

  Chapter 293 Eight-Star Fighting Emperor (First Update!)

  The two chatted for a while, and Su Yun felt a little strange.

  Why did Hu Qian seem to come to him specifically?

  Sure enough, soon, Hu Qian told his intention.

  "Well, Su Yun.

  Can you also refine a Breaking Sect Pill for me?"

  Su Yun was stunned when he heard the words, and chuckled.

  "I was wondering why the vice-dean was so enthusiastic today."

  "Hey, the outer courtyard is now guarded by Yang Laozhen, and Tianlang has also broken through the Fighting Sect. Aren't I itching to do it?

  Don't worry, I will definitely prepare a generous reward for you."

  Hu Qian smiled and explained the reason.

  Because of Su Yun, Canaan Academy has two more Fighting Sect powerhouses.

  The burden on his shoulders was naturally lighter, and he also had time to retreat and practice.

  So he came to Su Yun and asked if he could ask for a Po Zong Dan.

  "You're welcome.

  It's a simple matter. Come to me in three days and prepare the herbs, and I will refine it for you."

  Hu Qian's face flashed with joy when he heard that.

  "Thank you very much."

  "Yeah." Su Yun

  nodded, then bowed and left.

  Hu Qian looked at Su Yun's back and was a little dazed for a while.

  When Su Yun entered Canaan Academy, he wanted to match him with his granddaughter.

  But he didn't expect that in just a few years, the Douling student at that time had become a strong man of the same level as him.

  This kind of monster really can't be measured by common sense...


  In the blink of an eye, five days passed.

  In the past five days, he had found time to refine Hu Qian's Po Zong Dan, Zi Yan's pills, and Qing Lin's soul essence, and handed them over to the three people one by one.

  Su Yun also gave Qing Lin more than ten energy cores that he brought back from the Gate of Life and Death.

  The energy of this kind of energy core can be directly absorbed, which is very helpful for improving cultivation.

  As for the rest, he kept them for his own cultivation.

  Small attic.

  Su Yun absorbed the energy of heaven and earth in an energy core and withdrew from the state of cultivation.

  He slowly opened his eyes, and a ray of brilliance flashed slightly.

  Seven-star peak fighting emperor.

  He stayed in the seven-star fighting emperor realm for a period of time. Now that he absorbed an energy core, his cultivation has also reached the seven-star peak fighting emperor, and he is only a step away from the eight-star fighting emperor.

  If he could concentrate in seclusion for three days and absorb a few more energy cores, he would surely be able to completely break through to the Eight-Star Fighting Emperor.

  This energy core is a good thing, but the quantity is too small.

  Su Yun thought with some greed.

  "Boy Su."

  At this time, Hai Bodong's voice came from outside the attic.

  Su Yun's mind moved, it seems that there is news about the auction held by the Eight Gates.

  "Emperor Hai, come in."

  Su Yun used soul transmission to call Hai Bodong to the living room, and he also got up and went there.

  "Emperor Hai, how is the situation?"

  "I found out clearly.

  The auction held by the Eight Gates will be held in five days."

  Su Yun nodded.

  Five days, that would allow him to wait until he breaks through in seclusion before planning the Alien Fire Remnant Map and Three Thousand Thunders.

  "In addition, I have been investigating the Black Emperor Sect and the Demon Flame Valley these days in the Black Horn Region.

  Since we left, the Black Emperor Sect has begun to expand recklessly and without fear.   

  As for the Demon Flame Valley, it is still the same.

  The old demon has been in seclusion for many years, and there is no one to support him. The Douhuang elders can only guard their own piece of land. "The

  old demon is very powerful, and his cultivation has reached the seven-star Douzong.

  Zhang Ritian's strength is far beyond the same level. Although he has the cultivation of six-star Douzong, his real combat power has reached the seven-star Douzong, and he is on par with the old demon.

  If Su Yun had not obtained the first change of the three mysterious changes of the sky fire, he might not have thought of confronting the old demon head-on for the time being.

  As for now, it is naturally different.

  After explaining the matter, Hai Bodong said goodbye and left. Su

  Yun stroked his smooth chin. Since time permits, it won't be too late to break through first.

  Then Su Yun returned to the room and continued to practice, sitting cross-legged.

  He took out another energy core from the system space, and the fighting spirit surged out of his body, responding to the energy of heaven and earth in it, entering his body, and practicing the exercises to begin practicing.

  Three days passed quickly, and Su Yun's breath at this time fluctuated slightly, with signs of a breakthrough.

  The three-color strange fire can speed up the speed of refining the energy of heaven and earth. .

  Coupled with the meteoric heart flame in his chest, his practice speed cannot be measured by common sense at all.

  The energy of heaven and earth contained in the energy core is extremely abundant, and using it to practice is much faster than him absorbing the free energy between heaven and earth.

  And The cultivation memories of Yao Lao and Jinglian Demon Saint were also of great help to him.

  With the combination of various factors, he was able to be promoted to the Eight-Star Fighting Emperor in just three days.

  While Su Yun was breathing, the energy of heaven and earth in the energy core in his hand quickly entered his body, and the aura around Su Yun began to surge.

  After a quarter of an hour, Su Yun's aura completely surged.

  Eight-Star Fighting Emperor.

  "Huh. "

  Su Yun looked at the empty energy core in his hand, exerted a little force with his palm, and crushed it completely.

  Another energy core was used up.

  Then Su Yun felt his own breath slightly, and practiced his skills to completely retract the breath that escaped from his body. The

  eight-star Fighting Emperor is only two stars away from the Fighting Sect realm.

  If all the remaining energy cores are absorbed, I am afraid that he will be able to take another step forward in two months and reach the realm of the Nine-Star Fighting Emperor.

  Fighting Sect is not far away.

  At this time, the door of the room was pushed open, and the little medical fairy who had been guarding outside came to Su Yun.

  "Congratulations, brother..."

  Before the little medical fairy could finish her congratulations, Su Yun patted her, then picked her up by the waist and entered the room.

  "Xian'er, a mere verbal congratulation won't do."

  "It's daytime now..."

  The little medical fairy snuggled in Su Yun's arms, struggled symbolically for a few times, and then lowered her head coquettishly.

  Two days passed, and it was finally the day for the Eight Gates to hold an auction.

  Su Yun used the deception to change his appearance and came to the gate of the Eight Gates.

  The guard at the gate had the cultivation of a great fighter, and he looked ferocious, like a tiger coming down the mountain.

  After seeing Su Yun, he wanted to stop Su Yun and ask him to show proof of his financial resources.

  Seeing this, Su Yun only slightly revealed a trace of the aura of the Fighting Emperor.

  The guard Wei immediately changed his face, from a tiger to a big cat, and bowed and invited Su Yun in.

  Su Yun was invited into an independent room, and his soul power unfolded to investigate the situation of the strong people who came to participate in the auction.

  Two fighting emperors, several fighting kings, and countless people with other cultivations.

  Su Yun was slightly stunned when he saw this.

  Hey, Mo Ya also came to this auction.

  Su Yun's eyes lit up, which was just right.

  After the auction is over, he can beat him up to see if the Bodhi Transformation Saliva has fallen into the hands of the Black Emperor Sect.

  "Strange, why is Xiao Yan not here?"

  Su Yun felt a little confused again.

  According to his memory, Xiao Yan should appear at this auction.

   Ah ah ah, the final exam is coming! !