

  Chapter 298 Elder Mu Gu (Second Update!)

  Just as the ice sword light was about to arrive, a figure suddenly emerged from the hill and flew rapidly into the air.


  A terrifying energy wave erupted at the hill, and the top of the hill was flattened by the sword light. The remaining cold air filled it, and the mountain suddenly turned snow-white.

  "The power of this attack is comparable to that of a strong man who just entered the Dou Sect."

  Yao Lao's solemn voice resounded in Xiao Yan's heart.

  Xiao Yan was shocked when he heard this, and couldn't help but feel a little dry in his mouth.

  Dou Sect strongman...

  The terrifying power of Yunshan in Yunlan Sect that day emerged in Xiao Yan's mind.

  "Xiao Yanzi, let's go.

  It's only a matter of time before another Douhuang strongman is defeated.

  You have no chance of these three thousand thunders."



  Elsewhere, after Su Yun slashed out the sword light, he immediately turned to Xuantian Cangyu Step and chased after Yuan Yi.

  "Damn it!"

  Yuan Yi's voice trembled, and he cursed secretly, and fled madly into the distance.

  He originally wanted to see if both of them would be defeated, and he would appear at the end to act as a fisherman and take their property.

  But he didn't expect that the eight-star Douhuang was so powerful that he could easily defeat Mo Ya and the Great Elder of the Black Emperor Sect.

  "Can you escape?"

  Suddenly, an indifferent voice sounded beside Yuan Yi.


  A trace of horror flashed across Yuan Yi's eyes, and a chill filled his brain.

  Su Yun's figure appeared beside Yuan Yi, and with a slight movement of his wrist, his sword flew out like a dragon.

  Yuan Yi was anxious, and hurriedly stretched out his hands, gathering the fighting spirit in his palms, and actually wanted to catch the blade with his bare hands.

  A trace of sneer flashed across Su Yun's eyes, and you thought of catching the seventh-level magic core long sword with bare hands.


  The long sword collided with Yuan Yi's palm, and it cut through the fighting spirit in Yuan Yi's palm without any hindrance, and chopped off his palm.

  The fear in Yuan Yi's heart began to spread.

  "Let me go! I can be your dog!"

  Yuan Yi looked at Su Yun, knowing that he could not escape from his hands, and actually knelt in the air and begged for mercy on the spot.

  Su Yun frowned slightly, and a trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes.

  Compared with the great elder of the Black Emperor Sect, this Yuan Yi can be said to be spineless.

  Su Yun shook his head. Being a dog also requires qualifications.

  Such a person has no loyalty at all. There is no guarantee that he will not bite you in the back one day.

  With this thought, Su Yun chopped off Yuan Yi's head in the eyes of resentment and despair.

  Then Su Yun put Yuan Yi's storage ring into the system space and turned to look at the place where Xiao Yan had hidden before.

  Su Yun raised his eyebrows. Ran away?

  The speed is fast enough, otherwise you will have a hard time.

  Su Yun snorted coldly and flew towards the Eight Gates.

  Since Yuan Yi has been killed, it is a good opportunity to rob the Eight Gates. He has never had too much resources.


  After Su Yun finished looting the Eight Gates, he returned to the inner courtyard of Canaan Academy.

  "I'm back."

  Xiao Yixian looked at Su Yun with a smile, her beautiful eyes full of joy, hugged Su Yun's waist, and waited for Su Yun to come back as always.


  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian were affectionate for a while, then sat cross-legged and began to check Mo Ya's memory.

  Xiao Yixian was also swallowing poison to practice.

  After a while, Su Yun opened his eyes, and a look of regret flashed in them.

  Bodhi's body saliva has not yet reached the hands of the Black Emperor Sect.   

  Su Yun took a long breath and spit out the depression in his chest.

  The Bodhi Body Saliva should have appeared in the auction in Black Seal City three years later.

  But this natural treasure has actually been in the hands of the Black Emperor Sect for a long time.

  He didn't know exactly when, so he didn't take action.

  Otherwise, with his current strength, the Black Emperor Sect would be insignificant.

  The Falling Heart Flame has not been refined and absorbed yet, so let's wait a little longer.

  Su Yun shook his head and went to find Hai Bodong to tell him the good news of Yuan Yi's death.

  Then he returned to the small attic and ignored Hai Bodong who was laughing wildly at the sky.

  After returning to the attic, Su Yun took out the scroll of Three Thousand Thunders again.

  Three Thousand Thunders and Xuantian Cangyu Steps, both low-level earth-level fighting skills, did not help him improve his strength.

  Su Yun pondered for a while, and decided to learn it.

  After all, it was a fighting skill that was heavily mentioned in the original work, and he had to learn it sooner or later.

  It was also a good way to satisfy his collecting addiction, just a fifth-level energy crystal.

  "System, merge the low-level earth-level fighting skill Three Thousand Thunders with me!"

  "Ding, a fusion solution was detected, which requires a fifth-level energy crystal. Do you want to merge it?"


  Immediately, a mysterious message came into Su Yun's mind, and a quarter of an hour later Su Yun opened his eyes.

  The information of the low-level earth-level fighting skills was not huge for the spirit realm soul.

  Therefore, Su Yun digested it quickly.

  Then, Su Yun's eyes flashed with a trace of thought.

  In addition to the energy cores he brought from the Gate of Life and Death, he still had a lot of them left.

  According to his expectation, after absorbing and refining these energy cores, his cultivation should be able to reach the next level and reach the Nine-Star Fighting Emperor.

  And this process will take no more than two months.

  Let's refine the energy cores first. The higher the cultivation, the greater the chance of refining the Meteoric Heart Flame.

  After Su Yun made up his mind, he began to practice in seclusion.


  Zhongzhou, a valley with beautiful scenery.

  An old man in a black robe stood in front of the tomb, and on the grave there were several graceful dancers dancing.

  "Brother, I've treated you well, haven't I?

  Even after you die, I'll let people dance on your grave. I'm sure you'll be smiling in the underworld, hahaha..."

  The old man muttered to himself, as if he was thinking of something happy, and a crazy laugh came out of his mouth.

  If someone from Zhongzhou passed by here and saw the old man in such a state, he would probably run away immediately, fearing that he would be killed to silence him.

  This person is the Venerable of the Soul Palace, Elder Mu Gu.

  And the brother he mentioned is naturally self-evident.

  On the tombstone, there are a few big characters engraved with Medicine Venerable Yao Chen.

  "Venerable, there is news from the Wu Protector of the Northwest Continent."

  At this time, a strange figure came behind Elder Mu Gu with an envelope in his hand and said respectfully.

  Elder Mu Gu narrowed his eyes and took the envelope.

  He has some connection with Han Feng, in order to better monitor him.

  He bribed the Xuan protector beside Han Feng, as well as the Wu protector from the Northwest Continent.

  This move was naturally for the remaining scroll of the Burning Decree and the Sea Heart Flame in Han Feng's hand.

  Although the Burning Decree is mysterious, if it is just a remaining scroll, he would not be interested in it with his Dou Zun cultivation.

  But if Han Feng can find a way out with the remaining scroll of the Burning Decree, it would be hard to say...

  Elder Mu Gu tore open the envelope, took out the letter, spread it out and took a look.

  "How is it possible!"

  Elder Mu Gu's fighting spirit was surging, and his terrifying aura was surging. The dancers on the grave were panicked, and with a cry, they collapsed on the grave covered with medicine dust.
