

  Chapter 290 Knocking on Ya Fei (Second Update!)

  On Qing Lin's shoulder, the colorful little snake also made a soft hissing sound and licked Qing Lin's neck.

  "Cai Lin, it's so itchy."

  Qing Lin and Cai Lin were playing together. Su Yun smiled and brought the two people and the snake to the living room.

  At this time, Hai Bodong also felt the movement of Qing Lin's breakthrough and came over.

  "Oh, our Qing Lin is now also a Dou Huang strongman."

  Hai Bodong laughed, with relief in his eyes.

  "Master Hai."

  Su Yun raised his hand and asked everyone to sit down.

  "Where is Zi Yan?

  Why can't I see her?"

  Su Yun asked Hai Bodong.

  "I don't know about that either. Zi Yan basically runs out every day.

  But she comes back at night."

  Su Yun nodded after hearing that.

  Although Zi Yan's cultivation is only at the peak of the Fighting King, she has the strength of the initial Fighting Emperor with the help of the powerful blood of the Taixu Ancient Dragon. In this Jiama Empire, there are very few people who can defeat her.

  Even if she conflicts with others, the fluctuations of the battle will be sensed by them.

  "Forget it, forget about her.

  After the matter

  of the Jiama Empire is over, it's time for us to set off back to Canaan Academy, and the time is set for three days later. Hai Lao, you should arrange the affairs of the Mitel family, and use both kindness and force to prevent the people below from having any inappropriate thoughts.

  After all, we don't come back often."

  "Don't worry, I will arrange these things properly."

  "Also, call Ya Fei over tomorrow."


  After that, Su Yun encouraged Qing Lin again and let the two of them disperse.

  It takes some time to refine the soul essence, and it cannot be handed over to Qing Lin now.

  That night, the two hugged each other in bed, and Su Yun looked straight at the little medical fairy in his arms.


  The little medical fairy lowered her head and responded coquettishly.


  A short separation is better than a new marriage, so naturally there is no lack of affection.

  On the other side, in the Alchemist Guild of the Imperial Capital, Fa Ma was furious.

  "What's going on!"

  In the medicine storehouse, Fa Ma's old face turned ashen, and he shouted at the guard.

  "President, I don't know either."

  The guard wanted to cry, and the medicinal materials in the medicine storehouse suddenly disappeared today.

  This made him suffer.

  "You don't know! As a guard, you actually told me that you don't know!"

  Fa Ma looked at the guard's nose and scolded him.


  The next day.

  Su Yun opened his eyes and saw the little medical fairy lying on him, holding his cute cheeks and looking at him quietly.

  The love in those beautiful eyes seemed to be able to cross mountains and seas and melt glaciers.

  The girl's tall and delicate figure was tightly pressed against Su Yun's body, which made him a little irritated.

  Immediately, Su Yun hugged Xiao Yixian with his backhand, and at her scream, he used his soul power to build a barrier in the room again.

  The joy of love, after all, is still a different feeling.

  Su Yun has tasted the marrow.

  At noon, Xiao Yixian took a small bowl and a spoon, and carefully fed Su Yun with medicinal porridge.

  This medicinal porridge is a tonic, a big tonic.

  "Why do you want me to drink this?"

  Su Yun felt a little strange.

  A trace of charm flashed across Xiao Yixian's pretty face, which was quite touching with the youthfulness of the girl.

  "Of course it's for my future happy life."

  Xiao Yixian's tone was very naughty.

  Su Yun frowned slightly.

  "Little girl, you are looking down on me."

  "No way."

  Xiao Yixian pouted.   

  "I'm worried about you."

  "You should worry about yourself. Yesterday..."

  "Don't say that!"

  The two flirted for a while. In the afternoon, Yafei came to the house where they lived.

  Yafei was outside the door, biting her teeth lightly. Her charming face was very calm and unperturbed.

  But the uneasiness that appeared faintly in her beautiful eyes exposed her true emotions at this time.

  "Since you are here, come in."

  Su Yun's voice suddenly rang in Yafei's ears.

  Yafei took a deep breath, calmed her inner panic, and a respectful look flashed across her face.


  Yafei came to the living room, where Su Yun was already waiting.

  "Did you teach me all this?"

  Su Yun's words were confusing, but Yafei understood immediately.

  "I dare not. I just gave some suggestions for Miss Xian'er."

  Su Yun nodded, his face expressionless, his eyes clear and calm, making it impossible to tell what he was thinking.

  Su Yun naturally knew about the pads that Xiao Yixian had put on her chest at night.

  This was Ya Fei's idea.

  Ya Fei is a very shrewd, smart and ambitious woman.

  Since she was transferred to the imperial capital by Su Yun, she has taken the position of patriarch and held great power.

  Over the years, through business means, she has managed the Mitel family very well and created a lot of value for him.

  This time when he came back, Hai Bodong gave him a lot of resources from the Mitel family.

  This is largely due to Ya Fei's credit.

  After being in charge of the family for many years, her ambitions seem to be a little bigger.

  People are like this, they will never be content with the status quo, and desires are like rolling stones on the mountains...

  Su Yun doesn't hate this. As long as he is under control, it is a good thing for his subordinates to be ambitious, and it can also create more value for him.

  However, with Yafei's qualifications...

  Su Yun shook his head secretly in his heart. This world still respects strength.

  "You have a good business mind, but you also have many little thoughts."

  Su Yun's words carried a hint of beating.

  "Master Zhang, please forgive me!"

  Yafei felt a flash of panic in her heart and knelt on the ground.

  "Okay, don't be so arrogant.

  I can see that you are ambitious, but if you want to go further, you can't have these little thoughts. Do you understand?" "

  Thank you for your warning, Master."

  Yafei was already kneeling on the ground, but her heart, which was raised, had been put down.

  As smart as she was, she could naturally understand what Su Yun meant.

  This matter is in the past, but the strategy of trying to please Master Zhang by approaching those girls can no longer be used.

  "Get up."

  Ya Fei slowly stood up, her expression still respectful, her body bent, and her career line fully exposed in front of Su Yun.

  "What do you want?"

  Su Yun asked.

  Ya Fei was stunned, and a flash of surprise flashed in her beautiful eyes.

  She thought that no punishment would be the best result, but she didn't expect there would be a reward.

  "You have done your best over the years, and I am a person who clearly rewards and punishes."

  Su Yun glanced at Ya Fei's expression, understood her thoughts, and said something neither salty nor bland.

  "I want power!

  Over the years, I have been in charge of the family power and I can call the shots in the Jiama Empire. I thought I had already mastered my own destiny.

  But it was an assassination half a year ago that completely changed my mind.

  It is said that power is worthless, only power can control destiny!"

  Ya Fei said to Su Yun with a firm look.

  Sure enough.

  Su Yun was not surprised by this, stood up and walked to a room.

  "Follow me."