

  Chapter 299 Nine-star Douhuang (First update!)

  The strange figure behind old man Mu Gu trembled.

  He was just a guardian of the Soul Palace, with the cultivation of Dou Zong. Facing the pressure of old man Mu Gu at close range, he was a little overwhelmed.

  The gap between Dou Zun and Dou Zong is huge, like the difference between heaven and earth. I don't know how many people have been killed.

  "Yao Chen!"

  A terrible cold light flashed in old man Mu Gu's eyes.

  "I didn't expect that you are still alive!"

  Old man Mu Gu snorted coldly, waved his sleeves, and the Dou Qi attracted the energy of heaven and earth to open the grave.

  Several dancers also flew backwards, lying on the side, shivering.

  A white skeleton appeared in the air.

  Old man Mu Gu looked ugly, and beat the skeleton into white ash, scattering it on the mud.

  "Come here, keep playing the music, and keep dancing!"

  Old man Mu Gu shouted to the dancers.


  The dancers' eyes flashed with fear, but they did not dare to disobey old man Mu Gu's order.

  He could only step on the mud covered with white ash, bite the bullet, and dance again.

  Seeing this scene, the anger in the heart of old man Mu Gu dissipated a little, and he calmed down to think.

  "Since Yao Chen and the remnants of the Xiao family are linked together.

  Then, the elders in charge of this matter in the Soul Hall must have also received the news, right?"

  The Soul Hall guardian heard the words and hurriedly bowed.

  "Yes, the news of the remnants of the Xiao family appearing has spread in the hall."

  "That's perfect.

  The guardians of the Northwest Continent are often scattered all over the place and do not interfere with each other.

  The rules in the hall have always been like this.

  Now that the Xiao family has something wrong, we will make an exception, and the other elders will not say anything.

  Go, tell me the news, let the guardians Wu and Xuan join forces to deal with Xiao Yan, and make sure to take him down!"



  Inner courtyard of Canaan Academy, small attic.

  Two months passed quickly.

  A strong breath came out from the room.

  After a while, Su Yun pushed the door open and stretched slightly.

  Nine-star Douhuang!

  Su Yun's eyes flashed with excitement, getting closer and closer to Dou Zong!

  At this time, Xiao Yixian also felt Su Yun's breath and came over after hearing the sound.

  Su Yun looked at Xiao Yixian, with a flash of surprise in his eyes.

  "Xian'er, you have also broken through to the Nine-Star Dou Huang?"

  Xiao Yixian put her hands on her hips, a flash of pride on her face, and the girl's cute and innocent look was vividly written on the paper.

  "A month ago, I broke through."

  Xiao Yixian smiled playfully, walked in front of Su Yun, got into his arms, rubbed her pretty face against Su Yun's chest, and said coquettishly.

  Su Yun smiled helplessly, Xiao Yixian's training speed was still faster than his.

  Of course, in terms of combat power, it's hard to say.

  "Let's go out for a walk."

  Xiao Yixian raised her face, blinking her eyes, and suggested.

  Su Yun pondered for a while and nodded.


  The girlfriend still has to accompany him.

  Then the two walked out of the small attic, holding hands, and strolled in the inner courtyard.

  "Let's go to the arena, it's lively there."

  Xiao Yixian was in high spirits today, holding Su Yun's hand and running on the road.

  "Okay, okay."

  A faint smile flashed across Su Yun's face.

  Speaking of which, they are still students of the inner courtyard in name.

  The two came to the arena, which was crowded with people and the audience seats were full.

  On the field, two students at the peak of Douling were competing.   

  One person used a long sword, his movements were quite graceful, and his body exuded a light fighting spirit.

  "Lin Xiuya, come on!"

  "Lin Xiuya, come on!"

  "Lin Xiuya, come on!"


  The cheers in the audience were basically one-sided, all the voices of female students.

  Only a few people blushed and cheered for another person, most of them were his friends.

  A trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of the Little Medical Fairy.

  "Lin Xiuya... I seem to have heard of this name somewhere?"

  Su Yun chuckled, and his soul power shone through his body.

  But he found that there was no empty seat in the audience. In desperation, he could only take the Little Medical Fairy to the referee's seat.

  "Do you still remember the inner courtyard selection competition we participated in before?

  Lin Xiuya is in the same class as us, and he was the one who was beaten into a pig's head by me in the finals."

  A trace of realization flashed across the Little Medical Fairy's face.

  "Oh, I remember it."

  The Little Medical Fairy took Su Yun's arm, her eyebrows curved, and a faint smile appeared on her delicate cheeks.

  Thinking of the time when Su Yun used his skills to ensure that he would definitely get a top five place.

  "Hey, you two are willing to come here.

  I haven't seen you for a long time."

  An elder suddenly spoke up on the referee's bench.

  The two looked over, and Xiao Yixian immediately found that this elder was Elder Su, who had a good relationship with Su Yun before.

  Previously, Elder Su took good care of Xiao Yixian at Su Yun's request, and even helped Xiao Yixian block Dai Xie.

  Su Yun was not surprised to see Elder Su. He used his soul power to detect that Elder Su was here, so he brought Xiao Yixian here.

  "Elder Su, how are you recently?"

  Su Yun smiled and bowed.

  "Hahaha, thanks to you, I'm doing well."

  Elder Su laughed, and then asked Su Yun and Xiao Yixian to sit down. There

  were naturally many empty seats in the referee's bench. Given their relationship, it was completely reasonable to give them a convenience.

  What's more, Elder Su Qian had actually instructed many elders in the inner courtyard.

  Su Yun should be given some preferential treatment, as long as he does not exceed the rules of the inner courtyard.

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian came to the referee's seat, which attracted the attention of some students. Many people whispered.

  "Hey, who are those two people? Do you know?"

  "How should I know? They are so young and don't look like elders of the inner courtyard. Maybe they are a few years younger than us."


  Everyone talked about it and speculated curiously about the identities of Su Yun and Xiao Yixian.

  Only a few students who were in the same class as the two recognized their identities and their faces changed drastically.

  Su Yun and Xiao Yixian didn't know what happened in the audience.

  After the two took their seats, they talked to Elder Su for a few words and then watched the game in the field with relish.

  Although Lin Xiuya's cultivation was low, he won because of his light and agile wind-attributed movements.

  Moreover, as a Douling Spirit, his combat power was obviously higher. He seemed to be at ease on the field and very entertaining.

  After a while, Lin Xiuya's opponent was exhausted and panting, with several sword marks on his body, and said decadently.

  "I give up."

  "Thank you."

  Lin Xiuya had a showy smile on his face, and he made a sword flower, holding the long sword on his back, and said modestly.

  The winner was decided, and the cheers from the audience became even crazier.

  There was even an obsessed female student who, despite her boyfriend's objection, took out a wedding dress from her ring and put it on, shouting.

  "Get married! Get married! Get married..."

  Seeing this, Lin Xiuya was a little amused and could only wave his hands.

  "You can't marry all of them, you can't marry all of them at all."

  "Marry me! Marry me! Marry me..."

  Then Lin Xiuya ignored the cheers from the audience, looked at the referee's seat, nodded to the elder, and planned to walk off the stage.

  But when he looked at the referee's seat, his pupils suddenly shrank, as if he had discovered something terrible.