cores into the system space.

  After doing all this, Su Yun's face flashed with joy.

  This time he can be said to have made a lot of money.

  Next, there is only one last step left, to check Yun Potian's memory.

  Dig out the secret of Nalan Yanran's rapid improvement in strength.

  Su Yun asked the system to project Yun Potian's memory into a soul and began to check.

  A quarter of an hour passed, and a glimmer of enlightenment flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  "This Yun Potian, after staying in this space for hundreds of years, actually invented a secret method.

  He can refine the energy of heaven and earth contained in himself into a tiny energy core again, without dying to obtain the core.

  No wonder."

  This secret method is quite good.

  The cultivation of fighting spirit is to absorb the energy of heaven and earth and refine it into one's own fighting spirit.

  And this secret method created by Yun Potian can speed up the process of absorbing the energy of heaven and earth several times.

  However, this secret method also has limitations.

  Once the energy of heaven and earth leaves the body, it will quickly dissipate between heaven and earth, making it difficult to preserve and refine.

  And what needs to be consumed is the energy of heaven and earth contained in oneself.

  Therefore, after each tiny energy core is extracted, the energy of heaven and earth

  must be absorbed again. The probability of successful extraction is also very low. The successive masters of the Yunlan Sect may have to consume their own heaven and earth energy ten times before they can condense one.

  This method is indeed good.

  Even if the success rate is low, the condensed energy core is far less than the heaven and earth energy contained in itself.

  But after a long period of accumulation, the number is considerable. After

  understanding all the secrets here, Su Yun did not stay any longer. He left this space through the system space and came to the Yunlan Sect.

  After that, he followed the same method, passed through the space barrier, and flew back to the Mittel family and came to the room.

  "I'm back."

  The little doctor fairy had a soft smile on her face, as gentle as water. She stepped forward and gently took Su Yun's arm, like a little bird.


  Su Yun held the little doctor fairy in his arms, and the two of them were affectionate for a moment.

  After a while, the two separated, and Su Yun held the little doctor fairy's hand and asked.

  "How is Qinglin?"

  "In the secret room, the aura is getting stronger, it should be..."

  Suddenly, an aura of the Douhuang level rose, like the rising sun in the east, green but not without its majesty.

  The two looked at each other and immediately came to the secret room where Qinglin was closed.

  "Young master, Sister Xian'er."

  Qinglin just came out of the secret room and ran into the two of them.

  Joy flashed in Shui Lingling's eyes, and the aura on her body leaked out. Because she had just broken through the realm, she was a little unstable.

  Su Yun went up and touched Qinglin's little head.

  "Qinglin is really amazing."

  "Hehe, thank you for the compliment, sir."

  Qinglin's eyes were filled with joy, and there seemed to be other colors and emotions mixed in, making it hard to figure out.
