

  Chapter 294 The third incomplete picture (Second update!)

  Could it be because the auction hasn't started yet?

  Su Yun shook his head immediately, not caring too much.

  With Xiao Yan's current strength, even with the help of Yao Lao, he can't pose any threat to him.

  It's impossible to imagine a thief robbing a thief like in the original book.

  At this time, at a flying base in the Black Horn Region, a young man with a big ruler on his back jumped down from the back of a flying monster.

  "The Black Horn Region can be regarded as the most chaotic place in the northwest continent.

  The rest of the area is still in order, but here burning, killing and looting happen every day..."

  Yao Lao's voice rang in Xiao Yan's heart, but his voice was very weak, not as full of energy as before.

  "But this is also the place in the northwest continent where resources and intelligence are most circulated.

  Xiao Yanzi, we have to find a way to buy some medicinal materials here to refine the soul-nourishing saliva."

  Hearing this, Xiao Yan's eyes showed a deep sense of guilt.

  "Teacher, I'm sorry..."

  "It doesn't matter, you and I don't have to say these polite words.

  Yunlan Sect will pay the price."

  Since knowing that the Xiao family was in trouble, Xiao Yan and Yao Lao rushed back to Wutan City.

  But in the end, they were still a step late. The Xiao family was in a mess, and Xiao Zhan had been captured.

  Later, Xiao Yan and Yao Laoer went to Yunlan Sect, but Yao Lao now lost the help of the Bone Spirit Cold Fire.

  With his spiritual power at that time, facing Yunshan was like hitting a rock with an egg.

  Fortunately, an eight-star fighting emperor appeared at the end. Under his protection, Xiao Yan finally escaped down the mountain.

  When he heard the three words "Yunlan Sect", a trace of uncontrollable brutality flashed in Xiao Yan's eyes.

  But it quickly dissipated and disappeared deep in his heart.

  "When I traveled around the mainland, I also came to this place.

  The top forces here like to hold auctions to sell shady goods.

  Ask around. With your current financial resources and status as a fourth-grade pharmacist, you are also qualified to participate.

  Soul-nourishing saliva is ranked fifth grade, and ordinary pharmacies do not have the herbs to refine it. Go and try your luck, and maybe there will be other unexpected gains.

  But remember, don't provoke those Douhuang strongmen.

  With my current spiritual power, if I burst out the power of the Douhuang level again, I will fall into a deep sleep..."

  "Yes, teacher."


  Half a day passed.

  The auction site was already full, and the auction officially began at this time.

  Generally speaking, the most precious treasures in the auction are used as the climax.

  The things released earlier were all used to warm up the atmosphere.

  Those things might be okay for fighting spirits, but they no longer appealed to Su Yun.

  Seeing the auction start, Su Yun came out of his fake sleep state and used his soul power to explore the entire venue again.

  Sure enough, he found a strong soul power in a private room of the auction.

  And there was also a fighting emperor lurking in the dark with concealed means, and his position was around that private room.

  A glimmer of light flashed in Su Yun's eyes.

  Xiao Yan is here after all.

  However, Yao Lao's soul power seemed to be exhausted again, and the disaster of the Xiao family still happened.

  After Su Yun saw through the situation of Xiao Yan and others, he no longer paid attention to them, and quietly waited for the appearance of the Strange Fire Remnant Picture and the Three Thousand Thunders.

  In another compartment.

  Xiao Yan looked at the items being auctioned with great interest. This

  was his first time to participate in an auction of this level. With his current level of Great Fighter, those items used to liven up the atmosphere would be of great benefit to him.

  But he was short of money and had to save some to buy herbs, so he could only watch.

  At this time, half an hour later, the Strange Fire Remnant Map that Su Yun had been waiting for finally appeared.

  "The next item is quite strange. Even we, the Eight Gates, don't know its use."   

  The auctioneer clapped his hands while speaking. The fighting spirit attendant beside him walked to the auctioneer with a silver plate in his hand.

  Hearing the auctioneer say this, everyone was a little curious.

  The Eight Gates, as a first-rate force with a fighting emperor as its master, didn't even know the use of this treasure. It must be unusual.

  There were also some old hands who often attended the auction, with a hint of sneer on their faces.

  They knew that the auctioneer said this just to raise the price of the item.

  The auctioneer lifted the white cloth on the silver plate, and what came into everyone's eyes was a dilapidated and simple map.

  Seeing this, everyone showed contempt on their faces.

  Such incomplete maps are not uncommon in mainland China.

  Some people who are good at taking advantage of others will deliberately create some similar incomplete maps by making them look old, in order to deceive the wronged.

  The auctioneer was not embarrassed when he saw this, but instead used his eloquent tongue to start a round of embarrassing praise.

  "Hey, this map is weird."

  Yao Lao's suspicious voice suddenly rang in Xiao Yan's ears.

  Xiao Yan heard this, and a trace of confusion flashed across his face.

  "Teacher, you are not seeing things, is this just a broken map?"

  "What do you know!

  Although there are many crudely made things in the world, there is also the saying of panning for gold in the sand.

  This thing is strange. Although I can't tell what is drawn on this broken map.

  But its material is very rare, even in Zhongzhou it is still very precious.

  A map made of such material must be extraordinary."

  Although Yao Lao was weak, he showed no sign of weakness when he taught Xiao Yan.

  Xiao Yan looked embarrassed and smiled awkwardly.

  "Teacher, then we are going to bid for it?"

  "Go ahead.

  But consider your financial resources. If you really can't afford it

  , forget it. It's not easy to put together a fragment of this kind of picture."

  "Okay, teacher, I understand."

  The auctioneer praised the fragment of the picture on the stage, and after a long time, he started bidding.

  "The starting price of this fragment is 100,000 gold coins, and the bidding starts now." As soon as

  the voice fell, there was a dead silence at the scene.

  The auctioneer was also a little helpless when seeing this.

  Generally speaking, only things with low value need to be praised.

  And those real treasures only need to be mentioned to attract people.

  This fragment of the picture is obviously the former.

  The auctioneer no longer has the intention of bidding this thing at a high price.

  I just secretly prayed that someone would be interested in this fragment of the painting, so that it would not be sold at a loss.

  At this time, a young voice came from a private room.

  "One hundred thousand gold coins."

  The auctioneer was delighted and relieved when he heard the voice, but he was shocked when he looked at the voice.

  Only two kinds of people are qualified to enter the Tianzi private room.

  The powerful fighting emperor, or the people sent by the first-class forces to participate in the auction.

  "The guest in the Tianzi private room bid one hundred thousand gold coins, is there anyone who bids?"

  Seeing this, Xiao Yan hurriedly asked Yao Lao for his opinion.

  "Teacher, what should we do now? Should we bid?"

  Yao Lao's eyes also flashed with a trace of hesitation.

  "When the auctioneer is about to drop the hammer, he will bid. This person must have only been interested for a short time.

  Few people in the northwest mainland can see the details of this incomplete picture."