

  Chapter 295 Three Thousand Thunders (First Update!)


  Xiao Yan nodded.

  After a while, no one bid.

  "Are there any other customers bidding?"

  The auctioneer shouted when he saw this.

  There was still a dead silence all around, and the auctioneer was quite open-minded about it.

  It was a blessing that such a broken picture would not be sold unsold.

  "One hundred thousand gold coins, once."

  "One hundred thousand gold coins, twice."

  "One hundred thousand gold coins..."

  Just when the auctioneer was about to strike the hammer, a hoarse voice came.

  "One hundred thousand."

  Su Yun narrowed his eyes and looked over.

  It turned out to be Xiao Yan's private room.

  That's right, with Yao Lao's eyesight, it would be strange if he couldn't see the clues of this broken picture.

  "One hundred thousand."

  Su Yun shouted lightly, his tone was flat, and it was impossible to tell whether he was happy or angry.

  As the price was being bid, the aura of an eight-star fighting emperor was quietly released, sweeping the entire venue, and then quickly retracted.

  Although the time was short, the faces of the people present changed one after another.

  "Eight-star fighting emperor! What a terrifying cultivation!"

  "Since the disappearance of Medicine Emperor Han Feng and the two elders Jin Yin, the gold content of the Black Horn Domain Black List has dropped sharply.

  Apart from those old monsters who have been hiding from the world, I am afraid that only the Black Emperor Sect and the Demon Flame Valley, these two old forces, have high-level fighting emperors."

  After Su Yun ambushed Han Feng and others last time, the number of high-level fighting emperors in the Black Horn Domain has been greatly reduced.

  The shocking power of high-level fighting emperors is much stronger in the Black Horn Domain.

  "The aura is unfamiliar, and I have never sensed it in the Black Horn Region. It should be a dragon from the river that I don't know where it came from."

  While everyone was discussing, Yuan Yi, the leader of the Eight Gates who was hidden behind the scenes, also had a gloomy face.

  Such an action was already provoking the majesty of the Eight Gates, but Yuan Yi did not dare to say a word and could only watch with frustration.

  He couldn't afford to provoke an

  eight-star fighting emperor. The top ten strong men on the black list sounded very impressive, but his real cultivation was only a two-star fighting emperor.

  With such a huge gap, if they really fought, he would have no power to fight back.

  "Teacher, do you still want to compete?"

  Xiao Yan's forehead was already sweating. Although the aura was not specifically aimed at him, the meaning implied in it was very obvious.

  "Forget it."

  Yao Lao's voice was filled with a sense of frustration and helplessness.

  Thinking of him as the former Medicine Master, now facing an eight-star fighting emperor, he actually had to retreat...

  Suddenly, Yao Lao's expression changed, as if he heard the discussion on the field.

  "Medicine Emperor, Han Feng...

  Han Feng!"

  Hearing this name, Yao Lao's face, which seemed to be always calm, flashed with a trace of anger and sadness.

  "Teacher, teacher?

  What's wrong with you?"

  Xiao Yan's worried words calmed Yao Lao's anger temporarily, and his mind returned to reality.

  "It's okay, I just remembered the old days."


  On the auction table, the auctioneer was also startled by Su Yun's breath. After seeing that no one was bidding again, he immediately started counting down.

  "One hundred and twenty thousand, once."

  "One hundred and twenty thousand, twice."

  "One hundred and twenty thousand, three times."

  "Deal, congratulations to this customer!"

  After Su Yun showed his own cultivation, the incomplete map naturally fell into Su Yun's hands without any obstacles.

  The matter was settled, and the next step was naturally the competition for other auction items.

  Seeing this, Su Yun closed his eyes and went to sleep again.

  Another hour passed, and finally the thing that was kept at the bottom of the box today arrived.

  "Earth-level low-level body fighting skills, three thousand thunders."

  Unlike the previous introduction of the incomplete map, the auctioneer only mentioned the grade of the three thousand thunders and did not introduce it again.

  But this aroused great enthusiasm among the people present.

  Low-level earth-level fighting skills are extremely valuable even in the Black Horn Region.

  "Earth-level body skills!"   

  Xiao Yan stared at the scroll on the stage, his eyes wide open, his face full of greed.

  "Three Thousand Thunders...

  Isn't this thing the inherited body movement of Fenglei Pavilion? How did it come to this Black Horn Region?"

  Yao Lao's tone flashed with a hint of doubt.

  "Fenglei Pavilion?

  Teacher, what kind of force is this Fenglei Pavilion?"

  "It's a super force in Zhongzhou. I will tell you the rest later.

  You only need to know now that Fenglei Pavilion is more than a hundred times stronger than Yunlan Sect."

  Hearing this, Xiao Yan's heart was shocked.

  Just as Xiao Yan was shocked, the voice of the auctioneer on the auction table rang again.

  "I don't need to tell you too much about the value of this fighting skill.

  There is no starting price for Three Thousand Thunders. The bidding starts now!"

  "Five hundred thousand gold coins!"

  "Six hundred thousand gold coins!"

  "One million gold coins!"


  Su Yun also opened his eyes at this time, but he did not participate in the bidding. Instead, he looked at a private room.

  Mo Ya's breath came from there, and now the highest price for Three Thousand Thunders was also shouted by this wealthy Mr. Mo.

  Su Yun's mouth curled up.

  He originally wanted to bid for the Three Thousand Thunders himself and get it in his hands, but he was afraid that something might change.

  Even if someone wanted to intercept him and snatch it away, he could leave safely with his strength.

  But now that he saw that Mo Ya wanted the Three Thousand Thunders, he changed his mind.

  He would be beaten up anyway, so it was okay to leave the Three Thousand Thunders with Mo Ya for a while.

  In Mo Ya's private room, Mo Ya sat calmly on the luxurious sofa.

  When he saw someone bidding, he immediately raised the price, and each time the price was increased by one hundred thousand.

  He showed his wealth and generosity to the fullest.

  With the intelligence ability of the Black Emperor Sect, they naturally got the news of the Three Thousand Thunders in the auction.

  Today, he received an order from his father to get this item.

  "Earth-level body skills..."

  Xiao Yan swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He only mastered the "Flame Dividing Wave Ruler", which was an earth-level fighting skill.

  "Want it?"

  Yao Lao's voice echoed in Xiao Yan's heart, with a hint of teasing in his tone.

  "I want it."

  Xiao Yan nodded and admitted it honestly.

  "It's not impossible."

  Xiao Yan's eyes lit up when he heard this.



  If I'm not mistaken, the eight-star fighting emperor should also come for this fighting skill."

  Xiao Yan's eyes flashed with confusion.

  "But, he didn't bid?"

  "Are you really stupid or just pretending to be stupid?

  This is the Black Horn Region, where murder and robbery are common. Just because

  he didn't bid now doesn't mean he doesn't want the three thousand thunders.

  Have you noticed that this fighting emperor has only bid once since the auction started, and that was for the incomplete picture."

  Xiao Yan nodded when he heard this. He was not a stupid person, but he lacked some experience.

  With Yao Lao's advice, he thought about it for a while and understood what his teacher meant.

  "Teacher, you mean to say that this famous fighting emperor originally came from these three thousand thunders.

  The incomplete map is just a momentary desire?"

  "Yes, that's what you mean.

  In such auctions, the organizers will often tell the outside world what the top item is.

  And there is no need to deliberately promote the rest of the things that are not on the table.

  His target this time must be the three thousand thunders!"

  Yao Lao's voice is firm and full of confidence.

   Wait for another update.